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Laryngitis & Epiglottitis

Presented by: Michelle Aguilar, Marissa Aguilera & Jacqueline Romo Period#8. Laryngitis & Epiglottitis . What is it? . Laryngitis is a lower respiratory infection that creates minor inflammation of the larynx and the surrounding tissues

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Laryngitis & Epiglottitis

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  1. Presented by: Michelle Aguilar, Marissa Aguilera & Jacqueline Romo Period#8 Laryngitis & Epiglottitis

  2. What is it? • Laryngitis is a lower respiratory infection that creates minor inflammation of the larynx and the surrounding tissues • Epiglottitis is a lower respiratory infection which causes inflammation on the small cartilage which covers you windpipe, blocking airflow into lungs.

  3. EtiologyLaryngitis Epiglottitis • Causative agents: rhinoviruses. • Gram negative • Common causes are the common cold & the flu. • You can also get it from the overuse of your voice, irritation from allergies, or if the vocal cords become infected and swell. • Causative agents: Haemophilus influenza (Hib) and streptococci • Gram negative • Causes are bacterial infection strains such as streptococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus and klebsiella. Epiglottitis Gram Stain

  4. Epidemiology Laryngitis Epiglottitis • It is most common amongst males and any age between 18-40 years of age. • It is most common in the early spring • Commonly seen amongst 2-7 year olds, particularly the males. • May get it at any age • Not very common in the U.S. • There is 1 case per 100,000 people per year.

  5. Mode of Transmission Laryngitis Epiglottitis • Laryngitis itself is not transmitted, but the viruses that often cause laryngitis can be passed from person to person or by aerosol droplets. • Spreads through inflected water droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air.

  6. Symptoms Laryngitis Epiglottitis • Symptoms of laryngitis include: • hoarseness • dry or sore throat • coughing • trouble swallowing • Symptoms of epiglottitis include: • sore throat • hoarseness • high fever • trouble swallowing • shortness of breath • wheezing • drooling

  7. Diagnostic Tests Laryngitis Epiglottitis • The diagnosis is made at doctors office by examination. This brief examination will include looking for lumps and inflammation in the throat. • Diagnosis includes several tests such as • Throat examinations • chest or neck x-ray • throat culture and blood tests • pulse oximeter

  8. Treatment for Laryngitis • Acute laryngitis gets better on its own within in about a week • For chronic laryngitis, it targets the underlying cause like heartburn, smoking, or excessive use of alcohol. • Medication such as antibiotics or corticosteroids are commonly used. • Antibiotics wont help because laryngitis is viral not bacterial. • Corticosteroids help reduce inflammation & are used inly when there’s an urgent need to treat laryngitis (like to sing, give a speech) • A couple of home remedies include • Breathe moist air • Rest your voice • Drink lots of fluids • Moisten your throat • Avoid decongestants Acute Laryngitis Normal Vocal Cords

  9. Treatment for Epiglottitis • 1st make sure you can breathe • Wearing a mask • Breathing tube in the windpipe through the mouth/nose • Inserting a needle into the trachea • Treating the infection involves intravenous antibiotics after you get enough air • Broad-spectrum antibiotics for quick treatment rather than waiting for blood results • More targeted antibiotics depending the cause for the epiglottitis.

  10. PreventionLaryngitis Epiglottitis • Prevent dryness or irritation of vocal cords • Don’t smoke • Limit alcohol & caffeine • Drink lots of water • Avoid clearing your throat • Does more harm by causing abnormal vibration of vocal cords & swelling • Avoid upper respiratory infection with good hygiene • Hibvaccine (Haemophilusinfluenza) is the effective way to prevent epiglottitis • Received in 3-4 doses (2months , 4m, 6m[if given in 4 doses] and 12-15months. • CDC recommend vaccinate people whose immune systems are weakened by HIV/AIDS, chemotherapy, spleen removed, & sickle cell disease. • Don’t share personal items • Wash hands

  11. Video • Laryngitis • http://youtu.be/Rg09vEZks9c • Epiglottitis • http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CIO7yUeb-T0

  12. References (28 June. 2012). Laryngitis Treatments and drugs Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/laryngitis/basics/treatment/con-20021565. (28 June. 2012). Laryngitis Lifestyle and home remedies Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/laryngitis/basics/lifestyle-home-remedies/con-20021565. (28 June. 2012). Laryngitis Prevention Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/laryngitis/basics/prevention/con-20021565. (02 Oct. 2012). Epiglottitis Treatments and drugs Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/epiglottitis/basics/treatment/con-20027854. (02 Oct. 2012). Epiglottitis Prevention Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/epiglottitis/basics/prevention/con-20027854. (10 Feb. 2007). Haemophilusinfluenzae infections Blue Book Infectious Diseases Epidemiology & Surveillance Department of Health Victoria Australia. Health. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://ideas.health.vic.gov.au/bluebook/haemophilus.asp. (2014). Epiglottitis Symptoms Diseases and Conditions PDR Health. PDR Health. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.pdrhealth.com/diseases/epiglottitis/symptoms. (2014). Epiglottitis Diagnosis Diseases and Conditions PDR Health. PDR Health. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.pdrhealth.com/diseases/epiglottitis/diagnosis. (02 Oct. 2012). Epiglottitis Causes Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 01 May 2014. from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/epiglottitis/basics/causes/con-20027854. (21 Jan. 2011). The Larynx. The National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health . Retrieved 04 May 2014 from http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/wyntk/larynx/page2 (09 Oct. 2012). Laryngitis . WebD. Retrieved 04 May 2014. from http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/laryngitis (2013). ENT Laryngitis Dr. Tal Dagan. Dagan MD NYC. Retrieved 04 May 2014. from http://www.myfacesurgeon.com/ent-home/laryngitis/.

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