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Urban Fellows Final Project Presentations Spring 2011

Urban Fellows Final Project Presentations Spring 2011. Urban Fellows Purpose.

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Urban Fellows Final Project Presentations Spring 2011

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  1. Urban Fellows Final Project Presentations Spring 2011 Urban Fellows 2011

  2. Urban Fellows Purpose • The program serves primarily to enhance the interaction of area college students with the City, advancing the purpose of getting students to consider employment after graduation - ultimately making Memphis their permanent home. Urban Fellows 2011

  3. “The Urban Fellows Program is one of those innovative ideas and initiatives that I could not be more proud in launching, as it exposes college students to real-life governmental work and experience. It serves as a way of our saying to these young and emerging professionals and citizens that ‘We value your service and we want you to stay and grow right here in our great city of Memphis.’” - Mayor A C Wharton Jr. Urban Fellows 2011

  4. Inaugural Urban Fellows • Marquette Beechem • LeMoyne Owen • Solid Waste Accident Analysis • Caroline Colpoys • Rhodes College • City Attorney Personal Manual • Brooklyn Huggins • LeMoyne Owen • Law Division Analysis • PhillinesseKirkwood • Rhodes College • Office of Talent and Human Capital • Mandela Magnidjem • LeMoyne Owen • Boards and Commissions • Courtney Mott • Rhodes College • Pay As You Throw • Madeline Patterson • Rhodes College • Memphis Service Plan • Courtney Richardson • University of Memphis • Finance Policy and Procedure • Anna Beth Sanford • Rhodes College • Larissa Tyler • LeMoyne Owen • Finance Policy and Procedure • Candace Ward • LeMoyne Owen • Sameer Warraich • Rhodes College Urban Fellows 2011

  5. Marquette D. Beechem Solid Waste Vehicle Accidents— Cause and Prevention • Alachua County, Florida • Albuquerque, New Mexico • Memphis, Tennessee Urban Fellows 2011

  6. Pages from the Personnel Manual for the City of Memphis City Attorney’s OfficeCaroline Colpoys Urban Fellows 2011

  7. Table of Contents LAW DIVISION ORGANIZATION CHART...........................................................................4 CHAPTER ONE GENERAL 1.1 Mission Statement....................................................................................................................5 1.2 Duties........................................................................................................................................5 1.2.1 Duty to Advice Officers-Written Opinions...............................................................5 1.2.2 Duty to Prosecute or Defend Suits............................................................................5 1.2.3 Drafting of Deeds and Contracts...............................................................................5 1.2.4 Drafting of Ordinances..............................................................................................5 1.2.5 Attendance at Council or Committee Meetings.........................................................5 1.2.6 Claim Agent in Attorney’s Office..............................................................................6 1.3 Divisions....................................................................................................................................6 1.3.1 Litigation Office.........................................................................................................6 1.3.2 Prosecutor’s Office.....................................................................................................6 1.3.3 Claims/ Risk Management Office..............................................................................6 1.3.4 Contract Compliance..................................................................................................6 1.3.5 Intergovernmental Relations......................................................................................7 1.4 Location/ Phone Numbers.........................................................................................................7 CHAPTER FOUR LITIGATION STANDARDS 4.1 Policy........................................................................................................................................16 4.2 File Maintenance .....................................................................................................................16 4.3 Case Preparation.......................................................................................................................16 4.4 Miscellaneous………………………………………………………………………………...17 4.5 Checks Payments……………………………………………………………………………..17 4.5.1 For Filling fees, Seminar Fees etc………………………………………………….17 4.5.2 For Settlements……………………………………………………………………..17 4.5.3 Payment of Invoices………………………………………………………………..18 4.5.4 Transcription Costs...................................................................................................18 4.6 Attorney Conduct.....................................................................................................................18 4.6.1 Appeal Policy………………………………………………………………...…..18 4.6.2 Assignments……………………………………………………………..……..18 4.6.3 Briefs…………………………………………………………………………...19 4.6.4 Case Evaluation………………………………………………………………...19 4.6.5 Court Assessed Costs…………………………………………………………..19 4.6.6 Court Reporters/Video Depositions……………………………………………19 4.6.7 Deposition Bank………………………………………………………………..19 4.6.8 Expert Witnesses……………………………………………………………….19 4.6.9 Filing Requests………………………………………………………………....20 4.6.10 Investigator Requests…………………………………………………………..20 4.6.11 Law Clerks……………………………………………………………………..20 4.6.12 Legal Advice…………………………………………………………………...20 Types………………………………………………………………….20 A. Legal Memorandum……………………………………………20 B. Review and Advice Memorandums……………………………21 C. Legal Opinion…………………………………………………..21 Procedure……………………………………………………………..21 Legal Memorandum and Review and Advice Memorandums…21 Opinion Letters…………………………………………………21 Procedure for all written legal advice…………………………..22 4.6.13 Motions to Disqualify…………………………………………………………..22 4.6.14. Record Retention and Disposal Policy………………………………………....22 4.6.15 Reserves………………………………………………………………………...22 4.6.16 Rules of Professional Conduct……………………………………………….....22 4.6.17 Settlement – Concurrence of City Attorney.......……………………………….22 4.6.18 Settlement Procedures for Attorneys and Staff ……….……………………….22 4.6.19 Settlement Letters.................................................................................................23 4.6.20 Trial Support........................................................................................................23 CHAPTER FIVE MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS 5.1 Statements to the Media........................................................................................................23 Urban Fellows 2011

  8. CHAPTER THREEWORK RULES AND OFFICE PROTOCOL3.1 Work Attendance 3.1.1 Staff Hours...............................................................................................................12 3.1.2 Compensatory Time.................................................................................................13 3.1.3 Lunch Schedule........................................................................................................13 3.1.4 Employees Signing In and Out................................................................................13 3.1.5 Tardiness Policy.......................................................................................................13 3.1.6 Make-up Time..........................................................................................................13 3.1.7 Inclement Weather....................................................................................................13 3.2 Office Attire and Decorum......................................................................................................13 3.2.1 Dress Code................................................................................................................13 3.2.2 Employee Discipline Policy Procedures...................................................................14 3.2.3 Office Conduct..........................................................................................................14 3.2.4 Smoking Policy.........................................................................................................143.3 Office Security.........................................................................................................................143.4 Fire Alarm................................................................................................................................143.5 Electronic Mail.........................................................................................................................153.6 Computer Usage.......................................................................................................................15 3.6.1 Information Technology Security..............................................................................15 3.6.2 Laptop Computer Usage............................................................................................15 3.6.3 Software Copying and Use........................................................................................153.7 Monthly Staff Meetings............................................................................................................153.8 Subpoenas.................................................................................................................................16 3.9 Certified Mail...........................................................................................................................16 3.10 Contracts.................................................................................................................................16 3.11 Confidentiality........................................................................................................................16 Urban Fellows 2011

  9. CHAPTER TWO PERSONNEL 2.1 Personnel Categories.................................................................................................................7 2.1.1 City Attorney..............................................................................................................7 2.1.2. Deputy City Attorney................................................................................................7 2.1.3 Senior Assistant City Attorney...................................................................................7 2.1.4. Assistant City Attorneys............................................................................................7 2.1.5 Office Manager...........................................................................................................8 2.1.6 Paralegals....................................................................................................................8 2.1.7 Assistants ...................................................................................................................8 2.1.8 Clerical Staff...............................................................................................................8 2.2 Orientation.................................................................................................................................8 2.3 Identification Card.....................................................................................................................8 2.4 Performance Evaluations...........................................................................................................8 2.5 Leave Benefits/ Policies.............................................................................................................9 2.5.1 Holidays......................................................................................................................9 2.5.2 Annual/ Vacation Days...............................................................................................9 2.5.3 Bonus Days.................................................................................................................9 2.5.4 Simultaneous Leaves..................................................................................................9 2.5.5 Standby Rotation of Legal Secretaries……………………………………………...9 2.6 Rules Governing Outside Employment....................................................................................9 2.6.1 Attorneys ...................................................................................................................9 Outside Activities Generally .....................................................................10 Use of Title ...............................................................................................10 Clerical Support.........................................................................................10 Personal Capacity: Uncompensated Teaching, Speaking or Writing……10 Civic Organizations, Professional Boards and Committees……………..10 2.7 General Employment Rules.....................................................................................................11 2.7.1 Residency Requirements...........................................................................................11 2.7.2 Probationary Employees...........................................................................................11 2.7.3 Voting Rights............................................................................................................11 2.8 Travel Policy............................................................................................................................11 Urban Fellows 2011

  10. CHAPTER FOUR LITIGATION STANDARDS 4.1 Policy........................................................................................................................................16 4.2 File Maintenance .....................................................................................................................16 4.3 Case Preparation.......................................................................................................................16 4.4 Miscellaneous………………………………………………………………………………...17 4.5 Checks Payments……………………………………………………………………………..17 4.5.1 For Filling fees, Seminar Fees etc………………………………………………….17 4.5.2 For Settlements……………………………………………………………………..17 4.5.3 Payment of Invoices………………………………………………………………..18 4.5.4 Transcription Costs...................................................................................................18 4.6 Attorney Conduct.....................................................................................................................18 4.6.1 Appeal Policy………………………………………………………………...…..18 4.6.2 Assignments……………………………………………………………..……..18 4.6.3 Briefs…………………………………………………………………………...19 4.6.4 Case Evaluation………………………………………………………………...19 4.6.5 Court Assessed Costs…………………………………………………………..19 4.6.6 Court Reporters/Video Depositions……………………………………………19 4.6.7 Deposition Bank………………………………………………………………..19 4.6.8 Expert Witnesses……………………………………………………………….19 4.6.9 Filing Requests………………………………………………………………....20 4.6.10 Investigator Requests…………………………………………………………..20 4.6.11 Law Clerks……………………………………………………………………..20 4.6.12 Legal Advice…………………………………………………………………...20 Types………………………………………………………………….20 A. Legal Memorandum……………………………………………20 B. Review and Advice Memorandums……………………………21 C. Legal Opinion…………………………………………………..21 Procedure……………………………………………………………..21 Legal Memorandum and Review and Advice Memorandums…21 Opinion Letters…………………………………………………21 Procedure for all written legal advice…………………………..22 4.6.13 Motions to Disqualify…………………………………………………………..22 4.6.14. Record Retention and Disposal Policy………………………………………....22 4.6.15 Reserves………………………………………………………………………...22 4.6.16 Rules of Professional Conduct……………………………………………….....22 4.6.17 Settlement – Concurrence of City Attorney.......……………………………….22 4.6.18 Settlement Procedures for Attorneys and Staff ……….……………………….22 4.6.19 Settlement Letters.................................................................................................23 4.6.20 Trial Support........................................................................................................23 Urban Fellows 2011

  11. Urban Fellows 2011

  12. CHAPTER ONE GENERAL 1.1 Mission Statement The mission of the City Attorney’s Office is to provide expert legal advice, counsel and representation to the Mayor, City Council members, City Officials and various Boards and Divisions of City government in legal matters. Our goal is to provide expert, sound and timely guidance to each of the varied clients in City government whom we serve. Every effort must be made to maintain the integrity of the City of Memphis and this Office. 1.2 Duties The City Attorney’s Office provides advice, opinions, and legal representation to the City Mayor and City Administration 1.2.1 Duty to Advice Officers-Written Opinions The City Attorney shall advise the officers of the city with reference to all official acts, on request. He or she shall give written opinions, when required so to do by the mayor or city council, or by either of them. 1.2.2 Duty to Prosecute or Defend Suits The City Attorney shall prosecute or defend, as the case may require, all suits to which the City may be a party or in which the City may be interested. Suits may include but may not be limited to the following: 1. Representation of the City, employees, elected officials, including but not limited to City Council, various boards and commissions, in lawsuits filed against or on behalf of the City. 2. Representation of the City in bankruptcy matters. 3. Representation of the City in Civil Service hearings. 4. Prosecution of delinquent tax sales after the list of delinquent taxpayers has been prepared and certified by the Treasurer. 5. Prosecution of condemnations to secure property where attempts at negotiations have failed. 6. City Prosecutors shall represent the City in the prosecution of violations of ordinances in the three divisions of City Court. This office also advises the divisions of City government on Code enforcement matters. Urban Fellows 2011

  13. 4.6.3 Briefs Briefs shall be well-written, compelling, and in conformity with court rules. 4.6.4 Case Evaluation When a case has been dismissed prior to case evaluation, a copy of the dismissal order shall be filed with the Mediation Tribunal clerk. Attach to the order a dated letter explaining that your client has been dismissed from the action and will not participate in case evaluation. This should be done well ahead of the 14-day requirement for submission of case evaluation summaries. Case Evaluation summaries shall be timely filed. When a stipulation to adjourn case evaluation is entered, the Order should indicate a waiver of any costs to the City for the adjournment. As soon as possible following a case evaluation, the matter shall be presented in written form to the City Attorney with a recommendation for acceptance or rejection. If the City Attorney authorizes acceptance of the case evaluation, a letter to the Commission requesting acceptance approval shall immediately be prepared. Attorneys must receive prior approval of leave time to serve as a case evaluator and are to complete an Outside Employment form. Attorneys who meet the Mediation Tribunal case evaluator qualifications are strongly encouraged to apply and serve as a defense case evaluator. 4.6.5 Court Assessed Costs Immediately upon an court order assessing costs against a client represented by this office, or an attorney of this office, the attorney shall prepare and submit a brief memorandum to the City Attorney detailing the facts underlying the court order. Court ordered costs shall be paid immediately unless the City Attorney determines there are exigent circumstances dictating otherwise. 4.6.6 Court Reporters/Video Depositions Court reporters including video depositions are selected on a rotational basis from a vendor list established annually. To schedule a court reporter or video deposition, contact the Office Manager or designee. 4.6.7 Deposition Bank An indexed Deposition Bank is located in the Main Office Center area. All attorneys are to forward deposition transcripts of clients and experts to the Department Supervisor to be included in the Deposition Bank. 4.6.8 Expert Witnesses Prior approval must be received from the City Attorney to hire an expert witness or consultant. When an attorney has concluded that an expert witness or consultant must be hired in order to properly prepare a case or matter, the attorney shall, with the assistance of the City Attorney, where needed, identify and locate the appropriate expert. The attorney shall obtain the curriculum vitae of the proposed Urban Fellows 2011

  14. Brooklyn Huggins Law Division Analysis Urban Fellows 2011


  16. Office of Talent and Human Capital Development • Supports and creates public and private partnerships organizations that respond to the need of Memphis citizens and neighborhood • Reduces government bureaucracy and government costs • Aims to create organizations that are entrepreneurial and mission focused • Memphis, a “City of Choice” • Memphis Mayor’s Link • Retaining Talent Urban Fellows 2011

  17. Factors That Influence Workers’ Location Decisions • Balance:  balance economic opportunity and lifestyle in selecting cities and regions that are attractive to them as places to live and work. • Labor Market: cities and regions with a “thick labor market” that offers the wide variety of employment opportunities required to sustain a career in high technology fields. • Amenities: “Quality of Place” – particularly the variety and accessibility of natural, recreational, and lifestyle amenities • A Blend of Work and Leisure: environments that allow them to blend rather than separate their work and leisure. • A Sense of Place: authenticity and realness found in cities to the generic office complex and strip mall environment found of the “techno-burbs • Active Lifestyle: Knowledge workers prefer “doing” to “watching.” They prefer to participate rather than watch sports and favor a diverse range of intense outdoor activities (rowing, sailing, cycling, rock climbing). • Alternative Arts and Culture: A number of smaller, accessible, “street-level” opportunities to dine, dance, engage in active recreation, and soak up the local music scene.  • The Environment: Environment – particularly air and water quality – matters. The new economy dramatically transforms the role of the environment and natural resources. “Quality of Place” attracts talent and generate economic growth. • Diversity: Diverse populations, progressive thinking, and inclusive attitudes toward a broad range of individual characteristics including race, nationality, lifestyle, and sexual preference. • Creativity and Innovation: Creativity and innovation are the key success factors of the new economy, and new ideas thrive in diverse environments. Urban Fellows 2011

  18. Making Memphis a “City of Choice” • Place making and city building • People having choices for success in life • Built on distinctive strengths • Engages the broad community while reselecting and embracing diversity • Emphasizes action, alignment, collaboration, connectivity and shared purpose Urban Fellows 2011

  19. Memphis Mayor’s Link • Career Services at local colleges • Information of Interest Give a Minute • Monthly newsletter/ email • Job opportunities available in Memphis • Calendar of events for college students • Discounts or savings to local businesses Urban Fellows 2011

  20. Retain Talent Model Cities • Michigan • Pittsburgh • Detroit • Boston Why Successful? • Plentiful and reliable public transportation • Walk able cities • Numerous job fairs • High tech • Free gym membership Urban Fellows 2011

  21. The Colleges of Memphis: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Soul Student Launch Survey • Gauge public opinion • Open ended questions • Ratings • Colleges of Memphis Survey Urban Fellows 2011

  22. Mandela Magnidjem Boards and Commissions Urban Fellows 2011

  23. Courtney Mott Pay As You Throw Urban Fellows 2011

  24. Pay As You Throw Memphis’ Path to Sustainable Living Pay As You Throw Urban Fellows 2011

  25. Benefits of Pay As You Throw • Reduce solid waste collection and disposal costs for the community • Reduce the volume of waste generated by households • Increase the levels of solid waste recycling and composting • They are fair: residents that waste less, pay less. • PAYT systems do not require additional or new trucks necessarily. • They prevent overuse/exploitation of solid waste services. • PAYT systems not only encourage recycling, but also encourage recycling, composting, and reduction in overall waste. • Some programs are simple/inexpensive to implement. • PAYT programs are environmentally friendly. Urban Fellows 2011

  26. Costs of Pay As You Throw • Possible increase in illegal dumping • Costs for lower income families • Uncertain revenues • Multi-family housing • Media Urban Fellows 2011

  27. Types of PAYT Programs • Variable can/cart systems • Bag programs • Tag and sticker programs • Hybrid programs • Weight-based systems Urban Fellows 2011

  28. Concentration • PAYT systems are largely concentrated in the West • States with more than 200 communities include Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, California, New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania Urban Fellows 2011

  29. Madeline Patterson Memphis Service Plan Urban Fellows 2011

  30. Courtney Richardson & Larissa Tyler Finance Policy & Procedure Manual Update Project: Updating Manual Urban Fellows 2011

  31. FinanceDepartment • Overview of City’s Financial and Accounting Activity • Reviewing and editing annual financial publications such as the budget and the annual financial statement which is also called the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) • The CAFR is also the CPA’s (Certified Public Accounting) report on the accuracy and reliability of the city’s financial activity for the year

  32. Overview of City’s Financial and Accounting Activity • Oversee how City’s financial statements are put together

  33. Reviewing and Editing Annual Financial Publications • Budget Books • CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) • CIP(Capital Improvement Program)

  34. Budget Book • The City’s breakdown of budget by division • Award Winning for 13 consecutive years • Editorial and Academic review for previous and current fiscal years • Final edition will release June 2011

  35. CAFR • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report • Explains financial statement • Award winners for 33 years • Most recent review was fiscal year 2010 • The 2011 edition is currently under an editorial/academic review

  36. CIP • Capital Improvement Program • Building Projects (Construction In Progress)

  37. Conclusion • I have used the reviews and editing assignments to observe how the documents that I have learned about in class are actually prepared and used by the accountants.

  38. Thank You Urban Fellows 2011

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