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Warm-up Syllabus Questions Just write answers 8/14/13

Warm-up Syllabus Questions Just write answers 8/14/13. What must you bring to class everyday? What activities will you be doing this year to learn the Spanish language? Name 5 Class rules. Name some consequences. Where do you look if you were absent?

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Warm-up Syllabus Questions Just write answers 8/14/13

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  1. Warm-up Syllabus QuestionsJust write answers 8/14/13 • What must you bring to class everyday? • What activities will you be doing this year to learn the Spanish language? • Name 5 Class rules. • Name some consequences. • Where do you look if you were absent? • What’s the first thing you work on upon entering the classroom? • How will I get full credit for my work and what does the teacher do immediately to my paper when it is done?

  2. Warm-up 8/15/13(use your notes) • Name 3 important reasons for learning Spanish? • What does the research say about learning a second language and the brain? • Name some high Spanish speaking areas in the US? • How many countries are there where Spanish is the official language? • How is Spanish used in the real world? • How will Spanish benefit you?

  3. Spell out these names using the sounds of the alphabet. Use your notes • 1. Anabel – ah- eneh- ah- beh- eh- eh-leh • 2. Luisa- • 3.Xavier- • 4.Cindy- • 5. Mateo- • 6.spell out your name using the sounds- Eleh-ooh-ee-eseh-ah eqees-ah-veh- eh-ere Ceh-ee-eneh-theh-eegree-eh-ga Emeh-ah-teh-eh-oh

  4. Warm-up #4 • Think of 3 extraordinary words. Write them down. Spell out a word to 3 people around you, 1 at a time then they will spell out their word and you write down as they spell out in Spanish. Guess word. • Do the same for each partner. Spell out word in Spanish and have partner guess word. • Pick 3 different parnters.

  5. List three Spanish-speaking countries in each area of the world for a total of 12. Use map . •North and Central America • South America •The Caribbean islands •High Spanish speaking populations in the U.S

  6. Warm-up#PPT6? • Name as many numbers as you know in Spanish in word form. • Name as many Spanish speaking countries as you can think of? • What do you think are the most difficult Spanish Alphabet letters to pronounce or remember? • Name some greeting and introduction words?

  7. Warm-up Las Vocales 8/23/11 • What words in English have the same Spanish vowel sound A? • What words in English have the same Spanish vowel sound E? • What words in English have the same Spanish vowel sound I? • What words in English have the same Spanish vowel sound O? • What words in English have the same Spanish vowel sound U?

  8. Do you know the numbers 1-10in Spanish? • Name as many numbers as you know in Spanish? You don’t need to spell them, just write the #’s you know? • Name as many Spanish speaking countries as you can think of? • What do you think are the most difficult Spanish Alphabet letters to pronounce or remember?

  9. Etapa Preliminar Repaso Look at your notes if you need to. B. A. Buenas Noches B. Buenos días. C. Buenas tardes D. Hola E.Adios F.Nos vemos G. Hasta luego H. Hasta mañana A. 1. ______10:00 a.m. 2. ______1:00 p.m. 3. ______8:00 p.m. 4. ______See you later 5. ______goodbye 6. ______See you tomorrow 7.______See you sometime 8. ______hi b c a g e h f d

  10. Etapa Preliminar/ Numbers 1-10 Complete the following patterns. What is the next number. 1. uno, tres, cinco, _________________ 2. uno, dos, _________________ 3. seis, cinco, _____________________ 4. diez,nueve,ocho,___________________ 5. siete, ocho, _____________________ 6. dos, cuatro, seis _____________________ 7. siete, seis, cinco_____________________ 8. tres, cinco, siete_____________________ 9.diez, ocho, seis______________________

  11. Etapa Preliminar/ Numbers 1-10 Complete the following patterns. What is the next number. 1. uno, tres, cinco, _________________ 2. uno, dos, _________________ 3. seis, cinco, _____________________ 4. diez,nueve,ocho,___________________ 5. siete, ocho, _____________________ 6. dos, cuatro, seis _____________________ 7. siete, seis, cinco_____________________ 8. tres, cinco, siete_____________________ 9.diez, ocho, seis______________________ siete tres cuatro siete nueve ocho cuatro nueve cuatro

  12. Etapa Preliminar/ Numbers / Days of the week Days of the week Write the days of the week l ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____________ v ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____________ m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ m____________ s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____________ j ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____________ d ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____________

  13. Etapa Preliminar /Introductions Complete the following sentences: 1. ¿Cómo t___ ll__ ___ ___ ___?Me llam___ Pablo Ramos. 2. ¿Y tú?, ¿Cómo ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ? 3. Mucho gusto. M___ ll___ ___ _ Luis. 4.El _______ es mio.

  14. Etapa Preliminar /Introductions Complete the following sentences: e a m a s 1. ¿Cómo t___ ll__ ___ ___ ___?Me llam___ Pablo Ramos. 2. ¿Y tú?, ¿Cómo ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ? 3. M___ ll___ ___ _ Luis. Mucho gusto. 4.El _______ es mio. o t e l l a m a s a m o e gusto

  15. Etapa Preliminar / Es de... Write sentences saying where these people are from: ¿De donde es…? • Ana: México __________________________ • Roberto: Puerto Rico ________________________ • Diana: Panamá ___________________________ • Raul: Cuba_______________________________ 4. ¿De donde eres? ________________________________________ Anna es de México. Roberto es de Puerto Rico Diana es de Panamá Raul es de Cuba Yo soy de……

  16. Etapa Preliminar/ Days of the week / Numbers Complete the following sentences: 1. ¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es _________________________________________________. 2. ¿Qué día es mañana? Mañana es _________________________________________________. 3. ¿Cuál es tu teléfono? (Write the numbers in Spanish.) _____________________________________

  17. Etapa Preliminar/ Greetings / Introductions Unscramble the following words to create correct sentences: 1. Raúl / de / Estados Unidos / es/ los _____________________________________________ 2. nombre / Susana / es / Mi ____________________________________________ 3. llamas? / te / ¿Cómo _____________________________________________ 4. es / mio / gusto /El _____________________________________________ Raul es de los Estados Unidos. Mi nombre es Susana. ¿Cómo te llamas? El gusto es mio.

  18. Escribe el español para estas expresiones Open your books. Close your books. Write... Listen(to)... Read... Raise your hand. Look at the chalkboard. Pass in the homework. Repeat... Take out a pencil. Abran los libros Cierren los libros Escriban Escuchen Lean Levanten la mano Miren el pizarrón Pásenme la tarea Repitan Saquen un lápiz

  19. Etapa Preliminar/ Numbers / Days of the week Complete the following patterns: 1. uno, tres, cinco, _________________ 2. martes, miércoles, _________________ 3. seis, cinco, _____________________ 4. lunes, miércoles,___________________ 5. siete, ocho, _____________________ 6. martes, lunes, _____________________ siete jueves cuatro viernes nueve domingo

  20. Etapa Preliminar Repaso Complete the following sentences 1. ¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es _____________________________________________ 2. ¿Qué día es mañana? Mañana es _____________________________________________ 3. ¿Cuál es tú teléfono? (Write the numbers in Spanish.) _____________________________________ Fill in the blank (remember to write them with lower case letters). 4. lunes, martes, ______, jueves, ______, sábado, ______ Fill in the blank 5.Me llam___ Rosa. Mi apellido es Martinez. ¿Cómo t___ ll___ ___ ___ ___? La chica, ¿cómo ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___? De ___ es Marta? Es ___ Argentina.

  21. Answers: Warm Up #3 Complete the following sentences 1. ¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es martes 2. ¿Qué día es mañana? Mañana es miércoles 3. ¿Cuál es tú teléfono? (012) 345-6789 cero-uno-dos-tres- cuatro-cinco-seis-siete-ocho-nueve 4. lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sàbado, domingo 5. Me llamo Rosa. Mi apellido es Martinez. ¿Cómo te llamas? La chica, ¿cómo se llama? De dónde es Marta? Es de Argentina.

  22. What to know for Exam on Friday • List 3 ways to say hello • 3 ways to say goodbye • Know how to spell out numbers 0-10 • Spell Days of the week • Greetings phrases • Where you are from questions • In the Hispanic culture do you bow, kiss on cheek, hug each other, shake hands to greet? • Apellido means: • Know vocab phrases

  23. What to know for Exam today, look at your notes • What does these words mean: • El apellido: • La conversación • Numbers 0-10 • In the Hispanic culture do you bow to each other, kiss on cheek, hug each other, shake hands to greet? • What are some important reasons for learning the Spanish language? • Letter sounds H, X, G, Y ,K , Q

  24. Touring Mexico Fillins City, pyramids, Spaniards, Tenochtitlan, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, Aztecs, Sept. 16, art and handcrafts, Hernan Cortez • Mexico is known for its many _____ from ancient civilizations. • The _______ invaded Mexico in 1519 and conquered the ________ who thought __________ was a god. • In 1810 Mexico won it’s independence from Spain and is now celebrated on ____. • Mexican culture is known for it’s unique ______ and _______. • Popular touring cities to visit that were mentioned are ________ and __________. • Mexico city was called _________ by the Aztecs. • Mexico_____ is one of the largest cities in the world.

  25. Take notes for Exam Touring Mexico Fillins City, pyramids, Spaniards, Tenochtitlan, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, Aztecs, Sept. 16, art and handcrafts, Hernan Cortez • Mexico is known for its many _____ from ancient civilizations. • The _______ invaded Mexico in 1519 and conquered the ________ who thought __________ was a god. • In 1810 Mexico won it’s independence from Spain and is now celebrated on ____. • Mexican culture is known for it’s unique ______ and _______. • Popular touring cities to visit that were mentioned are ________ and __________. • Mexico city was called _________ by the Aztecs. • Mexico_____ is one of the largest cities in the world.

  26. Warm-up 9/2/14 • Write out a greetings and introduction dialogue and recite it with a partner. Use your notes if you need to. • _____: • _____: • _____: • _____: • _____: • _____:

  27. Warm-up 9/2/14 Create a dialogue with the following elements. Then recite to a partner. Be ready to recite to class. Estudiante 1 • Say good afternoon and ask for their name • Say what your name is and that you are glad to meet them. • Ask them how are they • Say good afternoon Estudiante 2 • Say hello and what your name is, then ask for their name. • Say that the pleasure is yours. • Say you are doing well thank you • Say see you later

  28. Definite articles 9/5/14 En los Apuntes:Give the appropriate definite and article for the following:( (el, la, los, las) El 1. ____ chico 6. ___ cosa 2. ___ chica 7. ___ diccionario 3. ___ cuaderno8. ___ chicos 4. ___ cuadernos 9. ____ numero 5. __ lección 10. _____ videos la la El El Los Los el La Los U1E2

  29. Indefinite articles 9/9/14 En los Apuntes:Give the appropriate definite and article for the following:( (el, la, los, las) un 1. ____ chico 6. ___ cosa 2. ___ chica 7. ___ diccionario 3. ___ cuaderno8. ___ chicos 4. ___ cuadernos 9. ____ numero 5. __ lección 10. _____ videos una una un un unos unos un una unos U1E2

  30. Definite/Indefinite articles 9/8/14 • There are 4 THE’s in Spanish (definite articles)What are they? • There are 4 (A, An’s) in Spanish (indefinite articles). What are they? • What are the 2 masculine the’s? • What are the 2 feminine the’s? • What are the all plural definite and indefinite articles? El, la, los, las Una, un, unos, unas El, los La, las Los, las, unos, unas

  31. Gender and Article agreement • Use correct article for noun, (un,una,unos, unas) • 1. Ella lleva _________vestido amarillo. • 2. El lleva ___________ camisa roja. • 3. Maria tiene ________ sombrero negro. • 4. Luis tiene __________ camiseta verde. • 5. Teresa y Luz lleva _____ calcetines rojos. un una un una unos U1E2#12

  32. Gender and Article agreement • Use correct article for noun, (un,una,unos, unas) • 1. Ella lleva _________vestido amarillo. • 2. El lleva ___________ camisa roja. • 3. Maria tiene ________ sombrero negro. • 4. Luis tiene __________ camiseta verde. • 5. Teresa y Luz lleva _____ calcetines rojos. un una un una unos U1E2#12

  33. Gender and Plurals- make each noun plural. Use the plural the. 9/4/14 Singular Plural Las chicas Los pasajeros Los profesores Las turistas Los chicos Los jovenes Los estudiantes Las jovenes Las estudiantes • La chica • El pasajero • El profesor • La turista • El chico • El joven • El estudiante • La joven • La estudiante

  34. Gender and Plurals- make each noun feminine Feminine Masculine El chico El pasajero El profesor El turista El hombre El joven El estudiante El Sr. (Señor) El estudiante • La chica • La pasajera • La profesora • La turista • La mujer • La joven • La estudiante • La Sra. (señora) • La estudiante

  35. Tell me if it is plural, singular, masculine or feminine Plural/ masculine Singular/masculine Plural/feminine Singular/feminine Singular/masculine Singular/masculine Singular/masculine Singular/mas. Singular/mas. Singular/fem. Plural/mas. • Los cuadernos • El diccionario • Las maletas • El problema • El programa • El video • La mano • El dia • El cuaderno • La cosa • Los diarios

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