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Burkholder and Johnson, p. 155. Bota de porto: Supple gaucho boot made from the legskin of a calf. Chiripá: Large skirt-like cloth worn by gauchos in lieu of trousers. Facón: Gaucho’s long, swordlike knife. Dormador: Gaucho broncobuster.
Bota de porto: Supple gaucho boot made from the legskin of a calf.
Chiripá: Large skirt-like cloth worn by gauchos in lieu of trousers.
Gato Dance Zamba Dance
La doma (The Breaking-in) Reinaldo GiudiciColección Museo Isaac Fernández Blanco
San Martín Juan Manuel de Rosas
In 1862, Bartolomé Mitre was inaugurated as president, and he launched a new drive to unify Argentina.
Mitre was followed in the presidency by Domingo Sarmiento, author of Facundo (1845), the most famous literary attack on the caudillo-style gauchos.
During the term of Nicolás Avellaneda (1874-80), Argentina undertook its last major territorial conquest—the “Indian wars.”
Toldería of the Tobas in Colonia San Antonio de Obligado. Since 1887. Fotógrafo Catre.
A priest preaching to Patagonian Indians during the Campaign of Roca.