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“Project for assessing and mitigating the adverse impacts of interactions between cetaceans and fishing activities in the ACCOBAMS Area.” Implementing agency : Secretariat of ACCOBAMS (MedSRCU and BSSRCU included)
“Project for assessing and mitigating the adverse impacts of interactions between cetaceans and fishing activities in the ACCOBAMS Area.” • Implementing agency: Secretariat of ACCOBAMS (MedSRCU and BSSRCU included) • Participating countries: The project will be implemented in the area covered by the ACCOBAMS Agreement by the national authorities of each country participating in the project • Partners: GFCM, European Commission, COPEMED, ADRIAMED, MedSudMed , ICRAM, IFREMER, EUROPECHE, MEDISAMAK,WWF, AHDs manufacturers • Duration: 24 months • Budget:1 500 000 E
Project endorsed by the ACCOBAMS Parties in November 2004 Portugal, Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco
RATIONALE • Major fisheries-related problems affecting the conservation of cetacean populations in the ACCOBAMS area: • Incidental catches in fishing gears. • Especially driftnets entanglements • Dynamite fishing • Direct killing of cetaceans, both as way to scare dolphins away from their fishing area • Indiscriminate use of acoustic deterrent devices (‘pingers’), • Over fishing. • Cetaceans are not victims of all fishing gear, but only of those characterised by low selectivity and by certain net gears (such as driftnets with big mesh size, gillnets and small-pelagic purse seines).
Cetaceans species present within the ACCOBAMS area affected by these threats to varying degrees: Delphinus delphis, Tursiops truncatus, Phocoena phocoena, Physeter macrocephalus, Balaenopteraphysalus, Ziphius cavirostris Stenella coeruleoalba
OBJECTIVES 1. To collect historical data about the cetacean by-catch. 2. To establish an official scheme for independent observers on fishing boats, including data collection procedure 3. To collect data about the present cetacean by-catch 4. To assess the actual efficiency of pingers (and other ways of avoiding by-catch) and the associated environmental impacts of their use at large scale …./
…/ OBJECTIVES 5. To raise the fishermen awareness about the need of mitigating the impact of fishing on cetacean populations 6. To enhance the fishermen capability in handling cetaceans incidentally caught in their fishing gears 7. To investigate the efficiency of AHDs (Acoustic Harassment Devices) in reducing nets depredation and interaction with purse seine fishing ------------
WORK PROGRAM A1: Inception Workshop :take stock of the situation A2: Elaboration of a Standard Methodologyto be used for the collection of data about cetacean bycatch A3: National Workshopsto train the national team of observers A4: Data Collectionto assess the extent of cetacean bycatch in the participating countries B1: Workshop on the use of pingersand other ways of mitigating cetacean bycatch B2: Pilot Action on the use of pingersother ways of mitigating cetacean bycatch …./
…/ WORK PROGRAM C1: Elaboration of a technical manual on handling cetaceans incidentally caught in fishing gears C2: Elaboration and dissemination ofawareness raising material D: Large-scalePilot campaigns using AHDs(Acoustic Harassment Devices) to reduce nets depredation and interaction with purse seine fishing. ----------------
METHODOLOGY • The fishing techniques to be monitored are: Gillnets, trammel nets and purse seines. • The collection of field data: • - by observers on fishing boats • by a questionnaire distributed to a set of volunteer boats for the collection of quantitative data on the occurrence of by-catch in fishing gear known to have a low impact on cetaceans; • In each country: • Training of a team of observers, for the fishing techniques that have most interaction with cetaceans,. • A National project coordinator belonging to a regional network, will coordinate the observers.
…/ METHODOLOGY At regional level, a regional coordinator will be recruited for the duration of the project and placed with the ACCOBAMS Secretariat. At national level, the project activities must be entrusted to the authorities that are responsible for fishing, with the participation of specialist scientific institutions. A steering committee will be established in order to provide advices and guidance to the Project coordinator. It will be made of representatives of the Partners and donors. -----------