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EFDA Goal Oriented Training Program Port Plug Engineering. EFDA ITER - Goal Oriented Training Program Port Plug Engineering - Maintainability associated to ITER Component Lifecycle - Tutor : Jen-Pierre MARTINS julien.wagrez@cea.fr. EFDA Goal Oriented Training Program Port Plug Engineering.
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering EFDA ITER - Goal Oriented Training Program Port Plug Engineering-Maintainability associated to ITER Component Lifecycle-Tutor : Jen-Pierre MARTINSjulien.wagrez@cea.fr
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Objectives of my program • Short presentation of an Eq port plug • Kinematic & FE Analysis on the Transfer Cask System with Samtech • Maintenance of the TBM with HAS
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Objectives • Background • Cause = nuclear fusion reactions for long term • high magnetic fields • produces high energy neutron • generates very high temperatures • Consequence = maintenance in nuclear environment • make first wall components highly constrained and causes its wear • many parts of this region must be replaced or refurbished during the reactor’s life • maintenance of a reactor in exploitation is a critical point, because it directly affects the availability of the machine and its economical productivity • Program motivations • Even if the goal of ITER is not to be an industrial reactor, it is essential to consider its maintainability for at least two major reasons: • To have powerful available experimental equipment • To demonstrate that the maintenance by remote handling is possible for the further steps (DEMO) • Because remote handling is one of the most important technical issues of the whole project
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Dimension : 3.5m x 2.2m x 1.7m • Weight : 45t • First Wall Component (= high activation) • Equatorial Port Plug
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Kinematic & FE Analysis on the Transfer Cask System with Samtech • Collaboration with SAMTECH : • Collection of input data • Definition of the analysis methodology and study cases • Setup and delivery of the CATIA V5 configuration models for the study • Idealization of the CAD geometry, in order to have a model that will be more oriented to computation • Delivery of the specifications the simulation activity
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Transfer Cask System (TCS) :Ports dedicated maintenance platform. It has to carry the first wall component to the Hot Cells (nuclear maintenance room). • Envelope:it docks to the port and provide the confinment . • Pallet : it permits to align the envelope with the port. • Air cushion : it moves the all system inside the building.
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Initial models • Transferred by the DET-00433 • Environment + current TCS model roughly positioned • Last studies results were also implemented
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering VV Port Port plug Cask envelope Tractor End-effector Pallet system Rails CAS Building • Geometry preparation • Simplification, replacement or creation of 3D entities • Methodology for transfers from CATIA to inside SAMCEF operational
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering PLUG flange bolting face center TCS CONTAINER Horizontal floor plane TCS front face art floor level TCS PALLET / CONTAINER Horizontal interface plane • Geometry preparation • Positions checking and corrections
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Boundary conditions • Localization of surfaces for forces reactions on the structure • Identification of the surfaces in contact
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Loading conditions • Postion and value for the center of gravity of the main objects to take into account Mover center of gravity Opened double door center of gravity Rear rescue door center of gravity Closed double door center of gravity Port plug center of gravity
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering ALL DOCKED • Kinematics • 3D elements for mechanisms simulation • TCS skeleton for main elements positions and interfaces
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Kinematics • Diagram of the mechanical links between the different subsystems
EFDA Goal Oriented Training ProgramPort Plug Engineering • Conclusion • Geometry is fixed • Boundary and loading conditions are defined • Kinematics preparation is fully operational in CATIA • The report finalizing the 80% of the CEA contribution is about to be officially delivered to SAMTECH
TBS Layout • Main technical components of the TBM system • TBMs ( 2 vertical modules per equatorial port plug) • Plug frame, ultra high vacuum sealing, mechanical attachment and cooling pipes (IF2a) • Manifold set for TBM feeding (Pipe forest) • Bioshield • Ancilary Equipment Unit (AEU) : PbLi-loop, measurement equipment, valves, tanks, … • Tritium plant dedicated area TBM -TG04 Kick off MeetingTask 19 : Design and development plan of the port cell dis-/assembly RH system VV Port Cell T Plant IF1 IF2a IF2b IF3 Tritium plant equipment + Vacuum Vessel AEU Port Duct Port Extension Port Cell Port Cell Door Bioshield T Plant VV Port Cell Main components of the installed TBM system in port cell (EU current study)
Maintenance conditions hypothesis for the current study • Interface 2a is accessible even if AEU is connected => robot carriage must be installed in AEU structure • A maintenance corridor is available on the side to allow human / machine access to the interfaces • The bio-shield contains a dedicated maintenance door to give access to the pipe forest • The cutting task is considered prior to the welding operation, because this is the most critical operation in terms of exposure TBM -TG04 Kick off MeetingTask 19 : Design and development plan of the port cell dis-/assembly RH system
Pipe Forest preliminary design • Pipe forest integration taking into account maintenance access (man / robot) • Pipes insulation thickness = 100mm TBM -TG04 Kick off MeetingTask 19 : Design and development plan of the port cell dis-/assembly RH system
Robotic simulations first results • Industrial arm mounted on a commercial based elements 4 dofs platform designed by HAS • After some modifications on the pipes and robotic tool design, first preliminary result have not revealed any killing issue TBM -TG04 Kick off MeetingTask 19 : Design and development plan of the port cell dis-/assembly RH system
Remaining work and outlook • First test with one dexterous industrial robot arm have been performed for cutting accessibility • A more realistic cutting tool coming from HAS work is about to be integrated in order to replace the current simplified shape • The remote removal of the insulation “half-shells” is about to start • Other industrial robotic arms will be implemented in order to check the feasibility with different kind of robot providers. This is in order to avoid any exclusive robotic arm architecture and provider. • An important handling equipment is required to transport the pipe forest during maintenance operations. A first assessment of this tool is starting. • A preliminary design of the bio-shield will specify it’s main interfaces TBM -TG04 Kick off MeetingTask 19 : Design and development plan of the port cell dis-/assembly RH system