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This paper explores the potential of IoT technology in the batik business industry. It discusses the findings of a survey conducted with batik entrepreneurs in Solo, Indonesia, who have knowledge of the business but lack skills in integrating IoT technology.
The Usage of IOT Technology and Its Potential In Batik Business 1 Bakri, Solichul Hadi Achmad, UNIBA Surakarta, Jalan KH. Agus Salim no.10, Solo-57147. Indonesia 2.Massila binti Kamalrudin, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, UTeM-Malaysia 3.Suwardi, UNIBA Surakarta, Jalan KH. Agus Salim no.10, Solo-57147. Indonesia 4 Noorezam Yusop, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, UTeM-Malaysia 5 Safiah binti Sidek, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, UTeM-Malaysia International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Abstract • The popularity of social media platforms and their integrated usage in our daily activities have changed the way people communicate and exchange information. • For this, internet plays the vital role to ensure the effectiveness of the information dissemination. Hence, this technology is found to be one of the factor on the success of today’s successful batik entrepreneurs.. • In order to explore the pattern of IOT usage and its potential in batik business. • In this paper discuss the findings of a preliminary survey with 13 respondents who involve in Batik businesses in Solo, Indonesia. The result has shown that these respondents do have the knowledge of the business and entrepreneurial skills. • It is also found that, they actually aware of the potential usage of IOT, but lacking of skills and knowledge to integrate IOT technology in their batik business. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
KAMPUNG BATIK PILANGMASARAN-SRAGENCENTRAL JAWA - INDONESIA International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Introduction • With the abundance of social media platforms, from Instagram, Facebook, to online market places like Shopee, or Bukalapak, it is now easier for people to trade, and especially for sellers, they can now access part of the market segments that they didn’t use to have access to. • These platforms are also beneficial as they facilitate trade of information, knowledge, or even with online apps like crowd funding, people could raise funding. • Internet is in the middle of it all and the lack of access to it, which currently is the state in which these craftsmen are in, surely has a negative impact. • In the past, working as part of co-operation might be a solution to this problem, because it would be easier to act and make a decision that has impacts on the external factors. Strength in number. These days, a firm grip and mastery of the use of internet of things is paramount. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Introduction #2 As per the data issued by the Ministry of Co-operation and SME, even though the products of our SMEs are competitive due to the local culture and arts infusion into it, small businesses face the ever growing issues that hinder them from growing, such as : • Lack of information, skill, knowledge and training on the capital management. • The decrease in number of willing and skilled human resources. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Issues • There is a lack of successful attempt from batik craftsmen to develop themselves further into batik entrepreneurs in this digitalization era due to the lack of access and the know-how-to of internet of things. • Furthermore, a lot of community based empowerment initiative that targets these craftsmen to widen their knowledge and capability is lack structure and a little bit outdated in such that they often excluded the use of internet of things into their initiatives. Hence, lack success and follow up actions. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Gaps There is a lack of structured IoT-based model in which empowerment initiative could be carried through in which result would match the initial goal of the initiative. Finding a workable structure that can be the benchmark of said empowerment initiative is the focus of this paper. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Related Works #1 • Guyott, D., Arellano, H. & Scannone, R. (2016) in their paper ‘Crafts for Development’ has focused on how a technology-based marketing could increase access to market segments previously not touched for a Venezuelan local art form Warao Basket. • Rifkin, J (2014) has discussed at length The rise of Internet of Things that has brought forward and heightened the competitiveness in the entrepreneurial market by bringing the marginal cost of any goods of services to zero. • Karsidi, R. (1999) studied the successful transformation from farmer to small business craftsmen Indonesia. This success of transforming farmers into business owners was done by equipping them with the how-to/knowledge on production, capital structure, management and marketing of small business. • Nugroho, Y.S. & Al Irsyadi, F.Y (2015). In their paper of ‘Data Mining Implementation as Informatic Strategy in Batik Marketing (Batik Mahkota Laweyan Case Study), has extensive study on Batik Mahkota. It has been utilizing a data warehouse to keep track of its marketing and sales. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Related Works #2 • Susanto, A. & Budiman, F. (2012). have discussed a creation of online super museum in which that an online ‘supermarket’ that is shaped like a museum with ‘online stalls’ where crafters and business owners could market their products. It is well known that for small batik businesses or crafters, the fairs like Jateng Fair, Ina Craft, are the main venue where they get to market their products. This of course doesn’t have a reach as wide as expected. • Tampubolon, et. al (2006) proposed an empowerment of people by the way of community initiative. Their study on community organization, community based development and how they differ from the community empowerment strategies. Macroeconomic and the social structure play a major role in the mobilization of grassroots effort. • Dreier, P. (1996). A study found that a successful attempt at organizing the community shall focus on macro-economical and social structure of the community itself which in turn will be able to mobilise the grassroot effort. The study’s result has shown that success is derived from focus into factors and variables (that were discussed at length in the journal). International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Submission The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of what are the real practices among craftsmen dealing with IoT. This study aims to explore: • The involvement of IoT platforms by craftsmen, which in this case are Batik entrepreneurs and their employees in running their businesses • The real life usage of IoT platforms by these craftsmen and their experience of using IoT platforms. • The knowledge practiced by craftsmen. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Our Study • As per mentioned in the introduction, these craftsmen are lacking access, the how-to knowledge as well as capability in incorporating IoT platforms into their businesses, even for ones with access, knowledge and capabilities, these are usually very outdated. • This exercise is designed to gain better understanding of the extent of usage and future IoT plan each of the respondents have. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Table #1 The Purpose of Survey International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Respondents of this survey work as marketing (2 people), sales (2 people), crafter both drawing and design (8 people) and , one admin staff within batik industry in Solo, Indonesia. General and Background International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Figure 1 shows the skills employed by each different job roles of the respondents. The result shows that respondents that are employed as crafters are skilled in the arts of Design (2), Drawing (8) and Marketing (3). While the two respondents working in marketing are only skilled in the role that they are holding. The respondents in which occupations are sales and admin, have with them an additional skill with the sales person skilled in marketing and the admin in marketing and design Based on this information, it shows that crafters are the employees with a more varied skill within batik industry. Figure-1Number of Participants on Job Position with Skills International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Figure 2 here depicts the length of service of the respondents. Based on the result, crafters with its highest number of respondents, have the highest number (5) and percent (62.5%) of 10 to 20 years service length. While admin who here has 1 respondent was in the business for more than 20 years. Overall there are 4 respondents with 20 years and above service period consisting of crafter, marketing, sales and admin with one each. From 13 respondents only 3 have been in the business for less than 10 years, 2 crafters and one marketing. This also shows that there is a hindrance in regeneration process of batik industry. This is alarming as IoT is a relatively new millenium phenomenon that is driven by the young. Figure-2Years of Service of Different Roles International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Figure 3 show the future plan had by the respondents in terms of their involvement in batik industry. 6 of the respondents which represents almost half of the respondents desire to open their own businesses and gallery. These 6 respondents consist of 3 crafters, and one of each from marketing, sales and admin. In addition to that 3 of the rest of the respondents do want to develop their already existing business. These three are made up of 2 crafters and one marketing. The remaining 4, 3 crafters and one sales desire to improve their business. From these responses we can see that in the essence, all of the respondents desire to expand their business in one way or another. This is where IoT platforms could help. Next, we will be discussing these platforms. Figure-3Future Plan of Respondents in Expanding Their Businesses International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Figure 4 shows the number of respondents that use social media and phone applications. The result shows common platforms used by respondents are WhatsApp, photo, Instagram, text messaging, Facebook and phone call. The respondents that are using the most variety of applications is crafter. With majority using WhatsApp(7) which then followed by instagram(6). The marketing and sales however are not using these platforms fully, shown by them mainly using the communication features but not sharing platform like facebook or instagram. In total, only 10 of the respondents are using WhatsApp, 7 are using instagram and 4 using facebook. There rest have limited their usage of these application into making phone calls, text messaging and using the camera. Figure-4Variety of Platforms Used by Respondents International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Table #2 Application of IoT Platform in Business International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Table #2 Discussed • Table 2 discussed the extent in which these respondents have incorporated these platforms into their businesses. From the responses, we can see the lack of usage hence the understanding of how these platforms can help further their businesses. Whatsapp is the most used application which also indicates that these medium are mainly used as modes of communication with customers and vendors alike, but not yet to market the goods they are selling. In saying that, we can also say that transfer of information has already been established, but once again this has not been maximized yet. • This survey has also enquired about their future desire of expanding their use of IoT platforms. Even though the majority (6 out of 13 respondents) has not just yet thought about this, the rest has roughly a plan to expand their businesses to have an online presence, with having its own webpage to reach the market segment that they do not have access to with the current more traditional method of marketing and sales. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Table #3 International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Table #4 International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Important Information • In conclusion, In this digital age, where a vast number of individuals have an online presence in one way or another and majority of business activities have online platforms, connectivity becomes an essential factor of going concern. Sales are now partly driven by online campaigns, thus the understanding and fully utilisation of IoT becomes a strong competitive edge that soon will become a skill that has to be mastered. Unfortunately, within the practice of batik industry in Solo, IoT is still a foreign concept that only a handful understands the importance of. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Important Information #2 • This paper aims to investigate common practices and the knowledge base in regards to IoT platforms among respondents who work in batik industry in Solo, Indonesia. People from different job roles in various Batik organizations were surveyed. Their use of IoT platforms along with their future plan of expanding their usage of these applications were the main focus of the survey as the ability of the respondents to utilize internet of things (IoT) is crucial in adding a competitive advantage to advance their businesses. We could show that some of them are aware of the advantage of integrating IoT into their day to day business and the potential added benefit that comes with it. This potentially could make them a success story in this digital age. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
Important Information #3 • However in saying that, as we can see that utilization of IoT platforms has not been maximum and this still is a phenomenon that is the rule of thumb in the industry; skills and knowledge are still lacking in the IoT integration into their businesses. This study has highlighted the lack of IoT knowledge and application by the respondents in running their businesses, even though some of the related studies that have been discussed have underlined the importance of IoT applications into businesses in this digital age. Hence, if IoT application and its success stories that has been discussed in related studies can be applied to the batik craftsmen by finding the common denominator that these success stories share and what the ‘rule of thumb’ did not have, we would be able to come up with a more structured internet of things model for this transformation. International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia
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Terimakasih Wassalam WW. Sekian International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability 2018 (ISoRIS ’18) 4 -5 October 2018, Solo, Indonesia