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European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR). Muhsin N. Harakeh NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010 Scoping Workshop at FIAS Frankfurt, 12-13 November 2009.
European Nuclear Science and Applications Research(ENSAR) Muhsin N. HarakehNuPECC Long Range Plan 2010Scoping Workshop at FIASFrankfurt, 12-13 November 2009 NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
In the 1st CallTough competition; budget 3 - 10 M€ Argued: Large community 15 M€ for 4 yearsTNA 6.27 M€JRA 5.93 M€NA 1.78 M€7 TNAs, 9 JRAs, 7 NAs (Total Budget = 13.98 M€)Number of participants = 40 NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Network Activities in ENSAR (1st Call) NA01 FISCO (Financial & Scientific Coordination) NA02 ECOS (European Collaboration On Stable ion beams) NA03 EUR-ISOL (EURopean ISOL network) NA04 ATHENA (Advanced Theory & Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics) NA05 NEMO (Network on experimental techniques for Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments) NA06 EGAN (European Gamma & Ancillary detectors Network) NA07 ETHEN(Nuclear THeory networking for Exotic Nuclei) NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Joint Research Activities in ENSAR (1st Call) • JRA01 ASTRIS (Advanced STable and Radioactive Ion Sources) • JRA02 ISOMATT (ISOL Mesoporous Actinide Targets) • JRA03 PREMAS (Low-energy beam PREparation, Manipulation & Spectroscopy) • JRA04 INDESYS (Innovative solutions for nuclear physics detectors: “From basic R&D to applications for the society”) • JRA05EXID (EXotic nuclei Identification) • JRA06 FREEDAC (Front End Electronics, Data Acquisition & Control) • JRA07 SiNuRSE (Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe) • JRA08 EWIRA (East West Integrated Research Activities) • JRA09 THEXO (Theoretical tools in support of Infrastructures) NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Transnational Access Facilities in I3 ENSAR TNA1 (Access to GANIL) TNA2 (Access to GSI) TNA3 (Access to INFN-LNL&LNS) TNA4 (Access to JYU-JYFL) TNA5 (Access to KVI) TNA6 (Access to CERN-ISOLDE) TNA7 (Access to ALTO) NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
ENSAR rank 45 / 140 NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Janez Potočnik • EU Commissioner for Science and Research • European Commission • Letter sent on 18 June 2008 signed by: • Muhsin N. Harakeh, Sydney Galès, Horst Stöcker, Brian Fulton, • Philippe Chomaz, Angela Bracco, Jose Benlliure, Peter Butler, • Jacek Dobaczewski. Dominique Guillemaud-Mueller, Rauno Julin • Marek Lewitowicz, Alex Mueller, Christoph Scheidenberger, • Wolfram Korten, Juha Äystö, Klaus-Dieter Groß • Letter sent on 27 June 2008 signed by: • Dimiter Balabanski, Jan Dobeš, Milko Jaksic, Sotirios Harissopulos, • Zsolt Fülöp, Jerzy Jastrzebski, Marek Jezabek, Nicolae-Victor Zamfir • Meeting on 26 August at EC headquarters in Brussels: • Hervé Péro informed us that no money is left. NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
In the 2st (present) CallTargeted call- better chances; budget < 10 M€ Large community 10 M€ for 4 yearsTNA 4.52 M€JRA 4.01 M€NA 1.47 M€7 TNAs, 7 JRAs, 6 NAs (Total Budget ~ 10 M€)Number of participants ~ 25 NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Network Activities in ENSAR (2nd Call) • NA01 FISCO (Financial & Scientific Coordination) • NA02 ECOS (European Collaboration On Stable ion beams) • NA03 EURISOL (EURopean ISOL network) • NA04 ATHENA (Advanced Theory & Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics) • NA05 EGAN (European Gamma & Ancillary detectors Network) • NA06 NuTAPP(Nuclear Techniques – APPlied) NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Joint Research Activities in ENSAR (2nd Call) • JRA01 ARES (Advanced Research on Ecr ion Sources) • JRA02 ActILab (Actinide ISOL Target R&D Laboratory) • JRA03 PREMAS (Low-energy beam PREparation, Manipulation & Spectroscopy) • JRA04 INDESYS (Innovative solutions for nuclear physics detectors: “From basic R&D to applications for the society”) • JRA05 SiNuRSE (Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe) • JRA06 EWIRA (East West Integrated Research Activities) • JRA07 THEXO (Theoretical tools in support of Infrastructures) NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
JRA01: ASTRIS ARESAdvanced Research on Ecr ion Sources ECRIS related studies and techniques Task 1 - Plasma heating, wave plasma interacion Task 2 - Ion beam formation and transport Task 3 - Production of metal ion beams NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
R&D activity to develop new UC-x targets for improved ISOL beam reliability and higher intensities Task 1 -Actinide Target Synthesis Task 2 - Target characterization Task 3 - Irradiation and Post Irradiation Examination Task 4 - In-Beam tests for RIB production JRA02: ISOMATT ActILab Actinide ISOL Target R&D Laboratory NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Objective is to bring together the expertise in the European Community to improve the preparation and manipulation of low energy Radioactive Ion Beams and go beyond the state of the art in Spectroscopic Tools used in studies with RIBs. The developments proposed include the utilization of both lasers and ion traps will not only benefit several Large Scale Facilities existing today but also those of tomorrow. Task 1 - Novel radioactive ion beam production techniques Task 2 - Development of ion beam manipulation and preparation techniques Task 3 - Advanced spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation Task 4 - Sources of pure and intense radioactive ion beams JRA03: PREMASLow-energy beam PREparation, Manipulation & Spectroscopy NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
JRA 04: INDESYS Innovative solutions for nuclear physics detectors “From basic R&D to high performance detectors” • Identify and investigate the properties of new scintillation materials and photo-sensors • Implement a detection principle adequate to detection of high-energy neutrons based on converter material an subsequent charge-particle detection with RPC • Investigate the implementation of these innovative solutions in real gamma and neutron devices • Task 1 - R&D on new and existing scintillation materials and photo-sensors • Task 2 - Development of a detection concept and prototypes for high-energy neutrons Task 3 - Detectors coating and compacting NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
To prepare for experiments at ENSAR infrastructures and similar facilities it is important to carry out simulations with the detector setups in order to understand what the response of the detectors is, what sections of the phase space will be covered and starting from theoretical predictions what experimental results to expect. SiNuRSE aims to develop general transparent platforms to facilitate simulations of current and future detector set-ups. JRA05: SiNuRSESimulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
JRA06: EWIRA East West Integrated Research Activities EWIRA aims at integrating the laboratories in Central and South-Eastern European countries with those elsewhere in Europe. This will achieved via joint activities and point-to-point interaction with those infrastructures in order to develop novel technologies and methodologies of universal benefit that could be used both at these laboratories and elsewhere. These developments will give a strong impetus to these laboratories and their communities and enhance their external use. NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
THEXO aims at providing nuclear-physics infrastructures with modern theoretical tools for describing and interpreting experimental results obtained at these infrastructures as well as pointing the way ahead for experimental projects. This strong interaction between theory and experiment is a much needed action to underpin the research programmes of the research infrastructures. JRA07: THEXOTheoretical tools in support of Infrastructures NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
NA02: ECOS • European Collaboration on Stable ion beams • The objectives of ECOS are related to NuPECC recommendations: • Bring together and coordinate the expertise that is available in the European countries in order to achieve the R&D activities needed in all aspects related to the production and use of high intensity heavy-ion beams. • Optimize resources and manpower for the upgrade and development of various stable ions beam facilities in Europe in order to optimize their scientific output. From this point of view, NA02-ECOS has a direct link to the TNA delivering stable ion beams to the users community in Europe. These are GSI, GANIL, LNL/LNS, JYFL , ALTO and KVI. NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
NA03: EURISOL • EURopean ISOL • The aims of the European ISOL (EURISOL) network are: • To coordinate the R&D work at the different leading facilities through exchange of information on the technical advances achieved and to disseminate this information towards the associated laboratories and institutions. • To play an important role in coordinating the work between the different JRAs related to ISOL techniques (JRA01, JRA02, JRA03). • To identify and promote the advances useful for the design of the future “ultimate” facility EURISOL, following the strategy defined in the NuPECC roadmap for European research infrastructures. • To update continuously the science case for ISOL facilities in coordination with the user groups of current facilities and with the EURISOL User Group. NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
NA-04: ATHENA Advanced THeory and Experiments in Nuclear Astrophysics The aim is to bring together European nuclearastrophysicists who will organise workshops to discuss the necessary nuclear physics input needed to understand various stellar scenarios for nucleosynthesis. Task 1 - Explosive nuclear astrophysics. Task 2 - Reactions at Low Temperatures and on Broad Mass Ranges. Task 3 - Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Capture Processes. NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
NA05: EGAN European Gamma and Ancillary detectors Network EGAN aims at pooling and optimising the use of the valuable resources for high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy and coordinating their use at the facilities. Instruction courses for young scientists and engineers to get them acquainted with these techniques are part of this activity. Task 1 - Coordination of Scientific Activities and Dissemination Task 2 - Coordination on Ancillary Instrumentation Task 3 - Collaboration Workshops Task 4 - Transfer of knowledge NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
NA06: NuTAPP • Nuclear Techniques - APPlied • NuTAPP has the objective to strengthen and coordinate scientific activity with special emphasis on further strengthening multidisciplinary and application-oriented activities at stable and radioactive ion beam facilities. This will be in the fields of radiobiology, medical imaging, space applications and solid-state physics, etc. An outreach activity will be initiated to disseminate ENSAR applications to the public. • Document existing nuclear physics applications that are widely used in every-day life and review recent achievements. • Demonstrate those activities running at ENSAR laboratories with potential of providing solutions to a variety of problems of societal impact. • Identify synergies within ENSAR and between ENSAR and end-users NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Thank you for your attention NuPECC LRP2010 Workshop, 12-13 October 2009, Frankfurt, Germany