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We have the following presentations: Aim of this session (Y. Sakamoto) Improved H-mode in JT-60U (Y. Sakamoto) Hybrid scenario developments in JET in the 2006&2007 campaigns (X. Litaudon) CRONOS simulations of ITER Hybrid (X. Litaudon)
We have the following presentations: • Aim of this session (Y. Sakamoto) • Improved H-mode in JT-60U (Y. Sakamoto) • Hybrid scenario developments in JET in the 2006&2007 campaigns • (X. Litaudon) • CRONOS simulations of ITER Hybrid (X. Litaudon) • Improved H-modes at ASDEX Upgrade (X. Litaudon) • Hybrid operation on DIII-D and projections to ITER (E. Doyle) • Comments on accessibility of improved H-mode in ITER (V. Mukhovatov) • Significant progress was made in the regions of long pulse, high density, Te/Ti, low q95, slow rotation.... Summary of Improved H-mode Session
Recent progress:long sustainment of Hybrid discharge JT-60U JET 0.9MA/1.6T (t=18s) HH~1.1, bN~2.5, ne/nGW~0.48, q95~3.3 Duration of high confinement is limited by enhanced recycling. Strike point sweeping for power spread avoids enhanced recycling without any change in performance.
Recent progress: lower q95 Hybrid regime was extended to low q95. JET: sawtoothing discharge AUG: no sawtooth, fishbones, NTM DIII-D: small sawtooth (JT-60U: no sawtooth no NTM)