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The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: How Does it Impact the Internet?

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: How Does it Impact the Internet?. Cynthia D. Waddell, Juris Doctor. Overview- UNCRPD: How Does it Impact the Internet?. UNCRPD Background Equal Access to the Internet Accessible Web Design and Implementation

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The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: How Does it Impact the Internet?

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  1. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: How Does it Impact the Internet? Cynthia D. Waddell, Juris Doctor

  2. Overview- UNCRPD: How Does it Impact the Internet? • UNCRPD Background • Equal Access to the Internet • Accessible Web Design and Implementation • Best Practices in Government and Procurement • Resources Available

  3. UNCRPD- Background • UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Adopted by General Assembly 13 December 2006 • Addresses Rights of 650 Million Persons with Disabilities and Impacts 2 Billion Persons including Family Members of Persons with Disabilities

  4. UNCRPD- Background • Number of Signatories on Opening Day 30 March 2007 were Highest in History • Treaty Entered into Legal Force 3 May 2008 • 136 Signatories to Convention; 79 to the Optional Protocol as of November 2008

  5. Equal Access to the Internet States Parties Shall Ensure Internet Access for Persons with Disabilities, on an Equal Basis with Others, by • Promoting Accessibility [Article 9(2)(g)] • Promoting Accessible ICT or Web to minimize cost at early stage in Design, Development, Production and Distribution [Article 9(2)(h)]

  6. Accessible Web Design States Parties under the General Obligations of Treaty [Article 4] Are Required To: • Promote Universal Design in Development of Standards & Guidelines • Promote Assistive Technologies in Research, Development, Availability and Affordability • Provide Accessible Information about New Technologies and Support Services • Promote Training on the Convention

  7. Accessible Web Implementation • Statistical & Data Collection Collect Statistical & Research Data to Assess Convention Implementation and to Identify Barriers; Data Itself to be Accessible [Article 31] • International Cooperation Facilitate Research & Access to Scientific & Technical Knowledge; Provide Technical & Economic Assistance; Technology Transfer [Article 32]

  8. Best Practices for Government • Mainstreaming Disability Issues for sustainable development • Supporting Cross-Disability Stakeholder Engagement • Accessible Web Sites & Documents • Real Time Captioning • Accessible Online Conferencing

  9. Best Practices in Procurement • Canada- Accessible Procurement Toolkit at www.apt.gc.ca • Ireland-Accessible IT Procurement Toolkit at accessit.nda.ie • USA- Buy Accessible Wizard at www.buyaccessible.gov

  10. Resources Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance By Jim Thatcher, Cynthia Waddell et al Published by Apress 2006 ISBN: 1-59059-638-2 Published in Japanese 2007 ISBN: 978-4-8399-2220-7

  11. Resources • Handbook for Parliamentarians on the Convention • Available Free Online at www.un.org/disabilities

  12. Resources • Involving People with Disabilities in the Standardisation Processby Dr. John Gill OBE Chief Scientist, Royal National Institute of Blind People • Available Free Online at www.tiresias.org/publications/ disabilities_standardisation/ index.htm

  13. Contact Information Cynthia WADDELL Executive Director Law, Policy and Technology Subject Matter Expert International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (ICDRI) E-mail: cynthia.waddell@icdri.org Web: www.icdri.org

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