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Welcome to Our English Class. 高考英语完形填空 命题规律及解题方法. 嘉兴一中 刘丽华 2006-10-23. 一. 考查目的:. 1. 阅读理解的能力,尤其是跳读能力;. 2. 归纳、判断、分析和推理的能力, 找准 主题、话题以及了解篇章结 构能力;. 3. 熟练扎实的词汇和语法知识。. 二. 试题特点:. 1. 选文特点:. 文章体裁:自1987年以来,都是叙述文 体的小故事:. 文章篇幅:相对稳定,一般在260-300词之间:.
高考英语完形填空命题规律及解题方法 嘉兴一中 刘丽华 2006-10-23
一. 考查目的: 1. 阅读理解的能力,尤其是跳读能力; 2. 归纳、判断、分析和推理的能力, 找准 主题、话题以及了解篇章结 构能力; 3. 熟练扎实的词汇和语法知识。
二. 试题特点: 1. 选文特点: 文章体裁:自1987年以来,都是叙述文 体的小故事: 文章篇幅:相对稳定,一般在260-300词之间: 文章难度:低于阅读理解题中的短文, 有的短文相当于高一课文水平, 有的短文相当于高二课文水平; 文章结构:严谨,层次分明、逻辑性强:
2. 设空特点 1)设空密度稳定。平均10-15个单词设1个空。 2)设空以实词为主,虚词为辅; 单词为主,短语为辅 。 3)设空注重在语境中考查词义。1996年以来单 纯的语法选择填空已经从完形填空试题中消失。 4)设空的分类: (1)句子层次; 2)句组层次; (3)语篇层次 (1)前制性设空; (2)后制性设空: (3)语篇性设空。
3. 保留提示句 为了让考生迅速进入主题,为理解文章奠定基础,命题者在设计完形填空题时,总是保留几个完整或基本完整的句子不设空。 提示句的作用:提示句就好像“题眼”,考生要通过这些题眼确定短文的发展走向和设空的选词范围。
三. 解题三步走: 1. 浏览全文,捕捉信息 2. 前后照应,完成填空 1)以语篇含义为主,以词句知识为辅 瞻前顾后,决定词的取舍。 2)适当运用跳读的方法。 3. 通读全文,修正错误
具体操作中应注意的问题: 1.看清上下文,找准定位词 例如: Mrs. O’Neill asked___ questions, and she didn’t scold us either. A. no B. certain C. many D. more
回顾06年五校联考难题 Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it 28 a character of high intelligence.The fact that a person is highly intelligent does not 29 that he uses it creatively. 28. A. usually B. really C. possibly D. necessarily 29. A. mean B. introduce C. conclude D. produce
体验高考 NMET 2004 “Not only is motherhood a ______ task, it is an impossible job for any normal human being.” 40. A. strange B. pleasant C. difficult D. serious
2.通顺逻辑,寻求搭配 例如: • Behind the dancer there was a woman______ a large diamond ring. • carrying B. dressing • C. wearing D. holding
体验高考 NMET 200 2 When I was in the army I ____ an Intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against an average of 100,scored 160 …. 36. A. failed B. wrote C. received D. chose
3.扎实基础,搞清辨异 例如: “Give me a hand,” he shouted _____ he got near the boat. A. while B. till C. for D. as
体验高考 • NMET 2004 • 49 housekeeping, a home economics • teacher had told Bob that a room always looks clean 50 the bed is made. • 49. A. Due to B. As for • C. Along with D. Except for • A. until B. before • C. if D. unless
4.看清执行者,确定所选词 • 例如: • And video cameras can be used to • _____ people’s actions at home. • keep B. make • C. record D. watch
5.寻求上下逻辑,从容确定关系 例如: At first nothing happened, _____ suddenly a large rat rushed out of the hole.… A. then B. and C. or D. so go on
体验高考 ZJET 2005 Why didn’t Steve want to talk with me? I tried ___ to speak to that computer geek(怪人), ____ not a word come out of his mouth. 29. A. once B. again C. first D. even 30. A. but B. so C. if D. or go on
6.了解生活常识,确定相关知识 • 例如: • (Immediately,)the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the_____ hospital. • animal B. biggest • C. plant D. nearest go on
实例分析: 请做好以下工作: 1. 分析每小题的设空特点 2. 找出答案的信息来源 3. 标明信息词
2000-2005年完形选项词词类分布 近义词辨析、主谓或动宾的逻辑搭配