Receiving the regimental colors, the sergeant pressed forward to the front rank near the Colonel, who was leading the assault. He (Carney) received a severe wound in the in the thigh, but fell only upon his knees. He planted the flag on the parapet and for shelter lay down upon the outer slope… In view of the special merit of Srgt. Carney, I beg you will favorably consider this application for a furlough of thirty days, to enable him to visit his family and friends in New Bedford
In this letter dated November 9, 1863, Massachusetts Governor John Andrew asked Secretary of War Edwin Stanton for a 30-day furlough for Sergeant William H. Carney so that he could return home and visit his family. In July of that year, Sgt. Carney had been severely wounded while carrying the colors during the attack on Fort Wagner. The copy of this letter was found on docsteach.org and is from the archives of the War Department Record and Pensions office