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European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR).
European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR) Project is 4 years; budget must most probably be less than that of LoIs that emerged on 11 October.Tough competition; budget 3- 10 M€; large community 15 M€TNA 6-6.5 M€ 6.27 M€JRA ~ 7 M€ 5.93 M€NA ~ 1-2 M€ 1.78 M€7 TNAs, 9 JRAs, 7 NAs (Total Budget = 13,98 M€)# of participants = 40 EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
Network Activities in ENSAR NA01 FISCO (Financial & Scientific Coordination) NA02 ECOS (European Collaboration On Stable ion beams) NA03 EUR-ISOL (EURopean ISOL network) NA04 ATHENA (Advanced Theory & Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics) NA05 NEMO (Network on experimental techniques for Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments) NA06 EGAN (European Gamma & Ancillary detectors Network) NA07 ETHEN(Nuclear THeory networking for Exotic Nuclei) EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
Joint Research Activities in ENSAR (Generic titles) • JRA01 ASTRIS (Advanced STable and Radioactive Ion Sources) • JRA02 ISOMATT (ISOL Mesoporous Actinide Targets) • JRA03 PREMAS (Low-energy beam PREparation, Manipulation & Spectroscopy) • JRA04 INDESYS (Innovative solutions for nuclear physics detectors: “From basic R&D to applications for the society”) • JRA05EXID (EXotic nuclei Identification) • JRA06 FREEDAC (Front End Electronics, Data Acquisition & Control) • JRA07 SiNuRSE (Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe) • JRA08 EWIRA (East West Integrated Research Activities) • JRA09 THEXO (Theoretical tools in support of Infrastructures) EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
Transnational Access Facilities in I3 ENSAR TNA1 (Access to GSI) TNA2 (Access to GANIL) TNA3 (Access to INFN-LNL&LNS) TNA4 (Access to JYU-JYFL) TNA5 (Access to KVI) TNA6 (Access to CERN-ISOLDE) TNA7 (Access to ALTO) EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
Dr. Janez Potočnik • EU Commissioner for Science and Research • European Commission • Letter sent on 18 June 2008 signed by: • Muhsin N. Harakeh, Sydney Galès, Horst Stöcker, Brian Fulton, • Philippe Chomaz, Angela Bracco, Jose Benlliure, Peter Butler, • Jacek Dobaczewski. Dominique Guillemaud-Mueller, Rauno Julin • Marek Lewitowicz, Alex Mueller, Christoph Scheidenberger, • Wolfram Korten, Juha Äystö, Klaus-Dieter Groß • Letter sent on 27 June 2008 signed by: • Dimiter Balabanski, Jan Dobeš, Milko Jaksic, Sotirios Harissopulos, • Zsolt Fülöp, Jerzy Jastrzebski, Marek Jezabek, Nicolae-Victor Zamfir EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece
Dr. Janez Potočnik suggested to contact Hervé Péro A meeting was arranged on 26 August at EC headquarters in Brussels Horst Stöcker, Dimiter Balabanski, Christoph Scheidenberger and Muhsin Harakeh Péro message: No money left Programme Committee meets on 26 September EURONS TOWN Meeting 17-19 September 2008, Rhodes, Greece