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Business Plan: <Company Name>. About the Template. Pitchbooks are structured presentations with tightly packed text and graphics. They are usually intended for print rather than projection. Some typical characteristics of a pitchbook presentation include:
About the Template • Pitchbooks are structured presentations with tightly packed text and graphics. They are usually intended for print rather than projection. • Some typical characteristics of a pitchbook presentation include: • Smaller text sizes and more dense content layouts to enable communication of large amounts of information • Simple graphical elements which print quickly and accurately • High degree of consistency between slides and among sections of slides • To start creating slides using this template, click the Home tab, and then click New Slide. • Customizing the Logo • To customize this template for your business, you may want to replace our generic logo with your own. • To do this for all of your slides, switch to Slide Master View. • On the View menu, point to Masters, and then click Slide Master. • From here, you can add your own logo. You can also customize or add additional layouts to create even more types of slides with this template. • Branding with Color • To style your slides with your company’s brand colors while maintaining the template’s simple layout, change the color scheme or create your own: • On the Themes tab, under Theme Options, click Colors, and then select a color scheme. Using the Pitchbook Template My Logo Prepared by Dilip Rao for Tie Sydney Contact: dilip.rao@gmail.com
Problem • Our solution • Competition • Secret Sauce • Business/Revenue Model • Financials • Team • Why invest? <Tag line: Summarise value prop in a few words to grab attention>
Problem Description • Current Process • Market Segments • Size of Addressable Market • Who is the typical client? Consumer or business? • Describe the problem or pain for the target client today. • What does the client do today? • Why will the client pay to solve this problem? • Show your deep understanding of the client and any insights the market has missed. • How big is this problem – how many clients, value of time lost or avoidable costs incurred, quality of current solutions or experience. • Show proof points – e.g. client you have spoken to and confirmed the scope and size of the problem. The Problem
Solution Description • Proposed Process • Market Segments • Size of Addressable Market • Describe the solution proposed and how we remove/reduce the pain for the target client. • How will the client use our solution? • How is our solution different from today’s? • Why will the client pay for this solution? • Do we have any proof points about the acceptance of this solution? Clients? In principle agreements to purchase when launched? Our Solution
Competition • DO NOT SAY THERE ARE NO COMPETITORS! • Who are the current and emerging competitors? • Include substitutes • How do they stack up against us on the key benefits sought by clients? • Competitive Comparison • Competitve positioning on key factors Competition
Secret Sauce • What makes us different to the competition? • In product or service? • In business model? • In patentable IP? • How do we SUSTAIN these advantages? • How quickly could a competitor match us, given unlimited budget? 6m? 12m? 2years? • Do we have a product roadmap that keeps us ahead? • What proof points do we have? Client sales, references, channel agreements? • Process Model Secret Sauce
Business Model Elements • Describe how the business works to deliver value and to make money, at a high level, but with proof points wherever possible. • What is the core strategy - differentiation, niche focus, cost leadership? • Is this a multi-sided model, eg you need buyers and sellers to come together to make money? How will you solve the chicken and egg problem? • Is revenue generated from advertising or product/service sales? • Do you have a ‘freemium’ model? • How do you generate revenues and what is the profit per client or per sale? • What is the cost of acquisition per client? Is this scalable? How? • What is the cost structure and does this have any economies of scale or specialisation? • Business Model Business/Revenue Model
Financial Outlook • Market Size and Growth • Revenue Mix Financials
Team Credentials • This is one of the most important slides, since early investors will invest in the best team, not the best plan. • Show why this team has the ability to deliver the plan. • If key roles are yet to be filled, show where you will find them. • If funding is required to make key hires, outline how money will be spent. • Organisation • Organisation Team
Investment Allocation • Business Process Model • Summary • Summarise the pitch. • If raising investment, specify how much and how it will be used. • Indicate what share of equity you can offer for what level of investment (details to be negotiated). • Do you want only capital or also close involvement in growing the company? • How will the investment make money – what multiple, in how many years and who are the target buyers of the company if an IPO is not viable? • Product Roadmap Summary: Why Invest? Contact Details Provide your contact details!.