1. 1 PeopleSoft V8 Workshop and Year End Planning
2. 2 Disclaimer
We do not have all the answers (yet)
But we will track them down for you
3. 3 What
do you hate
about Peoplesoft?
4. 4 Agenda Upgrade
Expenses – a simpler way to process Travel
Decisions to be made by the departments
5. 5 Timeline for upgrade
6. 6 Miscellaneous Changes Web-based (like last year’s Banner upgrade)
But very different look – easier to navigate
Uses ‘At Your Service’
7. 7 Training on Campus Mandatory
Computer-based training provided by OIIT(called UPK)
There may be some workshops
8. 8 Computer-based trainingUPK – User Productivity Kit Available through GaView(aka Vista, or Web-CT)
Provided by the Board of Regents
See It! Mode
Provides simulated instruction.
Try It! Mode
Provides interactive practice to reinforce learning.
Do It! Mode
Allows you to step through the business process visually as you work in the PSFIN V8 environment (when available). Do It! mode is great for real-time recall of the steps to take to complete the Business Process.
9. 9 Peoplesoft V8 Expenses Employees are no longer vendors, Expenses uses Peoplesoft Human Resources Management System(HRMS).
Travel authorizations will encumber funds
Travel locations and per diem (meal allowances) will be downloaded into a table for verification of requested meal reimbursements
Workflow driven approvals
10. 10 Expenses – a New Module The Expense Module allows employees to input their own travel and miscellaneous reimbursements. They can then inquire on the status of approval or payment.
Miscellaneous reimbursements: currently FSA (Flex Spending Accounts)
11. 11 Entering Travel Enter a travel authorization
Approve an travel authorization expense report
Enter a travel expense report
Approve a travel expense report
12. 12 Faculty/staff can delegate authority to create expenses
13. 13 “At Your Service” with expenses
14. 14 Expense menu
15. 15 Travel Authorization – before the trip
16. 16 Processing Travel Authorizations Things to Remember
Travel authorizations are budget checked
Travel authorizations may be canceled by user if approved but not associated with an expense report
Travel authorizations may be deleted if they have not been budget checked
Warning: Cannot be entered after the trip!!!
17. 17 Processing Expense Reports What is an Expense Report?
An approval document related to an employee’s past travel on “official business”, based on Statewide Travel Regulations, State of Georgia (www.sao.georgia.gov), covering:
Travel Location(s)
Business Purpose
Reimbursement Amounts
Travel Dates
Mode of Transportation
Use of Agency- or Institution-Owned Vehicles, Personal Vehicles, etc.
18. 18 Creating an Expense Report from a Travel Authorization
19. 19
20. 20
21. 21
22. 22 Approvals for Expense Reports
23. 23 Approvals for Expense Reports Transactions are routed instantly to the Traveler’s Department Manager (1st Approval Level)
A Traveler can view the actions taken on his/her expense report at any time
24. 24
25. 25
26. 26 Real-Time Document Tracking
27. 27
28. 28 Processing Expense Reports - Recap Things to Remember
Expense Reports may be entered, submitted, budget checked and approved on or after the date of travel
Expense Reports may be entered by the Traveler or his/her Delegate (defined on the EX Authorized User page)
Expense Reports are routed to Department Manager 1 & 2, Project Manager (where appropriate), Reviewer and AP Auditor Approvers
AP Auditors also verify the receipts
29. 29 Processing Expense Reports - Recap Things to Remember
Users may cancel and delete their own Expense Reports
Expense Reports may also be cancelled and deleted by the Expense Administrator
Accounts used for Expense Reports default from the Expense Type Group or the Expense Type (may be updated during data entry)
Other Chart fields used for Expense Reports default from the User Profile > Organizational Data > GL Default Chart Fields
30. 30 FSA – Flex Spending Accounts Employees who withhold wages from their salary, which are deposited in a flexible spending account (‘FSA’) … employees who request periodic reimbursements from their FSA for medical and dependent care expenditures
FSA is processed the same as travel
‘At Your Service
Faculty/staff can delegate authority for expenses but still do their own FSA expense reports
31. 31 Cool Things about Expenses Georgia and Non-Georgia Locations
Meal allowances are loaded into the system!!!
Mileage rates in database and date of trip determines the rate
Accounts used for Travel default from the Expense Type Group or the Expense Type (may be updated during data entry)
Other Chart fields used for Travel default from the User Profile > Organizational Data > GL Default Chart Fields
Don’ t have to do the Travel Expense Request and Report (paper forms)
32. 32 FAQs Will faculty and staff have to complete their own expense reports?
That will be dependent on the department. The system is setup so each employee does their own expense reports.
33. 33 FAQ faculty/staff delegating expense authority in the new Peoplesoft
Faculty/staff can go into ‘At Your Service’ and delegate one or more people to do expenses.
They delegate expenses but can still enter their own. So they can enter their own flex spending and other staff can enter their travel
34. 34 And another FAQ… Will we have to get signed approvals from department managers?
No! The Department of Audits and Accounts has agreed to allow online approval of expense reports to satisfy audit requirements…and it’s all online!
35. 35 Last FAQ…. What happens if an approver is out of the office?
Approvers can re-assign their work to another authorized approver for any period of time.
36. 36 eProcurement Overview – Creating & Submitting Requisitions
37. 37 ePro – Main Menu
38. 38 ePro Requisition Creation Choices
39. 39 Create Requisition
40. 40 ePro Manage Requisitions
41. 41 ePro Workflow Basics ePro Workflow Routing & Approval Levels:
Step 1 - Department Manager (Required)
Step 2 - Project Manager (Projects/Grants only)
Routing Based on the Department and Project
chart fields on the Distribution Line
Ad Hoc Approver – can be routed to any user with ad hoc approver role
Ad Hoc Reviewer – can be routed to any user with ad hoc approver role
42. 42 eProcurement Overview – Additional Workflow Information
43. 43 Using the Worklist
44. 44 Department Manager Routing- they will approve the req
45. 45 Approval Confirmation
46. 46 Usernames At Your Service usernames – who picks them?
Peoplesoft usernames – what are they?
They will have to match!!!
If you have not registered for ‘At Your Service’ – please do so with your Peoplesoft username
If they do not match:
We are created a business process to change them
Would you rather we delete them and have you re-create them or would you rather we delete and re-create them?
47. 47 HOMEWORKWhat YOU have to do now! As a dept:
Decide if you are going to have the travellers process their own travel on ‘At Your Service’
Decide who will approve travel expenses (may be the same person who approves flex spending)
Decide who will approve ePro - reqs – they will be listed as the manager of the dept
Let Mary F-L know what your dept decides
48. 48 New info since April 8th Workshop All in process POs and Reqs will be closed by the upgrade.
Valid open POs and Reqs will need to be re-keyed following cut over.
49. 49 Put another way….. Prior to 8.9 cut over, ALL Reqs, POs, Receivers, PO Vouchers and PO related Asset transactions will need to be processed, finalized, closed, etc
50. 50 Questions before Year end review?
51. 51 May 16, 2008 4:30 pmRequisition Deadline All requisitions must be
Budget checked
If they have not been approved and budget checked by this date, it does not reserve the money. Remaining departmental funds become part of ASU’s general fund and you will have to delete the requisition
If you have an emergency after May 16th, you must get permission from Dan Whitfield before spending any more FY08 funds.
52. 52 Other deadlines Purchasing Card May 16, 2008
Telecomm work orders May 9, 2008
Petty cash June 6, 2008
Postage June 6, 2008
Copy Center June 4, 2008
ASU Central Supply, Library, Media Center, Bookstore June 4, 2008
53. 53 Managing Current Requisitions Submit as early as possible
Approve and budget check
Requisitions that you do not want
Delete if it has not been budget checked
Trash can on Requisition header comments panel
Request it be cancelled to appropriate buyer via email (must be both approved and budget checked)
54. 54 P-Card Spend early on P-Card transactions
Before using your P-Card
Check your budget for available money
Remember some expenditures take a few days - one month to process – Central Supply, Bookstore, Media Services
Purchases applied to statement after May 16 should be on an emergency basis and will be charged to your FY09 budget
55. 55 Preencumbrances and Encumbrances Use your budget reports to ensure that you have preencumbrances for all outstanding reqs.
Liquidated pre-encumbrances – for all requisitions after PO has been created
Liquidated encumbrances – after check has been cut
Problems – contact the buyer ASAP!!!!
56. 56 Entering YearEnd Requisitions Create requisition when authorized by:
Dan Whitfield
Lisa Webb in the Vice President’s of Business Services Office
Projects Office notified by Dan or Lisa to open access to Reqs for departmental user
For Buyer, you must choose Year End Buyer
User notifies Lisa via email when the requisition is ready to be approved.