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SAFETY FIRST New competencies for a Competitive European Agricultural Machinery Industry (Project ID. : I/04/B/F/PP –

1. SAFETY FIRST New competencies for a Competitive European Agricultural Machinery Industry (Project ID. : I/04/B/F/PP – 154009) FINAL CONFERENCE December 15th, 2006 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali ROMA. 1. 15:30 Registration of the participants

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SAFETY FIRST New competencies for a Competitive European Agricultural Machinery Industry (Project ID. : I/04/B/F/PP –

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  1. 1 SAFETY FIRST New competencies for a Competitive European Agricultural Machinery Industry (Project ID.: I/04/B/F/PP – 154009) FINAL CONFERENCE December 15th, 2006 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali ROMA 1

  2. 15:30 Registration of the participants Welcome Greetings from the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture; The SAFETY FIRST projectand the ENTAM role (Sandro Liberatori, – ENAMA); Most relevant findings of the “Map of the Competences” report: the request of skills and the need of training in the agricultural machinery sector (Giulio Fancello, – ENAMA); Main results of the “Comparative Report”: an overview of the educational systems in five EU countries and its training offer agricultural machinery sector (Aurora Cavallo – DISTATEQ); The matching of the training offers and the training needs: A comparison between Italy and Germany (Rainer Keicher – Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen); The field work carried out in Hungary (Péter Pintér – Hungarian Institute of Agricultural Engineering); The field work carried out in Greece (Areti Papayiannopoulou – Institute of Agricultural Machinery and Constructions); A presentation of the CD containing the final products of the Project (Cinzia Greco –(Ce.Ri.S.) Conclusions (Sandro Liberatori, – ENAMA); 17:30 Discussion PROGRAMME 1 1

  3. PROJECT’S AIM 1 The project intention was to identify useful means and tools for 1) adapting the competences of people who, already professionally active within the industry, in everyday work reality must manage changes deriving from normative harmonisation and technological innovation regarding agricultural machine safety, and 2) proactive development of a theoretical reference model for up-dating the higher training offer, in order to adapt it to the actual requirements of the industry. 1

  4. PROJECT’S RESEARCH WORK LED TO: 1 • increase the knowledge of existing provisions and innovations deriving from them, implementing systematisation of current regulations; • measure the harmonisation and standardisation process of the normative system and industry innovation; • identify the professional figures that in the various partner countries have similar roles and competences with respect to the specific phases of the productive process concerned by the evolution of the reference legislative context; • draw up a map of the competences of the professional figures valid on a European level, starting from the cross-interpretation of the various national cases; • identify the supplementary training requirements of the workers; • identify the university degree and specialisation courses available in the partnership countries for training the sector professionals; • compare the curricula and the training courses in force in the various countries, in the light of the map of the distinctive competences elaborated, in order to identify the deviations between the training offered and deriving from studies, and the market demand; • identify corrective/supplementary elements to introduce in adapting this offer to the training goals of the various areas of competences 1

  5. PRODUCTS 1 • a regulation data bank, which will collect the regulations (National, European and international) that discipline machine safety; • an innovation data bank, which will contain examples of innovative products developed in compliance with existing provisions; • a map of the competences, valid for Europe, with the details of the distinctive competences and their weight, for the professional figures concerned; • a comparative report on the higher secondary training offer for specific operator categories in the mechanical-agricultural sector and for students. 1

  6. 1 Thank you! 1

  7. THE CLOSURE OF THE PROJECT 1 The success of this project must be attributed to the network of competences realized by the partners. The 12 partners (from seven European countries) involved in this project have gathered and selected all the information available and necessary to identify the deviations between the training offered and deriving from studies, and the market demandof agricultural machinery This network of competences is a unique feature of the ENTAM. This European project was the first for the ENTAM and almost every ENTAM member participate. In the future we can agree on the importance of participating in more project but with few members, selected according to their specific competences Ideas for new EU projects can also come out from the technical groups. An example could be a EU project which allows to have a contribution on the cost of testing and measuring equipments or fellowships programmes which allow to fund foreign experts from countries like China and Russia which are more and more interesting for the manufacturers but lack of studies and analysis. 1

  8. ENTAM The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machinery – Members List 1 1

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