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Welcome to the 7th grade SS class! Learn about class organization, homework expectations, clinic arrangements, and more. Keep track of homework using the stamp sheet on the Synergy website. Click on the link for easy access to course materials.
Objective: (how each class begins) • To introduce the course using a power point presentation. • To present my SS website and review the poem “mean” teacher, to show where the class notes, text book and the home work are located.
Welcome to the 7th grade SS class! • Class organization: Basket use for “pick me ups” • Absent box for missed “pick me ups” Each box marked for class: Academic, Honors, Gifted • Objectives: on board everyday for class review • Clinic-please make arrangements for clinic a day in advance: clinic times-Thurs. after school until 3:30, Friday during R/A period in room 120. • Home Work will be listed on Synergy website and given every Monday for the week ahead.
One of the most important parts about work completed at home is visual appearance. If I can not read it, it is a zero! • HW is due on the due date; no late assignments will be accepted. Long term assignments like papers or projects will be accepted late but will have 5pts deducted for each day late and no extra credit can be earned. • A stamp sheet will be used to maintain HW grade-if student looses this, their grade is a 0. First mp # of HW X 1= points. EX 5 X 1 = 5. Second MP X2 and so on. Ex 5 X 2 = 10Stamp Sheet.doc HW posted on Synergy website, HW tab on left side of site
Located on my website will be power points and notes for class preview and review, as well as online textbook. • Printable notes for preview/review are on posted on website by date • To get to SS website, click on my picture on Synergy website. http://www.crsd.org//site/Default.aspx?PageID=10351