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putting outcomes at the heart of community care

Reshaping Care Change Plans 2011/15 Improvement measures - developing a Core Set. putting outcomes at the heart of community care. Measuring progress.

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putting outcomes at the heart of community care

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  1. Reshaping Care Change Plans 2011/15 Improvement measures - developing a Core Set putting outcomes at the heart of community care

  2. Measuring progress • Support at Improvement Network event for development of Core Set of measures (with common definitions for all partnerships). COSLA endorse this approach. • Draft proposals issued in May to all partnerships. Follow-up WebEx with partnership reps. • Key messages from consultation: • Focus on outcomes where possible. • Make it manageable. • Core Set used in conjunction with locally determined measures • Data should allow more detailed analysis where appropriate

  3. A: Nationally available outcome measures and indicators A1. Emergency inpatient bed day rates 75+ A2. Delayed discharges and beddays used by DDs A3. Dementia prevalence rates (from QOF) A4. Proportion of people aged 65+ who live in their own home (rather than a care home or a hospital setting) A5. Proportion of last 6 months of life spent at home or in a community setting Recommend further use of: A6. Satisfaction/Experience measures people and carers (from the Community Care Outcomes Framework )

  4. Measuring improvement in personal outcomes Outcome - Seeing people East Renfrewshire – Shared assessment review outcomes – (7 of them) met (M), partially met (P), unmet (U) Quarter ending 31 December 2010

  5. B: Local Improvement Measures Anticipatory and preventative care • B1. Proportion living at home who have an Anticipatory Care Plan shared 75+ • B2. Waiting times for a housing adaptation • B3. Proportion of people with a telecare package 75+ Responsive / flexible home care and carers • B4. Reduction in hours of support after reablement • B5. Respite care for older people Demand for acute care • B6. Older people conveyed to A & E after a fall (data from Scottish Ambulance Service) Effective flow in acute care • B7. proportion of frail emergency admissions who access specialty unit within 24 hours Use of long term care home places • B8. New admissions from home; from hospital (by specialty); following intermediate care; graduate from emergency respite

  6. C: Partnership resource use C1 Cost of bed days used by patients whose discharge is delayed C2 Cost of emergency inpatient bed days for people aged 75+ C3 A measure of the balance of care (e.g. split between spend on institutional and community-based care) IRF data will support use of these measures in particular

  7. Considerations • Fit with Community Care Outcomes Framework, National Housing Strategy and with National Performance Framework to ensure alignment • This is a starter suite. Iterative process of developing further local improvement measures as required – eg currently gaps around Community Capacity Building, Self Directed Support

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