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Join the Jayhawk Buddy System to promote safety and well-being, preventing alcohol-related harm among university students. Utilize protective behaviors, stay together, and intervene when needed. Partner with bars and law enforcement for a supportive community approach.
Problem • Alcohol abuse among college students is a problem resulting in the loss of life, permanent injury, and poor academic performance. • College students are often attributed with characteristics such as immaturity, poor impulse control and poor judgment.
Mission Statement The Jayhawk Buddy System encourages students to protect themselves and their friends from the legal and health related risks associated with unlawful or excessive drinking.Local bar owners, the City of Lawrence, KU and Lawrence Police Departments, and The University of Kansas cooperatively support students through the Jayhawk Buddy System.
Approach The Jayhawk Buddy system brings together the environmental, educational, bystander intervention, and social norms approaches to help address risky drinking behavior among college students
Goals • Encourage students to employ protective behaviors when engaged in celebratory and typical weekend activities. • Establish social norm of intervention with buddies before undesirable incidents occur • Encourage bar owners to recognize and address risky alcohol related behavior before incidents occur • Communicate to students that the community and the University support them.
Mayoral Proclamation • Office of the Mayor • Proclamation • Lawrence, Kansas • WHEREAS: This year, spring break for The University of Kansas will be March 21 – March 25, 2011; and • WHEREAS: Each year, thousands of local college students make a voyage to domestic and international hotspots for Spring Break, as well as remaining in town and enjoying a well-earned break from studies; and • WHEREAS: The Lawrence Police Department, The University of Kansas Office of Public Safety, and The Jayhawk Buddy System are sponsoring a variety of events from March 13th through March 16th to encourage students to use protective behaviors before, during, and after Spring Break. • NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mike Amyx, Mayor of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, do hereby proclaim the week of March 21 – 25, 2011 as: • “Stay Safe During Spring Break Week” • and urge all students to participate in the scheduled events and programs to make this spring break a safe spring break. • Mike Amyx, Mayor • March 8, 2011
JBS Protective Behaviors • Agree to stay together • Check on each other regularly • Take Charge to get home safely
Halloween 2011 • 78% report favorable impression of JBS • 24% report drinking less when seeing JBS logo • 70 % report paying more attention to the drinking behavior of their friends • 65% report more likely to use SafeBus • 79% report more likely to take action to help friends avoid trouble when drinking
Most To Least Frequently Used Protective Behaviors on Spring Break and NCAA Basketball Watch Parties • Use designated driver (20%) • Eat before and/or during drinking (20%) • Set drink limit in advance (11%) • Alternate non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages (10%) • Have a buddy let you know when you’ve had enough (9%) • Choose not to drink alcohol (7%) • Avoid drinking games (7%) • Keep track of number of drinks (6%) • Drink non-alcoholic (look-a-like) beverages (4%) • Pace drinks to one or fewer per hour (4%)
Toilet Talk Poster • 90% reported reading the poster. • 52% thought the percentage of students who stayed with friends (68%) the entire evening was surprisingly high. • 37% thought the number was as expected. • 32% rep0rted they were influenced to more often stay the entire evening with their friends. • 58 % reported they were not influenced to change. • 26% thought the number of students who did not drive after 5+ drinks (72%) was surprisingly low. • 58% thought the number was as expected.
Future Data Collection • Gather alcohol related incident reports for the last 5 years from the Department of Student Housing. • Gather alcohol related transports to the local hospital for the last 5 years from the Department of Student Housing. • Gather alcohol related arrests for the last 5 years from KUPD.