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Charting The Journey: SLG Associate Member Education Program

This curriculum sets expectations for the first weeks, covering Sigma Lambda Gamma values and self-management skills. Participants will understand and practice the sorority's mission, goals, and commitment to service, developing emotional intelligence and self-awareness. The program aims to create women of distinction through personal growth, community commitment, and embracing sisterhood diversity. Glossary of terms and responsibilities agreements are outlined, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality and anti-hazing policies. Participants will reflect on their progress, engage in group activities, and focus on self-improvement. Campus and state hazing laws are detailed, and risks associated with hazing practices are highlighted. The program encourages a positive sorority experience, emphasizing time management, sorority values, and responsible behavior.

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Charting The Journey: SLG Associate Member Education Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Associate Member Education Program The Journey

  2. Introductions Review Curriculum Set Expectations First Weeks

  3. Understand Purpose Establish / Comprehend Expectations Practice Self-Management Skills Identify with Sigma Lambda Gamma Values Outcomes of Presentation

  4. The Emotionally Intelligent Woman Commitment & Service Develop/ Enhance Self Apply SLG Values Sisterhood Entity Operations Mission & Goals of The Journey

  5. Process vs. Journey • A Process has a beginning, a middle, and an end. • A Journey is a passage or progress from one stage to another.

  6. Introduction to Associate Member Manual

  7. Overview of Associate Member Manual Reflections Sigma Lambda Gamma is about… Me Us Community Commitment Action and Being a Catalyst for Change Embracing our Diverse Sisterhood Becoming a Woman of Distinction • Personal growth and development • Memories • Experiences • Processing Experiences Glossary of Terms • Common Fraternal Terms • SLG Specific Terms

  8. Mission Purpose Principles Creed SLG National Sorority Value System

  9. Associate Member Responsibilities & Expectations Agreement

  10. Initiated Member Responsibilities & Expectations Agreement

  11. Ground Rules

  12. Meeting Schedule

  13. Financial Obligations National Sorority Dues Induction: $120 Initiation: $ 145 Membership Dues: $115/semester (include due dates implemented by entity) Local Colony/Chapter and Council Dues (insert the local breakdown) (include due dates)

  14. Myth of Secrecy / Fact of Confidentiality Myth You may not discuss ANY part or ANYTHING related to your associate member program with anyone outside this room. Fact The only absolute secrecy and/or confidentiality is the content and operations of the SLG induction ritual and initiation ritual.

  15. SLG’s National Anti-Hazing Policy Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. strictly forbids hazing. Hazing is defined as: • Any act or tradition that endangers the physical, mental or emotional well-being of an Associate and/or Initiated member. • Requests or suggestions to violate any university, city, county, state or national law is included in this definition. • Mental or physical degradation of any member, Associate or Initiated is considered hazing by Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. • Requests of personal or menial tasks regardless of intent or consent are forbidden.

  16. Campus Hazing Policies • [Insert Campus Hazing Policies]

  17. State Hazing Laws • [Insert State Hazing Laws]

  18. 3 Types of Hazing

  19. Subtle Hazing Behaviors that emphasize a power imbalance between new members and other members of the group or team. Termed “subtle hazing” because these types of hazing are often taken-for-granted or accepted as “harmless” or meaningless.

  20. Harassment Hazing Behaviors that cause emotional anguish or physical discomfort in order to feel like part of the group. Harassment hazing confuses, frustrates, and causes undue stress for new members.

  21. Violent Hazing Behaviors that have the potential to cause physical and/or emotional, or psychological harm.

  22. Is alcohol involved? Will active/current members of the group refuse to participate with the new members and do exactly what they are being asked to do? Does the activity risk emotional or physical abuse? Is there risk of injury or a question of safety? Do you have any reservation describing the activity to your parents, to a professor or University official? Would you object to the activity being photographed for the school newspaper or filmed by the local TV news crew? Is it Hazing or Not?

  23. Civil lawsuit Criminal prosecution for an illegal act Discipline by the Sorority Discipline by the College/University Possible loss of insurance coverage Risks of Hazing

  24. Start Right Program

  25. Time Management

  26. Crest Exercise

  27. Sister-to-Sister

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