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2009-10 ACS-HS Coordinator Training

2009-10 ACS-HS Coordinator Training. Updated on October 28, 2009. Agenda. ACS-HS test coordination logistics ELDA updates Questions. Outcomes For ACS-HS Test Coordinator 2009-2010 Training.

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2009-10 ACS-HS Coordinator Training

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  1. 2009-10 ACS-HS Coordinator Training

    Updated on October 28, 2009
  2. Agenda ACS-HS test coordination logistics ELDA updates Questions
  3. Outcomes For ACS-HS Test Coordinator 2009-2010 Training Each Test Coordinator will understand the logistics of ACS and ELDA test administration & responsibilities
  4. Intent of ACS & ELDA Measure student performance on the assessed standards/skills Enable teachers & administrators to target students for appropriate instructional interventions Provides overall ACS results in a manner similar to CST results Provides ELDA results similar to CELDT results Allow teacher self-study of standards/objectives taught Provides a standardized measure across schools
  5. ACS & ELDA Features The assessments are aligned to the California State Standards /California English Language Development Standards The tests are NOT timed. Students should be able to complete the test in a 60 minute class period. Extra time may be given for students continuing to make progress toward test completion after the end of the class period. Test booklets are re-usable. Scanners are provided. No writing in test booklets
  6. ACS Subjects Assessed ELA ELA 9 ELA 10 ELA 11 (Revised!) Math Algebra 1 (HS & MS) Geometry (HS & MS) Science Earth Science Biology Chemistry Social Science Modern World History U. S. History 10 Subjects in all x 3 Quarters = 30 Tests
  7. ELDA Subjects Assessed ELD Beginning ELD Intermediate ELD Early Advanced Visions curriculum 3 ELD levels in all x 3 Quarters = 9 Tests
  8. English Learners & ELDA Students in ELD Beginning will take ELDA Beginning. . . Students in ELD Intermediate will take ELDA Intermediate. . . Students in ELD Early Advanced will take ELDA Early Advanced ELDA test participation will be based on enrollment in ELD courses (district ELD course codes)
  9. Assessment Timeline Assessed 3x a year after end of first 3 quarters Algebra Pilots test windows Based on district course codes/enrollment
  10. ACS-HS Coordinator Responsibilities: Part I Ensure availability and security of all test materials Test booklets: Student & Teacher Ed. Booklets Rosters & Inventory Sheets Answer sheets Administration guides Pencils
  11. ACS-HS Coordinator Responsibilities: Part II Teacher preparation for test administration Inform teachers of test window and dates Check materials Sheets delivered week before test window Request for additional materials: http://rea.fresnounified.org/ACSRequest.cfmhttp://rea.fresnounified.org/ELDARequest.cfm Distribute materials Roster and Teacher Inventory Distribution log
  12. ACS & ELDA Materials Request Pages
  13. ACS-HS Coordinator Responsibilities: Part III Collect materials at end of test window Return materials no later than 8 business days after window ends In person District mail
  14. Test Material Delivery Materials are delivered during the week before each subject test window. Open the boxes in numerical order to check the contents. Test materials include: Test Coordinator Package Classroom Packages
  15. Test Coordinators Package Inventory Sheet Box Labels for Returning Materials Copies of Class Rosters Blank Answer Sheets (Scanners) Extra Administration Guidelines
  16. Teacher Inventory Sheet
  17. Distribution and Return Log The most number of students that Teacher A has at any given time is 34. Teacher A will get 34. Fill the answer sheet return lines for all periods Teacher A Teacher B Teacher C Document that teacher A was given 34 booklets. This is what Teacher A should return at end of window For booklet counts, fill out this line only for Teacher A
  18. Classroom Packages Inventory Class Roster Administration Guide Pre-identified answer sheets (Scanners) Several Blank Answer Sheets
  19. When a Student does not have an Answer Sheet…or their original gets messed up Hand-bubble an answer sheet for students not listed on the rosters that enrolled at your school Hand-bubble a new answer sheet and destroy the pre-printed answer sheet for students that need to have their pre-printed answer sheet changed.
  20. Hand-bubbled answer sheets Hand-bubbled sheets must be filled out completely (student and test information) Please make sure that students bubble in their date of birth and not the day they took the test (common mistake)
  21. Test Administration Procedures Put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door. Encourage students to perform as well as they can. Make sure that each student has a #2 pencil. Give each student his/her pre-printed (or hand-bubbled) answer sheet. Give each student the appropriate test booklet. Hand Bubble answer sheets for students not on roster or to make changes
  22. Supervision During TestingBe alert to the following: Students who do not have their correct answer sheet. Check that students are making uniform dark marks and are erasing completely. Have students erase any stray marks on answer sheets. Redirect students who are marking answers next to the wrong response number. Please do not let students make any marks on test booklets. We want an accurate assessment, so watch for students who appear to be looking elsewhere for answers whether it's to other desks, their lap, cell phones, etc. Students with unapproved materials on their desks (materials approved in IEPs or 504 plans are ok)
  23. ACS - Accommodations Students in special education programs with Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and students with current plans under Section 504 may be allowed accommodations IF they are specified in the plans. Large print Braille Use of Reader Ann Leedy, Hoover Braille Library 451-4038 Testing variations/accommodations may be made for EL students and may include extended time to take the test with a bilingual proctor (who may read the instructions and answer procedural questions), and testing in a small group setting.
  24. Testing Material Return Scorable Materials Include all answer sheets Separate the answer sheets by subject AND test(For example: Chemistry and Earth Science) Separate the answer sheets into hand-bubbled and pre-identified Make hand bubbled go on top. Please verify that all the hand-bubbled answer sheets are marked completely Include answer sheets for students who were absent. Enclose class roster with hand entered student names and ID
  25. ACS - Scoring & Reporting REA will score and post results. For 24 hr. turnaround services: Bring in scanners before 2:00 p.m. Call or email Carlos Ramirez (73852), Jim Bertram (73987), or Shaeng Vue (73829) letting them know that you will be bringing in scanners Local Assessment Headquarters (73841) Score and reporting of student performance on tested standards will be available within a few days after each testing period is completed. Teachers will be able to access their class report using AiS (Assessment Information System). AiS will provide results for each student tested in the class.
  26. ACS-HS Recommendations Inform teachers of testing dates/windows. You can provide them with a copy of the 09-10 testing calendar or direct them to http://rea.fresnounified.org/District/tcal0910.pdf Make sure that your school has a supply of pencils for ACS-testing Make sure your testing materials are in a secure place Keep an inventory of ACS-HS test booklets including teacher editions (template provided) Check your test materials as soon as you receive them Use the materials request page on the REA website for additional answer sheets or test booklets: http://rea.fresnounified.org/ACSRequest.cfm Provide Chemistry teachers with copies of the Periodic Table of the Elements for students to use on the Q1 ACS Chemistry test.
  27. ACS-HS Recommendations, continued Ask office personnel to notify you upon delivery of any ACS test materials Ask teachers to read Administration Guidelines thoroughly before administering tests. Remind teachers of test window end dates Remind teachers (if necessary) that test participation is not optional Collect all answer sheets from teachers by the last day of the test window Collect all test booklets from teachers by the last day of the test window Check non-pre-id answer sheets before returning them to REA Return ACS-HS answer sheets in person or through the district mail no later than 8 business days after the end of the test window.
  28. Important things to know. . . ACS and ELDA testing is not optional Test materials need to be secured Teachers/schools must honor the test windows Testing should not be occurring before or after the test windows Answer sheets and test booklets should be collected by the end of the test window. Teachers should not be holding on to booklets or answer sheets after the end of the test windows Teachers should not be reviewing test items or answers using test booklets at any time with students Photocopying of test booklets is not permitted Teacher edition booklets are for teacher use only (e.g., collaboration, response analysis) Calculators are notpermitted on Algebra 1 or Geometry test unless specified on a student’s IEP. Calculators arepermitted on Chemistry tests
  29. ACS-HS Inventory Please complete ACS-HS and ELDA booklet inventory for your school Due date: October 30, 2009
  30. For Help with Logistics Contact… Carmen Rodriguez(559) 457-3959carmen.rodriguez@fresnounified.org
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