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EUROGI key facilitator for GI. Simon Vrečar Secretary General simon.vrecar@eurogi.org International conference SDI and SIM 2013 Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM), 13 November 2013. Welcome.
EUROGIkey facilitator for GI Simon Vrečar Secretary General simon.vrecar@eurogi.org International conference SDI and SIM 2013 Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM), 13 November 2013
Welcome Ви посакувам добро утро и ја изразам мојата благодарност мене да бидат присутни овде во Скопје во име на EUROGI Ju uroj miremengjes dhe të shpreh mirënjohjen time të jem i pranishëm këtu në Shkup, në emër të EUROGI Welcome by president of EUROGI Bruce McCormack
Background EUROGI Foundation (“Stichting”) under the Dutch Law (NGO) established in 1994 by the suggestion of the EC; First 2 years : EC funding, since then own funding (membership) Independent and non-aligned European organisation Network of networks Key features Through its main members (NGIAs): diverse membership base (government departments, state agencies, research institutes, local authorities, NGOs, industry, SMEs, etc) Can articulate user needs and perspectives
Vision & Mission Vision Geographic Information with all its aspects should become a fully integrated component of the European knowledge-based society Mission In order to ensure good governance, economic and social development, environmental protection and sustainability, and informed public participation, the mission is to maximise the availability, effective use and exploitation of GI throughout Europe. This requires EUROGI to stimulate, encourage and support the development and effective use of GI and relevant technologies, and to act as channel of the voice for the European GI community, private and public sectors alike.
Membership & Governance Memebership National GI Associations (NGIAs) Corporate members Other members (EARSC, GI Norden, CEKTRA, IGIS) Governance General Board – all members / sets overall policy / 2x meet annually Executive Committee – policy implementation / up to 9 members President – 2 year term / overall management of EUROGI / represents EUROGI in public / chairs Board and Excom meetings Vice President – deputise for President when necessary Secretariat - day to day running / Secretary General & Administrative officer & legal support Treasurer – management of finances / preparation of annual budget
Members EUROGI members AFIGEO, France AGEO, Austria AM/FM GIS Italia, Italy CAGI, Czech Republic CEKTRA, Slovenia DDGI, Germany ESTGIS, Estonia GEOFORUM Danmark, Denmark GEONOVUM, The Netherlands HUNAGI, Hungary IGIS, Croatia IGP, Portugal IRLOGI, Ireland LISA, Iceland SOGI, Switzerland ULI, Sweden AUTODESK ESRI Geospace consulting INTERGRAPH ISPiK EARSC GI NORDEN Trend of covering European map by membership is growing. In recent years members from Slovenia, Estonia, Poland and Croatia have joined us. Beside national GI associations, business and other networks, SMEs recognised the importance of EUROGI
Activities European affairs Contributions to EU policy development as it relates to GI/ SDI matters (awareness activities, position papers, publications ...) GMES/Copernicus funding Digital Agenda & GIGI was back in the draft work programme of DG-CONNECT for 2013 Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation funding (Research Green Paper) Implementation of INSPIRE and Open Data: access to biological monitoring data and metadata (with the support of CITES / UNEP, UNEP-WCMC) Establish stronger links with Commission DGs: e.g. meeting DG INFSO, GMES bureau….other DGs; Establish links with European Parliament (INSPIRE, GMES..) Presenting DG REGIO the importance of GI in regional and cross border cooperation – horizontal role EUSDR PA10 adoption of a statement on involvement of CSO in structural funds 2014-20 programming activities EULF - European Union Location Framework: EUROGI is a member of the expert group to assess the results of the EULF WP
Activities European affairs Networking Continuously collaborating and in dialogue with other GI Associations EuroGeographics, EuroSDR, PCC, AGILE, CEN/TC287 GI, OGC, ISOCARP International affairs Contribution to different international organisations GSDI, UN GGIM, IBA "Emerging issues to use geospatial initiatives in the societal context of disaster managing“ Mauro Slavemini, EUROGI ExCom member and president of AMFM GIS ITALIA at 10th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas “SDI: Primer for Non-technical Decision Makers in Developing countries” Bruce McCormack, the president of EUROGI at 14th GSDI conference
Activities Conferences & Workshops Representation at various conferences / workshops such as INSPIRE Conference Endorsement and support of events, activities e.g. Geospace 2012 Conference, Geospatial World Forum 2013, AGILE 2013, SDI and SIM 2013 EUROGI imaGIne conference imaGIne 1 in Dublin March 2013 Strong support of Irish Presidency, panelists from “outer” (non GI) world, special track by JRC on EULF, recognised as an important supporter of INSPIRE imaGIne 2 planned for November 2014
“COPERNICUS MPPs” “GEOINFORMATION NETWORKS FOR SOCIETAL AND COMMERCIAL ACCEPTANCE OF COPERNICUS - MARKET- PULL - PACKS” Based on experience from GRAAL project EUROGI supported by EUROGI member Result of survey and statistical evaluation Compilation of presentations, comments, experiences, best practice results and suggestions for key downstream business cases by individual members in the respective country under survey (GI com-panies, other institutions) Consolidated report by EUROGI, putting the results in the European context based on the final workshop 1st WS in Budapest, Hungary, 12 December 2013 2nd WS planned in 1st half 2014 upon the call to EUROGI members
UPSIDEDOWN PROTECT Spatial MetaData Protection for the Underground Critical Infrastructures Instrument: EC DG Home Affairs Consortia: 14 partners EUROGI partner (experts by members) Project volume: 750.000 EUR The objective is the improvement of information management standard for underground CIs by harmonizing the provisions of the INSPIRE Directive (Com(2004) 516 final) with urgency to protect geo-spatial metadata, to prevent and prepare to counter risks linked with terrorism based on an all-hazards approach.
LAPSI2.0 LAPSI (Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information) 2.0 is a Thematic Network Instrument: CIP ICT PSP Consortia: 23 partners EUROGI partner (experts by members) Project volume: 446.000 EUR LAPSI 2.0’s objective is to identify the remaining legal barriers and obstacles to access and re-use of public sector information (PSI) on the European content market, and to propose measures and tools to stimulate the progress of the European market towards open data. The network brings together academic experts and stakeholders from the public sector, business and civil society from 15 countries. Issues relating to licensing, complaints procedures, access to information, privacy and data protection, competition, intellectual property rights will be addressed. By combining academic expertise with the real-life experience from the stakeholders, the network can provide realistic solutions to the existing legal threats on the PSI market.
GI-N2K GI – Need to Know Towards a more demand-driven geospatial workforce education/training system Instrument: LLL – ERASMUS Network Consortia: 31 partners EUROGI MEMBERS and MEMBERS’ MEMBERS are partners Project volume: 780.500 EUR The project will revise the 10 knowledge areas of the Body of Knowledge and this will be done by KA-expert teams from different higher educational institutions. This work will than be tested and validated by the demanders (enterprises) how will give feedback to improve the revision. This benefits the European cooperation between the educational sector (supply) and industry (demand) in terms of better and more collaborative activities. Different stakeholders from the academic, private and public sector, as well as GI professionals and students should be brought together to make this happen. The GI N2K project is an extensive network of 31 partners from 25 countries from the academic and non-academic sector linking up with associated partners from the broader industry, major GI associations, as well as individual experts from the GI S&T and educational sectors.
Importance of NGOs Usually NGOs – driven and task oriented by the group with common interest(s) Providing expertise, analysis and opinion Recognises and responds to the real issues of specific topic Flexible to adopt to specific needs and conditions – easier to implement new approaches where risk are taken Capability to communicate on all levels Very important for cross border and transnational initiatives Maturity or conditions for existence of such associations varies a lot throughout Europe Historical and other reasons Opportunity to build on regional initiatives
Contacts • http://www.facebook.com/eurogi.org • http://www.twitter.com/EUROGIonline • http://www.linkedin.com/company/eurogi • http://www.eurogi.org • info@eurogi.org