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A New York-based start-up, u201cAir Companyu201d is gaining a lot of attention because of its rare vodka composition, a vodka made from captured carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Through innovation and disruptive technology, the firmu2019s mission is to create a line of products that can reduce carbon concentration on earth.<br>A study by Urban Future Lab at New York University shows there are about 350 start-ups that are working in this field to deliver goods.<br><br>For more information, please visit @ https://www.iebrain.com/air-company-start-up-transforms-carbon-emission-into-vodka-to-save-planet/
Air Company Start-up Transforms Carbon Emission intoVodka toSave Planet StrategicDevelopment: A New York-based start-up, “Air Company” is gaining a lot of attention because of its rare vodka composition, a vodka made from captured carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Through innovation and disruptive technology, the firm’s mission is to create a line of products that can reduce carbon concentrationonearth. A study by Urban Future Lab at New York University shows there are about 350 start-ups that are workinginthisfieldtodelivergoods madefromcapturedcarbon.Thetechnologycanbeusedtoreduce CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, convert it into some useful products such as fuel, alcohol, buildingmaterials,diamonds,carbonatedrinks,animal feed,etc. ResearchStrategy: Thestart-up makes useof acarbonconversionreactortomakevodkaoutofthinair,theonlyinputin thisreactorisair(CO2),andwaterwhich getsconvertedintoethanolwithoxygenandwaterasby- products.Theprocessispoweredbysolarenergy.Itmimicstheprincipleofphotosynthesis. Air(CO2)+Water=Vodka Thestart-up claimsthatthecapture,purification,compression,andtransportationoftheCO2used to createAirCompany’sproductsemitsaround0.1kgof CO2per1 kgofCO2that iscaptured. Alongwith cleaningtheaironearth,thestart-upisworkingwith NASAonAirStellarprojectto cleantheairin outerspace.TheirAirvodka,Airsprayhandsanitizer,andCarbon fragrancehasbeen successfullaunchforthefirm.Apartfromtheseproducts,thestart-upisworkingonprojectsfor rocketfuel,glucoseproductionwithDraperLaboratory. ImpactonEndUsers: This is not the first time when a company is converting captured carbon into some useful end products, there are few start-ups and firms working in this field to make diamonds, proteins, ink, fuel from waste carbon. According to Fast Company, traditional bottle of vodka produces approx. 5.8 kilograms of carbon per bottle whereas Air Company claims that while production of each Air vodka bottle, they are removing 500 grams of carbon from the atmosphere. CNBC described the taste of Air vodka like an average vodka. The price of 750ml bottle is almost three times higher than a usual vodka bottle, which may discouragesomeconsumersfrombuyingit.Still,ontheother hand,thecompany’sideahasbeenstrong
enough to grab a lot of attention from prominent market players and customers inclined towards premiumalcoholicbeverageswithexperimental flavouredalcohols,andmixedbeverages. For more information, please visit @ https://www.iebrain.com/air-company-start-up-transforms- carbon-emission-into-vodka-to-save-planet/ AboutIngenious e-BrainSolutions:- Ingenious e-Brain Solutions provides high-quality, customized, and cost-effective Technology Intelligence, Business Intelligence, and Intellectual Property Intelligence solutions to industry leaders, and innovative companies across the globe. Innovation, knowledge, and transparency form the basis of our company’s missionand vision. Alongwithcostbenefits,weprovide highestqualityresultsensuring fool-proof confidentialityandsecurity.WeareanISOcertifiedcompany withofficesinIndiaandUSA. Ingenious e-BrainSolutions has astrongteamofanalysts,andsubjectmatter expertswithdomain proficiency which is devoted to help clients grow. Our highly qualified professionals offer tailored, value- added and cost-effective services to our clients. We believe in building long term relationships with our clientswhoincludenationalandinternationalcorporations,Fortune500companies,world’sleadingresearch institutes and universities as wellasindependent inventors. GetinTouch: - India Office 207-208 Welldone TechPark, Sohna Road Sector 48, Gurugram,Haryana122018, India +911244294218 Email:- queries@iebrain.com