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ESONET LIDO - Demo Mission: the Cadiz node. Introduction and motivation
ESONET LIDO - Demo Mission: the Cadiz node Introduction and motivation On behalf ESONET-NoE, in Novembre 2010 we deployed in the Gulf of Cadiz a Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS) designed to work in tsunami generation area. The TEWS was developed previously, in the framework of the EU project NEAREST. The core of the system is a tsunami detector. The tsunami detector communicates with a surface buoy through a dual acoustic link. The buoy is connected to land stations via satellite link. The tsunami detector prototype is hosted on board the abyssal station GEOSTAR, and placed above a major tsunamigenic structure. The tsunami detection is based either on pressure events either on seismic events. The bottom pressure data are analysed in real-time at the seafloor by a new tsunami detection algorithm, which can recognize tsunami waves as small as one centimetre. The system was designed for near-field conditions and operated from August 2007 to August 2008, 100 km SW of Cabo de Sao Vincente (Portugal) on behalf NEAREST. The new mission, of behalf ESONET NoE, started on November 11th, 2009 in the same location. The surface buoy has been upgraded, with respect to the first mission, to host bio acoustic sensors for mammals' listening and tracking. We selected the Gulf of Cadiz as test area for multi-parametric long term monitoring because this location is relevant for many topics: tsunami hazard and seismic monitoring, Atlantic-Mediterranean water circulation and climate change, mammals monitoring. The 2007 and 2009 test missions of GEOSTAR abyssal station are the first step toward the installation of a permanent multi-parametric abyssal observatory in this area. ISMAR activities F. Chierici, L. Pignagnoli, N. Zitellini ISMAR developed the tsunamiter prototype and the TEWS on behalf NEAREST and, on behalf ESONET, contributed to the upgrade of the buoy and of the tsunameter for the 2009 mission. ISMAR took place to the preparation of the 2009 cruise . ISMAR contributed the on land testing of the system before the 2009 deployment. ISMAR participated to the analysis and validation of the communication system and of the data acquired during the 2009 mission. ISMAR took part to the design and development of new underwater acoustic sensors and to new acoustic models to measure, analyze and evaluate the marine environmental acoustic noise. CSIC activities INGV activities D. Embriaco, G. Marinaro, G. Giovanetti, S. Monna, G. Cianchini, M. Decaro, F. Frugoni, N. Lo Bue, P. Favali, L. Beranzoli R. Bartolomè, P. Rodriguez, J.L. Pozo, S. Martinez, A. Sandoval,R. Casal and J. Danobeitia The R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa equipment’s has been arranged and adapted in order to manage the deployment/recovery of GEOSTAR observatory, including the surface buoy, and MODUS vehicle. The new deployment of the observatory in the Gulf of Cadiz was developed in November 2009. The selected observatory for the LIDO Demo Mission in Gulf of Cadiz site is GEOSTAR. Previously GEOSTAR carried out four successful missions in Mediterranean Sea (1997-2005), and one year mission in the Gulf of Cadiz site (2007-2008, EU NEAREST project). After recovery (August 2008), GEOSTAR has been upgraded to meet LIDO Demo Mission scientific and technical requirements, and solve the problems evidenced during the mission (unreliable acoustic modem, seismometer malfunctioning, pressure sensor failure, buoy mooring line failure). The upgraded system (GEOSTAR and communication buoy) was assembled in Vigo, newly deployed during a cruise with Spanish R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa Spanish and it is operative in the Gulf of Cadiz from November, 10th 2009. GEOSTAR payload LIDO Cadiz Station Environmental monitoring CTD, ADCP, 3-Comp. single point current meter, turbidity meter Geohazard seismometer, low frequency hydrophone, accelerometer, gravity meter, absolute pressure gauge Buoy payload Meteorological station (wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure) Examples of data collected by GEOSTAR at Cadiz site Origin Time 7/5/2008 15:12:56.66 Ml 3.5 Gorringe Bank R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa (CSIC) P S Further data and funcTionalities of the tsunameter and dedicated algorithm (block diagram ?) 10 sec Example of pressure data received and reorganized on land during the 2009 mission. Pressure data were make available to be integrated into the data collector and processing centre operating at the Instituto de Meteorologia (Portugal), where the prototype for the Portuguese Tsunami Warning Centre is being developed. The examples of local seismic event recorded by GEOSTAR OBS during the 2007-2008 mission show a good ground coupling (from the high frequency analysis) and a good recording quality. Work on GEOSTAR included TECNOMARE activities F. Bruni, F. Furlan, F. Zanon, F. Gasparoni • Communication system • GEOSTAR is designed to communicate with a shore station by means of a system composed of • bi-directional acoustic link • moored relay buoy • satellite (Globalstar) link • every six hours the following periodic messages are automatically produced and delivered to a list of users • summaryof GEOSTAR scientific data • summaryof GEOSTAR technical data • summaryofbuoyscientific data • summaryofbuoytechnical data • eventcatalog • a warning message is delivered to the shore station if the on-board prototype of tsunameter detects anomalies in the pressure and seismic signals. • Technical work on GEOSTAR included: • Integration of a new model of underwater acoustic modem • Seismometer refurbishment • New mechanical support for the pressure sensor • Sensors recalibration • Technical work on the communication buoy included: • Integration of a new model of surface acoustic modem • New mooring line • Software upgrade • Automatic creation and transmission of a periodic event catalog • Buoy attitude measurements added to the technical data • Management of the new acoustic modem • Long term tests were carried out in 2009 to verify the stability of the whole system and the reliability of the communication system. GEOSTAR and MODUS during the deployment procedure (10th November 2009) GEOSTAR communication buoy after deployment (Nov. 2009) The most relevant activity of the Beuth HS was and is the participation inside the DM LIDO. Within this DM the scope of work includes the deployment of two long-term deep-sea station of heavy weight. One is located in the Gulf of Cadiz (deployment Nov 2009) the other close to the coast of Sicily next to Catania/Italy (deployment Dec 2010). Conduction of the Cadiz deployment has been successful. The R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa served as platform for the deployment, which is illustrated on the right. A special mobile platform served as safety unit to manage the long-term station of the partner INGV. This guarantees safe handling in higher sea states. The deployed station is visible on the right integrated view. The deployment took place using MODUS (Mobile Docker for Underwater Sciences). This vehicle is able to carry heavy loads up to three tons. It is cable linked to the R/V of opportunity. The cable provides power and data transmission for the direct control of the operations. Operation depth is 4000 m on maximum. BHT activities H. W. Gerber, H. De Vries, W. Langner, L. Koopmann