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1876-1953. Arguably the most chaotic period in Korean historyForced open by imperialism and fought over by other powersLost her national sovereigntySuffered a 36-year colonial ruleWitnessed the division of one ancient country into two modern nationsSurvived a destructive civil war with international intervention .
1. Modern Korean History1876-1953
2. 1876-1953 Arguably the most chaotic
period in Korean history
Forced open by imperialism
and fought over by other powers
Lost her national sovereignty
Suffered a 36-year colonial rule
Witnessed the division of one
ancient country into two
modern nations
Survived a destructive civil war
with international intervention
3. 1876-1953 Number of ways to divide into sub-periods
1876-1910: Korea faces internal conflicts over how to confront imperialist demands
1910-1945: Korea confronts colonial rule
1945-1953: post-colonial failure to achieve sovereignty and painful national division
Not past, dead history but alive today
4. Maps
5. Some of the People Who Helped Make Korean History
6. Enlightenment and Reform inthe 19th Century Forces of “enlightenment” refers to small body of advocates of reform of the Choson dynasty: saw value of “westernization” (e.g., Yu Kil-chun)
But largely overwhelmed by forces of tradition that despised foreign technology and ideas (e.g., Yi Hangno)
Forces for isolation ascendant under Taewon’gun (1864-1873), father of King Kojong
7. Treaty of Kanghwa 2/22/1876 Japanese version of Commodore’s Perry’s opening of Japan
Unequal treaty
Open 3 ports
Residential rights
Commercial privileges
Open Korea to Japanese ambitions
8. Enlightenment Efforts after Kanghwa Enlightenment forces advocate modernization AND “self strengthening”
Li Hung-chang’s advice
1880s foreign relations
1882 Treaty with United States
led to relations with other Western
1883 first Korean mission to U.S.
11. Conservatives and Reformers Kojong and reformers make headway
Growth of anti-foreignism:opponents of “heterodoxy”
Plot of Taewon’gun to replace Kojong
Royal family torn between conservatives and reformers
Conservative Min clique
12. Soldiers’ Revolt of 1882 Emblematic of problems
Clash between “forces” modernity and tradition
Resulted in murder of Min Kyomho and Lt. Horimoto, burning of Japanese legation
Taewon’gun taken off to China
Chinese forces to Korea to keep order;Yüan Shih-k’ai soon became resident Minister
Chinese and foreigners as “advisors”: Paul Georg von Mollendorff
13. Progressives and Coup of 1884 Even reformers divided: gradualists of the “Eastern values, Western science” type
Others wanted greater changes: progressives, for whom model was Japan
December 4, 1884 banquet for Postal Administration Kim Ok-kyun and followers captured Kojong, killed several ministers and engineered a 14 point reform program
Assistance of Japanese
Chinese troops put down coup: Kim, 8 others escape to Japan
15. 1884-1894 Japanese influence down, now contested
Chinese influence ascendant: Yüan Shih-k’ai as “Director-General Resident”
Remove reformists
Stifle nationalism
Limit foreign contacts
Even as China crumbling under foreign pressure, trying to hold on to influence in Korea
“Japan between Empires”
Russia and England clash over interests in Korea, China settled issue over Komun-do
Korea no longer “arbiter of its own destiny”
16. Tonghak Uprising and the Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95 Example: Tonghak Uprising
Background of maladministration, high taxes, rural economic chaos, spiritual decay
Growing hostility of peasantry towards domestic and foreign exploitation
Ch’oe Che-u(1824-1864) and founding of Tonghak (“Eastern Learning”), preaching equality of men regardless of class
Religious AND social movement
17. Tonghak Uprising II Execution of Ch’oe: followers want to clear name
April 1893 in Poun launch “crusade” against ills
By spring1894 a full-scale peasant uprising
under Chon Pong-jun to topple corrupt leaders and drive out Japanese
Defeat government troops, seize Chonju
18. Quelling the Tonghaks Worried gov’t. calls for Chinese troops, Japanese also dispatch
Tonghaks quelled, but Japan attacks Chinese forces: Sino-Japanese War
Japanese victory results in Treaty of Shimonoseki
Korean “independence
Liaotung peninsula
21. Kabo Reforms, 1894-96 Japan “reforms” government
Appoint reformers, pro-Japanese people appointed
Many studied in Japan and U.S.
Hundreds of reform bills passed by Deliberative Assembly over 16 month period
Massive social, political reform designed to totally reform nation
Queen Min assassinated by Japanese in October 1895
Reforms unpopular with conservatives, others because of Japanese backing
22. Incipient Nationalism: The Independence Club, 1896-98 Triple Intervention after Sino-Japanese War
Russian position in Korea increases, multi-power struggle for advantage in Korea
Japan now considers firmer control
Philip Jaisohn forms the Independence Club to champion independence and reforms
Ran afoul of government, leaders jailed (Syngman Rhee) and Jaisohn deported to U.S.
Last real chance for Koreans to effect reform
23. Japanese Imperialism and the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05 Increasing tension between Japan and Russia over Manchuria and Korea
Japan attacks Russia, stuns everyone by defeating Western power
Victory led to Japanese decision to seize Korea
Theodore Roosevelt wins Nobel Prize for peace at Portsmouth
28. Korea Under Japanese Rule: 1910-1945 Japan still not totally committed to colonization: “protectorate” with Ito Hirobumi as Resident General
Valiant Korean struggle against Japanese forces
Assassination of Ito in Harbin by An Chung-gun leads to final seizure
Japan forces Korean cabinet to sign document of annexation
36 years of colonial rule result
29. Japanese Colonialism Japan mixes carrot and stick
1910-1919 military control
1919 March First Movement leads to change
1920-1937 “cultural rule”: co-opt Koreans
forced industrialization
30. Japanese Occupation, 1937-1945 Forced mobilization
Slave labor
Japanese language
Shinto worship
Comfort women
“Lost Names”
This is the occupation that Koreans remember today
31. Koreans Struggle for Liberation Difficulties at home
Korean Provisional Government, Shanghai 1919
Syngman Rhee
An Ch’ang-ho’s work at home and abroad
Guerrillas like Kim Il Sung
32. Liberation, Disillusionment and Division: 1945-1950 Jubilation at liberation short-lived
USSR and US accept Japanese surrender
38th parallel as temporary expedient soon becomes permanent
US and USSR to work towards “trusteeship” before Koreans “ready” for self-rule
Both occupations attract Koreans with similar ideological bent: Korean nationalism already developed left-right split under Japanese
Soviets encourage revolution, Americans provide bulwark for conservatives
33. Two Countries in One Nation US-USSR unable to make trusteeship work
Fall1948 ROK and DPRK established
Rhee and Kim want a single country under their rule
Both regard the other as illegitimate
34. From Civil War to International Conflict: 1950-53 Understanding Korean “Conflict” embedded in Cold War history
Koreans knew it was a civil war
But in U.S. that term unused until Vietnam
Always regarded from U.S. perspective
Example: Who is this man?
35. Remembering the Korean War Korean “Conflict,” “Police Action”
“The Forgotten War”
“The Unfinished War”
USSR and Stalin as instigators
“Red” Chinese “hordes” as main enemy
North Korea as role player: but they claim victory
36. The Korean War in Maps
37. Summing Up the Korean War Exercise in futility
Situation after the war little different from before: South lost Kaesong, gained more territory
Countries remained divided
Hostility greater than ever
Destruction of the two nations enormous
Perhaps 4 million people died
39. Important To Remember The Korean War is not over
There is only an armistice, a “cessation of hostilities”
The war is a fundamental reason behind the current “North Korean Crisis”
In America it is “the Forgotten War”-BUT NOT IN NORTH KOREA
40. Conclusions U.S. seems quite ahistorical: not bound by history but beyond it
In Korea, “History” strongly influences the present (not yet PAST, just not yet finished)
Several contentious periods, not forgotten
Colonial period in current politics:
Internationally, continuing issue with the Japanese
Internally, Truth Commission and “collaborators”
Korean War and the continuing problems of US-ROK-DPRK relations
41. Even Ancient History is Alive
42. So teaching modern Korean history to your students is not irrelevant, but intimately tied to