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Nursing and Midwifery. Ann Rae – Educational Project Manager Belinda Emmens – Practice Education Co-ordinator. Background. NES ePortfolio – 26+ platforms Nurses/Midwives, Medics, Dentists, Pharmacists N&M pilot Funded by SGHD though NES Central to NES Digital
Nursing and Midwifery Ann Rae – Educational Project Manager Belinda Emmens – Practice Education Co-ordinator
Background • NES ePortfolio – 26+ platforms Nurses/Midwives, Medics, Dentists, Pharmacists • N&M pilot • Funded by SGHD though NES • Central to NES Digital • High profile with revalidation
Example Activity across Scotland • 5,552 accounts given (at 19th March 2015) • +++ awareness sessions PE/PEF’s • UWS/NHS AAA pre-registration mental health • General Practice Nurse programme • Advance Practice (GGC and Lothian) • Mentor Prep – UWS/RGU
Sections There is ONE ePortfolio for nurses and midwives, with one home page, user name and password There are three sections:- • Nursing and midwifery career-long • Mentor preparation • Mentor CPD With aligned functions and specific content to support nurses and midwives with different aspects of recording, storing and sharing their evidence requirements
Career-long Your ePortfolio for your use for your whole professional career” Administered centrally by NES – email eportfolio.nm@nes.scot.nhs.uk Belongs entirely to the individual, who can select items to share with others Can be used to gather, store, download or print evidence for: • NMC requirements – Prep/revalidation • KSF development reviews/appraisals • Career development • Job applications • Meetings with peers/supervisors
Mentor preparation section Administered locally by mentor preparation programme providers Evidence continues belongs to the “student mentor” and can be viewed by HEI named Education Lecturer as part of programme delivery, verification and quality assurance processes Can be used to: • Record mentoring learning time in HEI and practice • Gather evidence of mentoring activities • Link evidence to NMC mentor domains and outcomes • Undertake and evidence achievement of sign-off mentor status • Obtain feedback from others • Confirm/verify achievement of mentor preparation programme
Mentor CPD section Administered by NES but increasingly by NHS Boards or by Belongs entirely to the individual, who can select items to share with others Can be used to: • Capture mentoring activities – no. of students, working with students • Gather evidence of attendance at mentor updates, meetings and events • Link evidence to NMC mentor domains and outcomes • Self declare each year meeting NMC annual updating requirements • Undertake and evidence achievement of sign-off mentor status • Obtain feedback from others • Confirm/verify achievement of triennial review
National support for local implementation On-line guides and podcasts Getting started and user guides for Career-long section http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/education-and-training/by-discipline/nursing-and-midwifery/careers-and-recruitment/nursing-midwifery-career-long-eportfolio.aspx Getting started and user guides for mentor sections http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/education-and-training/by-discipline/nursing-and-midwifery/practice-education/mentor-bulletin-publications-and-resources.aspx
Agenda for Change band of ePortfolio user respondents (n=173)
Some challenges... “IT access. Difficult for staff to access e-portfolio where IT access is limited. Many staff have minimal IT literacy and this is a barrier to them utilising E-Portfolio.” “Staff highlight workload pressures and low morale as an inhibiting factor in using e portfolio.” “It’s a fantastic concept but needs to be easier and needs to be taught and sold.”
Positive comments ...... “You can use for whole career and take with you and add to it.” “I was able to give the student feedback though ePortfolio. ..........it was really straightforward to do and technically not difficult. I found it a very positive experience.” “People see changes coming and the need for evidence.” “Staff are aware of revalidation and many see E-Portfolio as a method for recording CPD which could in the future be shared easily with the NMC if requested.”
NMC Revalidation Provisional requirements • 450 hours Practice • 40 hours CPD (20 of these must include participatory learning). • 5 pieces of practice-related feedback Provisional records • Practice hours • Reflections on the Code, CPD, and practice-related feedback • Record of CPD • Professional Development discussion • Confirmation from third party
Discussion • SCEPRN may wish to request an account for their own use. • HEI’s may wish to use ePortfolio within the Mentor Prep programmes • Potential to introduce to students as a career long approach for professional development and revalidation