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South African Football World Cup 2010 Expect the Unexpected. Disabled Aircraft Recovery (DAR):. Mostly it happens if you don’t expect and need it! What happens when it comes up during your peck days…? Are you prepared for your guests ?. Introduction:.
South African Football World Cup 2010 Expect the Unexpected
Disabled Aircraft Recovery (DAR): Mostly it happens if you don’t expect and need it! What happens when it comes up during your peck days…? Are you prepared for your guests ?
Introduction: Disabled aircraft recovery (DAR) is the responsibility of the airlines respective the owner of the aircraft If it comes to an aircraft incident which requires DAR Know-how and equipment, mostly no one is prepared. Almost all aircraft recovery incidents will disturb or stop all traffic at the airport and the airport authority will press the airline for a quick recovery as son as the investigation is completed. The airport needs to be reopened as quick as possible. Time is money! According to ICAO Annex 14, Chapter 9.3 and Airport Service Manual Part 5, both parties has to full fill there assigned Task. The major question will be, can the airline do this job, if yes, can they do it within a appropriate timeframe? appropriate timeframe? If not, the airport authority can take it over! The solution for this kind of incident can be for airline and airport authority: To be self organized and invest a high amount of Dollars for equipment or to be organized through contracts with Avconet
Aircraft Recovery Categories: Aircraft Recovery accidents are divided in three categories. They are described as: • Light • Medium • Heavy In accordance with Aviation Regulation ICAO Annex 14, Chapter 9.3 and Airport Services Manual Part 5, the following Aircraft Recovery cases can be handled with the equipment which is described for each category.
Category I : Described as lightAircraft Recovery case ! When an aircraft departs the runway with one or more of its landing gears, the landing gears are fully extended and latched, and the aircraft can be towed on its own gear.
Category II : Described as medium Aircraft Recovery case ! When one or more landing gears are not or only partially extended .After lifting the aircraft, gears can be extended and latched or repaired and the aircraft can be towed on its own gear.
Category III : Described as heavy Aircraft Recovery case ! When one or more landing gears are separated from the aircraft structure, or are so heavily damaged that the aircraft cannot be towed on its own landing gears.
Project Concept: • Assessment of Aircraft Recovery capability of all involved airports • Assessment report • Assistance in procurement of aircraft recovery equipment • Preplanning and preparation of all airports in aircraft recovery for the Football World Cup 2010 • Development and implementation of an event master plan • Provision of special recovery equipment for the games • Establishing of Center & Support Equipment pools
Project Concept: • Selection of local aircraft recovery coordinator and crew • Aircraft recovery training for local teams • On-site aircraft recovery experts in each equipment pool • Consultation of needed contracting with local companies, if needed • Logistic planning • 24Hours Emergency Line during the Event • Disabled Aircraft Recovery Emergency Plan for the Football world cup
Concept of Equipment Pools: Legende: CEP = Center Equipment Pool SEP = Support Equipment Pool CEP Pool responsibility SEP SEP
Special Towing Devices: CEP& SEP
Aircraft Lifting Bags: CEP& SEP
Lifting Tackle System: CEP& SEP
Turntable: CEP& SEP
Transport Dolly: CEP& SEP
Project Time Line: 2007 • Aircraft Recovery capability assessment of all involved event airports • Providing of assessment report • Development of a comprehensive aircraft recovery master plan 2008 • On- and off-site logistic planning • Selection of Local Aircraft recovery Coordinator and Crew
Project Time Line: 2009 • Intensive On or OffsiteAircraft Recovery training for the Local recovery crew 2010 • Final on-site project inspection • Implementation of the event aircraft recovery master plan • On-site Recovery Experts regarding to the developed master plan to assure a smooth traveling
Our additional Services : Avconet can provide you also additional service in consultation and training for the following airport safety issues • Airport risk analyses • Risk pre-planning for major events (opening of airport or parts of it, Olympic games etc…) • Development, Implementation and Amendment of.. • Airport emergency plan • Airport disabled aircraft recovery plan • Airport fire prevention regulation • Technical improvements of the emergency communication system • Emergency water system • Dangerous good emergency plan
Our additional Services :Cont´. • Development and Implementation of different concepts... • Design of airport fire station in observing ICAO regulations • Fire station facility concept • Efficiency customized fire vehicle concept • Efficiency fire fighting equipment concept • Building fire prevention concept • Fire alarm & communication center concept • Emergency management concept • Airport numbering codes for buildings, zones and rooms • Orientation response concept to fire alarms (smoke detector and sprinklers)
Our additional Services :Cont´. We can provide our training on- and off-site. On-site live fire training can be organized regarding to environment regulations . Off-site training will be conducted through one of our cooperation partners. We can provide you… • Fire Fighter I and II courses (NFPA,FAA) • Breathing Apparatus course • Operation Apparatus course • Dangerous Good course • Technical Rescue course • Fire Officer I, II and III
Our additional Services :Cont´. • Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting course (ICAO, FAA) • Disabled Aircraft Recovery course • Train the trainer course • Management training
Our Experts: Our Disabled Aircraft Recovery personnel are high qualified experts and gather there experience in many years world wide in the aviation field. They realize all manner of aircraft recovery categories in a endless number of aircraft incidents. As you will see in the next page, Avconet´s cooperation partners are a high level on the aviation marked. The Football world cup airports in South Africa, will be in good hands by our aircraft recovery experts, if it comes to an aircraft incident
For more info and questions, please contact… Aviation Consultancy Network Frankfurt Airport Cargo City South/Bldg. 664c 60549 Frankfurt Germany fon: + 49 69 70792037 fax: + 49 69 70792038 mobile: + 49 173 3072 812 Peter Meier pm@avconet.net Managing Director www.avconet.net ... join us !!