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Cover of the anti-Semitic German children's book, "Der Giftpilz" [The Poisonous Mushroom], published by Der Stuermer-Verlag.
Cover of the anti-Semitic German children's book, "Der Giftpilz" [The Poisonous Mushroom], published by Der Stuermer-Verlag.
The text reads, "Just as it is often very difficult to tell the poisonous from the edible mushrooms, it is often very difficult to recognize Jews as thieves and criminals..."
The text reads, " The Jewish nose is crooked at its tip. It looks like the number six..."
The text reads, " Just look at these guys! Beards full of lice! Those dirty, protruding ears..."
The text reads, "It is written in the Talmud: 'Only the Jew is human. Non-Jews are not called humans, they are seen as animals', and because we Jews consider non-Jews to be animals, we refer to them only as Goy."
The text reads, "Hey, Dad, when I have my own farm, I won't allow any Jew to come into my house...'
The text reads, "Lady of the house, today I have something special for you. Look at this fabric! This will be a dress for you, a dress in which you will look like a baroness, like a queen..."
The text reads, "Here, little ones, have some candy! But for that you will both have to come with me..."
The text reads, "Two criminal's eyes glow behind the glasses, a grin is playing on the fleshy lips,"
The text reads, "A man was waiting for me at the train station. He tipped his hat and was very friendly to me. But I knew right away that he was a Jew..."
The text reads, " 'Well, colleague Morgenthau, we both made another good deal!' 'Wonderful, colleague Silberstein,! We got good money out of those two goyim and can stuff it into our sack.' "
The text reads, "Again the animal falls to the ground. It is slowly dying. The Jews, however, are standing around and laughing about it."
The text reads, "When you see a cross, then think of the horrible murder by the Jews on Golgotha...".."
The text reads, "Money is the god of the Jews. He commits the greatest crimes to earn money. He won't rest until he can sit on a great sack of money, until he has become king of money."
The text reads, "The Jew cries out: "We don't care about Germany. The main thing is that it goes well for us."
The text reads, "They're always saying about us Jews that we cheat others. That we lie and rip people off. None of it is true. We Jews are the most honest people in the world."
The text reads, " 'He who fights against Jews, wrestles with the devil.' Julius Streicher." The advertisement in the illustration reads, "Julius Streicher speaks in the Volkshalle about The Jews are our misfortune."
Page from the anti-Semitic German children's book, "Trau Keinem Fuchs..." (Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on his Oath)
Cover of an antisemitic German children's book titled "Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on his Oath." Germany, 1936.