European GNSS ProgrammesEGNOS and Galileo
2. EGNOS2. Galileo3. EU-USA
3. EGNOS2. Galileo3. EU-USA
4. EGNOS: GPS augmentation service The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is Europe�s first venture into satellite navigation. It augments the two military satellite navigation systems now operating, the US GPS and Russian GLONASS systems, and makes them suitable for safety critical applications such as flying aircraft or navigating ships through narrow channels.�Consisting of three geostationary satellites and a network of ground stations, EGNOS achieves its aim by transmitting a signal containing information on the reliability and accuracy of the positioning signals sent out by the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS). It allows users in Europe and beyond to determine their position to within 2 metres, compared with about 20 metres for GPS and GLONASS alone. The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is Europe�s first venture into satellite navigation. It augments the two military satellite navigation systems now operating, the US GPS and Russian GLONASS systems, and makes them suitable for safety critical applications such as flying aircraft or navigating ships through narrow channels.�Consisting of three geostationary satellites and a network of ground stations, EGNOS achieves its aim by transmitting a signal containing information on the reliability and accuracy of the positioning signals sent out by the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS). It allows users in Europe and beyond to determine their position to within 2 metres, compared with about 20 metres for GPS and GLONASS alone.
6. EGNOS Performance (January 2009)
8. EGNOS Programme Status EGNOS is already broadcasting signals of excellent quality
Assets have been transferred from ESA to the European Community in April 2009
First EGNOS operator contract as of 1st April 2009
New OS ICD release planned for autumn 2009
Lease completed of an EGNOS transponder to replace ARTEMIS as of 2011
Procurement action ongoing for replacement of a 2nd EGNOS transponder
Geographical service extension is under study
SOL declaration of "entry into service" planned for mid-2010 (after certification milestone)
9. EGNOS potential extensions
10. Service Provision Improvements ?short/medium term
Coverage Evolution
Eastern Europe, MEDA, Middle East/ACAC ?medium term
Africa ?medium/long term
Frequency Evolution
Extension to the E5a/E5b frequency decided on ARTEMIS replacement
Evolution of Standards ?long term
Standardisation of E5a and E5b, L1 CBOC on-going
Augmentation of new GNSS
Additional Services
LPV200 service level ?medium term (2011) EGNOS capability to meet this service level currently under technical evaluation
EGNOS time service ?medium term
Possible critical communication message EGNOS Service Evolutions
11. EGNOS Value Added
12. EGNOS2. Galileo3. EU-USA
14. Galileo Implementation Plan
GSTB V1 objectives
GPS measurements collected world-wide by a network of stations and processed off-line to verify GALILEO Timing, Navigation and Integrity concepts
Successful completion in December 2004 with the provision of validated prototype algorithms and models to the Ground Mission Segment IOV Phase CDE1 Contract
GSTB V2 objectives
Experimental GALILEO Satellite programme
Precursor of the IOV Phase
Securing GALILEO filings and validating on-board technology in the MEO radiation environment
IOV Objectives
Verification of all space, ground and user components, including their interfaces, prior to full system deployment
Analysis of system performance with the view to refine the FOC system prior to full system deployment
Verification of the adequacy of the siting requirements
Verification of Navigation Processing
Verification of integrity processing regarding the establishment of SISA and IF confidence levels, characterisation of feared events and TTA analysis
UERE budget characterisation
Deployment risk reduction
Verification of operational procedures
GSTB V1 objectives
GPS measurements collected world-wide by a network of stations and processed off-line to verify GALILEO Timing, Navigation and Integrity concepts
Successful completion in December 2004 with the provision of validated prototype algorithms and models to the Ground Mission Segment IOV Phase CDE1 Contract
GSTB V2 objectives
Experimental GALILEO Satellite programme
Precursor of the IOV Phase
Securing GALILEO filings and validating on-board technology in the MEO radiation environment
IOV Objectives
Verification of all space, ground and user components, including their interfaces, prior to full system deployment
Analysis of system performance with the view to refine the FOC system prior to full system deployment
Verification of the adequacy of the siting requirements
Verification of Navigation Processing
Verification of integrity processing regarding the establishment of SISA and IF confidence levels, characterisation of feared events and TTA analysis
UERE budget characterisation
Deployment risk reduction
Verification of operational procedures
15. Galileo Test Satellites Giove-A launched on 28 December 2005
Secured Galileo frequencies
Giove-B launched on 27 April 2008
First Passive Hydrogen Maseratomic clock ever flown
Implementation of CBOC signal
Working as expected
16. Galileo IOV vs FOC ESA will launch the first four operational satellites using two separate launchers. The first two satellites will be placed in the first orbital plane and the second in the second orbital plane. These four satellites, plus part of the ground segment, will then be used to validate the Galileo system as a whole, using advanced system simulators. Then, the next two satellites will be launched into the third orbital plane. �Once the Galileo system has been validated, the final stage will be to build up the rest of the constellation by completing it on all its three orbital planes. This will then require several launches with Ariane-5 or Soyuz from the Europe�s Space Port in French Guyana. Galileo will then be fully operational, providing its services to a wide variety of users throughout the world. �ESA will launch the first four operational satellites using two separate launchers. The first two satellites will be placed in the first orbital plane and the second in the second orbital plane. These four satellites, plus part of the ground segment, will then be used to validate the Galileo system as a whole, using advanced system simulators. Then, the next two satellites will be launched into the third orbital plane. �Once the Galileo system has been validated, the final stage will be to build up the rest of the constellation by completing it on all its three orbital planes. This will then require several launches with Ariane-5 or Soyuz from the Europe�s Space Port in French Guyana. Galileo will then be fully operational, providing its services to a wide variety of users throughout the world. �
17. IOV Ground Segment Sites
18. Galileo FOC Procurement Contract notice: 1 July 2008
Infrastructure procurement in 6 work packages
Operational Capability in 2013
19. Galileo ProcurementRetained Candidates
21. EGNOS2. Galileo3. EU-USA
22. EU-USA Common approach with regard to an overall GNSS strategy
Solving the compatibility issues and enhancing interoperability
Developing a common GNSS standard for Safety of Life
Coordinating inputs to UN ICG/Providers� Forum
23. EU-USA Galileo and GPS are compatible and interoperable
Thanks to detailed and lengthy bilateral discussions through Working Groups, established by the EU US 2004 Agreement and following close monitoring by the senior levels chaired by US DoS and EC
Excellent results to-date
MBOC common modulation
National Security Compatibility Compliance
GGTO implemented on IOV and tested on GIOVE
But, many more joint efforts are needed to ensure C&I for all GNSS
24. GNSS Compatibility & Interoperability
25. EU-USA Other issues
Trade working-group
Further definition of ��non-discriminatory approach�to trade in GNSS goods and services (WTO)
Discussion on IPR aspects of Galileo R&D
Galileo spectrum in U.S. National Table of Frequency Allocations
Joint outreach (GPS-Galileo fact sheet etc)
Procurement of GPS and Galileo
Sofar: Export controls, technology control
Next: Endorsement of new legal basis for exchange of classified information
Protection/hosting of ground stations
Security roles and responsibilities
26. EU-USA Safety of Life Service: common GNSS standard
1st generation SBAS (WAAS EGNOS MSAS GAGAN) has reached a good level of maturity, but are based on GPS only
Galileo has designed a SoL standard
Integrity concepts likely to evolve with increasing number of constellations
Other constellations are interested in developing built-in integrity
Users need a single interface, single standard
Need common vision for the future
27. Thank you for your attention.