The great schism Catholicism
The great schism • On July 16/1054, just as prayer was nearly begun in the great church of Hagia Sofia “Holy Wisdom” in Constantinople, then the capital of the roman empire, three representatives of the Pope of Rome, led by cardinal Humbert of Marmouties, entered the building. With Humbert was Archbishop Peter of Amalfi and Cardinal Deacon Frederick of Lotharingia (who in 1057 will become Pope Stephen IX).
The three walked directly to the sanctuary containing the holy altar and threw upon it a papal bull excommunicating Michael Cerularius the patriarch of Constantinople. . They exited immediately there after. Numerous development s over several centuries led to that moment, and not until early 13th century was the break recognizably complete. • These event has redefined what it means to be christian.
Difference in vision • Major difference: • Development of doctrine. • Faith and reason. • Spirituality • (see other presentation for the rest)
Faith and reason • Development of doctrine is possible in part because of the relationship Rome sees between faith and reason, in which reason is placed on a much higher level in Christian life than it is in orthodoxy. Especially since the time of Thomas Aquinas (13th century), Rome has defined and re defined much of its doctrine (often new dogmas) in terms of reason.
Aquinas’s project was to merge catholic dogma with the philosophical requirements of Aristotelian logic. This merger is the origin of most modern attempts to “prove” God’s- existence- which are base on the proposition that all doctorine must be logical and scientific in order to be believable.
Pope John II in his 1998 encyclical fides et ratio puts faith and reason on the same level as means of the truth: “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth” • These language subjects faith to the demands of human rationality. Reason become not merely a tool but rather the very criterion of truth.
It is also the reason much of the roman catholic spiritual life is Legalist, because it is mainly concerned with satisfying legal, philosophical categories rather than addressing and healing spiritual realities. • For the Orthodox, rational thought is useful tool to support the only true means of knowing the truth: Faith in collaboration with God’s Grace. Reason, though useful , is not a necessary element in Christian life. Orthodoxy is rational, but not rationalist. You can be a true theologian in Orthodox church and yet not highly educated (fishermen) or vey intelligent (many saints were less than average in education and jobs), This is because true theology is not defined by the acuity of the rational mind, but by the quality of the prayer of the heart