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Learn about the key issues surrounding undeclared labor in Austria, including wage discrepancies and challenges faced by foreign companies. Discover the instruments and measures in place to combat wage dumping and enforce labor standards effectively.
Howtomake formal workattractive - theemployer´sview Rolf Gleissner /UEAPME
Undeclared labour – a key topic in Austria big wage differences between Austria and neighbour countries big tax wegde on labour still relatively low share of undeclared labour – 8% of GDP low unemployment rate 4,9% massive posting of workers from abroad strong pressure by foreign companies which do not comply with Austrian labour standards bogus firms in the construction sector
Instruments against undeclared labour and wage dumping in Austria Collective agreementsincl. minimumwagesforall employedpersons, effective also forpostedworkers strictcontrolsbysocialinsurancecarriers, financialpoliceandfundofconstructionworkers; high finesforemployerswhopaybelowminimum wage acc. tocoll. agreement problem: enforcementabroad feelingofdiscriminationagainst national employers liabilityofcontractorsforsubc. in theconstr. sector
Employer´s position on (in)formal work balance of interests between freedom and fair competition no limitation of freedom of movement make formal work attractive and easy: reduction of tax wedge on labour and of administrative barriers strict enforcement of national standards vis à vis all employers, workers and contractors – also private contractors!
Employer´s position on (in)formal work weneed transnational cooperationandenforcement support a European platformwithobligatoryparticipation enforcement = taskofauthorities no/restrictedliabilityforbehaviourofsubcontractors dangerofhampering (international) cooperation