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Implementing the Water Framework Directive at an Environmental and Water Directorate, Hungary. László Kóthay director Trans-Tisza Region Environmental and Water Directorate www.tikovizig.hu. Statements of the Water Framework Directive.
Implementing the Water Framework Directive at an Environmental and Water Directorate, Hungary László Kóthay director Trans-Tisza Region Environmental and Water Directorate www.tikovizig.hu
Statements of the Water Framework Directive • Water is not a commercial product like any other but, rather, a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such. • The purpose of this Directive is to establish a framework for the protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater. • Our mission is in the scope of the WFD • To prevent the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems • Long-term protection of available water resources • Enhanced protection of the aquatic environment • To ensure the progressive reduction of pollution of surface- and groundwater • To achieve the „good water status” until 2015
Aims and requirements • To reach „good water status” • Water quality protection should be more coordinated with water resources management • The unit of the water management is the river basin • To make a plan for river basin management • Have to observe the ongoing processes (monitoring) • To apply the economic analysis in the decision making procedure of river basin management, insist on the Principle of „Polluter pays” • Appearance of recovery of costs for water services • To apply the Principle of subsidiarity
Regulation of River-basin management • To determinate the river basin districts • Identification of the appropriate competent co-coordinating authorities • To ensure the fulfill of the WFD requirements and to coordinate the programmes ofmeasures
Tasks to complete in the river basin areas • To determinate the protected areas • To identify drinking water bodies • To determinate surface water bodies and groundwater bodies, and to establish the monitoring system • To ensure the progressive reduction of pollution of surface- and groundwater • To enhance the safety of flood-protection • To identify the point and diffuse pollution sources • To regulate the emission limit values • To prepare the programme of measures to the period of 2000-2015 • River basin management approach instead of member states’ borders
Countries in the Danube River Basin Danube-river basin 13 countries
. Hungary is situated within the drainage basin of the River Danube, in the lowest part of the Carpathian Basin Flood plains covering close to one-quarter of the country’s territory, affecting 2,5 million inhabitants in 700 settlements.
95% of the surface water resources of the country originate abroad Normal mean flow in the major Hungarian rivers (m3/s)
GROUNDWATER AQUIFERS • Groundwater resources are available almost everywhere • Thick alluvial deposits in the major part of the country, • Karst aquifers in the mountainous regions
public industry Fishponds, animal breeding Surface water Karstic water irrigation Bank filt. wat. Groundw. from porous aquifer Total EXTENDED USE OF GROUNDWATER Except cooling water, 2/3 of the total use is from groundwater 95 % of the drinking water is from groundwater
M. of Justice M. of Health Interministerial Committee for the implementation of WFD M. of Economy and Transp. M. of Finance M. of Interieur Agriculture and Rural Development M. of Foreign Affairs Administrative setup Ministry of Environment and Water NGOs
4 large planning units for the international coordination and reporting to the EU 18 planning subunit for working out The organizational and institutional system needed for the fulfillment of WFD The main coordinator of the reporting is the General Directorate for Environment, Nature and Water, with the participation of Environmental and Water Directorates, the Environmental Authorities and National Park Directorates, which are coordinating there own tasks, too
2002 2003 2004 Tasks Preliminary designation of surface water bodies according to the System A Revision of digital maps containing water courses Extension of surface water typology • Preliminary assessment of • human activities • hydrological and morfological impacts Determination of reference conditions and limit values • Information on the ecological status • hydrological parameters • morphological and biological parameters Assessment of the impact of human activities on the chemical status Designation and characterisation of water bodies based on the above Tasks related to the characterisation of surface waters
2002 2003 2004 Tasks Preliminary designation of water bodies based on hydrogeological characteristics Information on human activities (pressures) Actual hidrological situation (hidrological survey) Estimation of the available groundwater resources Survey of water quality changes due to human activities Selection of water bodies in critical status, further charactrisation Co-ordination and summary of th above works Economic analysis Tasks related to the characterisation of groundwaters
Topography (landscape, elevation, slope) Geology (hydrogeology) • sub-ecoregions Substratum • aquatic landscapes Size of the catchment B - typology Typology for rivers B-typology
Sub-ecoregions Substratum Size of the catchment Siliceous mountainous regions coarse small, medium, Calcerous mountainous regions coarse small, medium, Calcerous hilly regions coarse small medium large very large medium - fine small, medium, large small medium large, very large, Calcerous plains coarse medium - fine small, small, medium, large, very large, small medium Organic (peaty) regions River types
Arrangement of streams in the point of human activities’ impact Rivers’ arrangement Red: heavily modified water bodies Pink: possibly heavily modified water bodies Blue: artificial water bodies Green: natural water bodies
Identification of groundwater bodies • Hierarchical approach: • geological structures • hydraulic boundaries • temperature • flow regime Mainly suitable for quantitative analysis3D processing with GIS
1st layer: mountains (surface catchment, geological units) and basins (downward and upward flow) Identification of groundwater bodies
2nd layer: thermal water in porous aquifers Identification of groundwater bodies
3rd layer: Water bodies in cold and thermal karstic aquifers Identification of groundwater bodies
Tasks of the Water Resources Management and River Basin Development Group, which was established inside the TIKÖVIZIG: According to WFD • To estimate the status of the water bodies • To determinate the sub-basins • Data processing of water management • Economic analysis to achieve the target status • Controlling and processing the monitoring database • Processing, controlling and analysing the water production and water quality database of groundwater-users
According to the Act 2003/120 (Hungary) • Preparation the programme of measures to achieve the good water status, including the protection of water resources and sustainable using • Preparation of water management plans • To retain the possibilities of water utilization, observation and evaluation of status, analysis the impact of human activity • Reasonable use of water resources, application of legal and economic regulations (Water Resources Charge)
According to the Act 2003/120 (HU) • Determination, marking and standardization of the groundwater bodies • Assembling the sub-basin district plans • Analysis of loads and effects causing hydromorphological and water chemical changes(natural, artificial, and heavily modifiedstatuses) • Integration of loads into a MS SQL database system, which are: water intakes, water inflows, inter-basin diversions, objects and activities influencing the flows and outflows
Present status of the execution of WFD requirements related to surface water • Deadline: 31. December 2004 • Fulfillment: esurable with hard work
Jobs to do • Integration of VIZIR database into the recently used water management GIS system based on ArcGIS. • Arrangements, maintenance tasks for achieving good water status, keeping records, designating protective areas, reporting the performance. • Reshaping the recently active hydrographic monitoring system which consists 10.000 objects according to the Water Framework Directive. • Organizing informative and consultative forums in river basin management plans.
Public information and consultationaccording to WFD • To keep consultations to the water-users • To introduce a timetable and work programme for the production of the plan,at least three years before the beginning of the period to which the plan refers; • To introduce the tasks and water management problems to solve at least 2 years before the beginning of the period to which the plan refers • To introduce this programme-plan at least a year before • To introduce the plan by the Ministry • To ensure at least six months to comment in writing on those documents