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ICAAS 26th AGM Agenda. President's report Secretary's report Treasurer's report Election of 27th EXCO Appointment of Youth Wing Chairman & Vice Chairman into 27th EXCO Appointment of Auditors Vote of Thanks. President’s Report (Wong Limsoon). Co-organized activities
ICAAS 26th AGM Agenda • President's report • Secretary's report • Treasurer's report • Election of 27th EXCO • Appointment of Youth Wing Chairman & Vice Chairman into 27th EXCO • Appointment of Auditors • Vote of Thanks
President’s Report (Wong Limsoon) • Co-organized activities • ICAAS-NLB IT @ Orchard (2 talks) • ICAAS Awards • ICAAS Most Outstanding JC Science Student Award, 12/03. “Few trips can warrant the description of being life-changing. This is one that indeed was.” --Tan Hai Han, recipient, 2003 • ICAAS Best MBA Book Prize, 6/04 --Kan Wei Jin, recipient, 2004 • ICAAS Most Outstanding Student Award, 8/04 --Ivan Phua, recipient, 2004 • NB. No nomination this year for ICAAS Distinguish Service Award
President’s Report (contd) • Other activities • Fund raising for Flag-Gel-Lah, 1/04 • Tour to Mongolia, 7/04
Updates on Amendment to Constitution (I) • To amend Clause 3: • The Objective of the Association is to further the interests of the graduates/past students of Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London, in Singapore. • to read as: • The Objective of the Association is to further the interests of the graduates/past students of Imperial College, London, in Singapore. • REASON: to reflect the new name adopted by the college this year. • STATUS: Approved by ROS
Updates onAmendment to Constitution (II) • To amend Clause 11.1: • The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held not later than December 31st each year to receive the annual Report, and Accounts for the previous year and to elect Officers for the year. An audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet shall be presented to the members at each AGM. The members shall elect two persons not members of the Committee as Auditors for the accounts. These Honorary Auditors shall not be eligible for re-election for a second consecutive term. The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st October to 30th September. • to read as • The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held not later than September 30th December 31st each year to receive the annual Report, and Accounts for the previous year and to elect Officers for the year. An audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet shall be presented to the members at each AGM. The members shall elect two persons not members of the Committee as Auditors for the accounts. These Honorary Auditors shall not be eligible for re-election for a second consecutive term. The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st August to 31st July 1st October to 30th September. • REASON: the financial year of the association needs to be synchronized with the AGM as audited accounts have to be presented and accepted at the AGM. • STATUS: Modified by ROS as above
Updates onAmendment to Constitution (III) • To insert the follow new Clause: • Proceedings of Meetings 1 The President shall preside as chairman at every general meeting of the Association and every meeting of the Committee. However, if the President is not present within 15 minutes after the appointed time for holding the meetings, the Vice President shall takeover to chair the said meetings, and in his absent the Secretary will chair and in his absent the Treasurer will chair. If all appointment holders are absent then the Committee members present shall elect one of their members to be the chairman of the meetings. 2 Questions arising at any general meetings and meetings of the Committees shall be decided by a majority of votes and a determination by a majority of members and Committee members present, at the respective meetings, shall for all purposes be deemed a determination of the Association and the Committee. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. • REASON: to clarify the decision procedure of the association and the exco. • STATUS: Approved by ROS
Social activities Visit to S’pore Turf Club, 9/03 Visit to ICAAM, KL, 1/04 ICAAS Bowling, 2/04 “Exciting Vibrations”, lecture by Prof. David Ewins, 4/04 ICAAS BBQ, 7/04 Secretary Report (Allen Chong)
Networking w/ Visitors Prof. David Ewins, Pro Rector, 8/03 Dr. Tidu Maini, Pro Rector, 10/03 Prof. David Begg, Principal, Tanaka Business School, 11/03 Ms Sue Stone, Asst Registrar, 3/04 Ms Anne Benjamin, Imperial College S’pore MBA Programme, 4/04 Lord Ron Oxburgh, former Rector, & Chairman, Shell, 8/04 Prof. David Nethercot, Head, Civil Engineering, 8/04 Secretary Report (contd)
Treasurer Report (Han Neng Hsiu) ICAAS main acct audited by Damien Wong Leong Yim Sing
Treasurer Report contd ICAAS scholarship acct audited by Damien Wong Leong Yim Sing
President: Wong Limsoon nominated by Allen Chong second by Lee Hing Yan VP: Lee Hing Yan nominated by George Ong second by Mark Wong Treasurer: Alex Fung nominated by Wong Limsoon second by Chen Hung Secretary: Han Neng Hsiu nominated by Damien Wong second by Wong Limsoon Members: Chen Hung nominated Raymond Kwok second by Han Neng Hiu Mark Wong nominated by Oh Lock Soon second by Allen Chong Candidates for 27th EXCO
Appointment of Youth Wing Chairman and Vice Chairman into the 27th EXCO: • Chen Jintong (chairman, youth wing) • Subbu (vice chairman, youth wing)
Appointment of Auditors • Wu Jiankang • nominated by Wong Limsoon • second by Lee Hing Yan • Allen Chong • Nominated by Wong Limsoon • Second by Chen Hung
Vote of Thanks proposed by Wong Limsoon, second by 26th EXCO • outgoing EXCO member • Allen Chong • hosting of networking dinners • Chin Wai Phin (dinner w/ Prof. David Ewins, 26/8/03) • Ip Siok Hui (lunch w/ Mongolian Trip Intro, 28/2/04) • K. K. Phua (dinner w/ Lord Ron Oxburgh, 7/8/04) • fund-raising for ICSS Flag-Gel-Lah, 1/04 • Ng Beng Tiong, Allen Chong, Bill Liu, Ip Siok Hui, Huang Shang Bai, Kwoh Chee Keong • help rendered for ICAAS events • Low Suk Quan, Phyliss Kan, Josephine