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Discuss careers and techniques that use biomedical technology .

Discuss careers and techniques that use biomedical technology . Obj : Discuss imaging careers and technology. Medical imaging . Radiography or diagnostic imaging

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Discuss careers and techniques that use biomedical technology .

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  1. Discuss careers and techniques that use biomedical technology. Obj: Discuss imaging careers and technology.

  2. Medical imaging Radiography or diagnostic imaging Radiography: Making film records of internal structures by passing radiographs or gamma rays through the body to make images on specially sensitized film

  3. Radiologic technologists (Radiographers) Responsibilities- operate radiographic machinery; work under the direction of a physician (radiologist); transfer and position the patient and select proper technical factors; administer opaque media (dye) to make internal body parts visible. Radiation exposure • (1) Film badge (2) Government regulates exposure

  4. Radiologist Medical doctor who specializes in test and treatment using radiographic material Supervises the imaging department

  5. Nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) Specialty area for radiographers Uses the properties of radioactive materials to make diagnostic evaluations and provide therapy Provides basic and emergency care, prepares and administers radioactive compounds, participates in research activities.

  6. Ultrasound technologist (Medical sonographer) Produces two-dimensional images of internal organs, utilizing sound waves at high frequency Positions the patient, explains procedure, adjust equipment, and label the images. Requires Certification after completing a 2-year community college program.

  7. Related imaging personnel Physicist- concerned with the application of ionizing radiation to medical diagnoses and therapy. Assist a physician in the care of patients, equipment selection, quality control, teaching, and radiation safety. Requires a Master’s or Doctorate degree. Must pass a certification exam Medical dosimetrist- work under the supervision of a physicist. They calculate and plan radiation doses to treat cancer. Have background in math & Physics

  8. Related imaging personnel Electrocardiograph technician (EKG) attach electrode leads or pads on the patient to monitor or test the activity of the heart Echocardiography specialty area, monitors blood flow through the heart Electroencephalograph technician (EEG) attach leads to measures electrical activity through the brain to aid in diagnoses

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