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Senior Parent College Information Night. Monday, October 22, 2012 6:00 – 7:30 pm. TONIGHT’S TOPICS. Handling College Applications Common UC/CSU Application Issues Handling the Common Application Handling Letters of Recommendations Why “Fit” is important
Senior Parent College Information Night Monday, October 22, 2012 6:00 – 7:30 pm
TONIGHT’S TOPICS Handling College Applications Common UC/CSU Application Issues Handling the Common Application Handling Letters of Recommendations Why “Fit” is important What Private Colleges are Looking For Taking a Look at College Options Review the Community College Options Utilizing Naviance for College & Scholarship Search Provide Information Regarding College and Financial Aid Application Timelines. Helpful Websites Opportunity for Q & A.
HANDLING COLLEGE APPLICATIONS APPLICATION DEADLINES: Keep a spreadsheet so that you don’t miss CRITICAL due dates. Remind your student to check their email and college portals twice a week after submitting their applications. Make sure they establish a ‘clean’ email(e.g. smithjj@yahoo.com) for college and financial aid purposes. SENDING TEST SCORES: Send SAT/ACT scores “officially” from Actstudent.org or Collegeboard.org. Putting the scores on the application is NOT officially sending them nor are scores on the transcript considered official. TRANSCRIPTS: UC’s & CSU’s – Transcripts do not need to be sent with initial application. Common Application – Counselors will submit official initial transcript on student’s behalf. Hard Copy – Student must submit request form (available at front desk) and pay $3 for each official transcript. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: UC’s & CSU’s – No letters are needed. If a college does not ask for them, do not submit them, they will not be considered.
COMMON UC/CSUAPPLICATION ISSUES • Failure to note the proper program and schedule • Note: Block program with a Semester schedule is correct (do not choose quarter!) • Confusion on how to list 12th grade courses that only have one grade (i.e. AP Govt, Econ., Law & Justice, etc.) • Yearlong courses (AP Govt/AP Micro-Econ/AP Macro-Econ/Law & Justice) • AP Govt/AP Micro-Econ are both currently in play as fall courses • First semester should be listed as “in progress” and second semester should be listed as “no course” • AP Macro-Econ/Law & Justice will be taught in the spring • First semester should be listed as “no course” and second semester should be listed as “planned” • Fall courses (AP Govt/Econ. or Govt/Econ.) • 1st quarter course grades (for Govt. or AP Govt.) can be listed as these grades are now final • Post grade for semester one • For semester two list as “no course” • 2nd quarter courses (Econ) should be listed as “no course” for semester one and “in progress” for semester two • Spring courses (AP Govt/Econ or Govt/Econ) • AP Govt. and Govt. should be listed as “planned” for semester one and “no credit” for semester two. • Econ. should be listed as “no credit” for semester one and “planned” for semester two.
COMMON APPLICATION FAQ’s What is the Common Application and will I need it? Answer: The Common Application is very much like what is says. It is an application that is common to many colleges that have agreed to accept it for admissions purposes. If students are applying to more than one of these schools it can greatly cut down on the amount of work needed in applying – very cool! How do I know which colleges accept the Common Application? Answer: Check the following website as it will inform as to those colleges that accept its use. There are currently 488 colleges that use it. https://www.commonapp.org/CommonApp/Members.aspx
HANDLING THECOMMON APPLICATION The Common Application requires a letter of recommendation from a counselor and one or two teachers. To expedite this process please pay attention to the following. #1 Make sure you are COMMITTED to completing and sending the Common Application. Remember that you are relying on recommenders to do significant work on your behalf and if there is no follow through then you have wasted their valuable time. #2 If committed to sending the Common Application, be sure to obtain a verbal commitment from your recommenders ASAP. #3 Be sure to complete profile information (i.e. brag sheet, resume, etc.) and get that information to recommenders ASAP. Be sure to provide a minimum of TWO WEEKS advance notice before recommendation is due. (reference following slide for more info on handling letters of rec.) #4 As soon as you have a verbal agreement from your recommenders, be sure to go into the Common Application and do the following. DO NOT WAIT TO DO THIS! You do not have to complete the rest of the application to do this piece. Don’t keep your recommenders waiting! • Click on “School Forms” • Complete the FERPA section waiving rights to access of info • Click “Recommenders” and complete this section carefully, making sure that names and email addresses are all correct. Incorrect emails or names will prevent student information from showing in the teacher/counselor account. Completing this section will result in an email invitation being sent to each recommender enabling them to complete their tasks electronically.
HANDLING LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION • Remember that all counselor/teacher recommendations are confidential and will be sent directly to the requesting campus. They are not returned to the student, nor seen by the student (department policy) • Give your recommenders plenty of lead time, i.e. thirty days (10 school days minimum) • Provide a copy of your personal profile information form to your recommender • You can access the template from the GBHS Counseling website (http://granitebayhigh.org/domain/30) or in your Naviance account under the “About Me” tab (http://connection.naviance.com/gbhs). • Clearly communicate due dates for each college • If an electronic version of your college application is not available, you MUST provide stamped addressed envelopes (TWO STAMPS per envelope) with GBHS as the return address. • Waive your confidentiality rights as a failure to do so may construe to colleges that your recommender may not have felt the freedom to comment honestly
CONSIDERATIONS: • Why “FIT” is so important: • Each college/university has set institutional priorities and goals. • They look for students who specifically fit their “profile.” • Students need to realize how they fit into a school’s profile to determine whether it is the right place to apply. They may think College ABC needs them but that college may have a different opinion! • Colleges only have a finite number of spaces for freshmen – realize some may be competing with “the best” students from across the country for the same spot! Application and Essay: • Students should step back and read their application from beginning to the end. Their application should read like a book. Pages should not repeat information but build upon the prior pages. • Essay – This is the one thing students have complete CONTROL over! Don’t repeat a list of activities or awards. Show the college who you really are, what motivates you, what you have to bring to their campus. Fill in any gaps that might be found throughout your application. • Essay Tip #2 - Take a highlighter and mark everything in one color that has to do with "you." If there is very little color on your paper that has to do with "you", then you need to work on your personal statement. Ideally you want half to two-thirds to be about you!
PRIVATE, INDEPENDENT AND OUT-OF-STATE COLLEGES • What are they really looking for?
OUT OF STATE COLLEGE CONSIDERATIONS May have different eligibility requirements (e.g. average test scores, minimum gpa, or subject requirements. Check with university Admissions Office or web site for specifics.) Out-of-state tuition (Some states/colleges – through the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program – have discounts on out-of-state fees. Check this website or contact the university Admissions Office for details. http://wue.wiche.edu Students cannot use Cal Grants out of state (if awarded)
EARLY DECISIONOR EARLY ACTION? Early Decision: Apply early to one college and hear sometime around December if accepted. Student commits to attending university if accepted. (Be certain university is your first choice! You cannot ‘change your mind’ -- even if a better scholarship or financial aid offer comes along.) Early Action: Similar to early decision, but is ‘non-binding’ in that student is not committed to attending that college.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE Student must be a high school graduate or 18 years of age. No SAT or ACT required. Students take placement tests in English and Mathematics*. Success starts with good preparation and careful planning: UC’s offer a Transfer Agreement Guarantee (TAG) Program and the CSU’s offer a AA-T and AS-T (Associate degree for Transfer program). TAG is a formal written agreement between you, the community college and the university. The UC’s have 9 campuses, with 7 offering TAG agreements and the CSU’s have 23 campuses (check the major specific requirements) with AA-T and AS-T agreements. - For more info on UC TAG agreements www.uctag.universityofcalifornia.edu - For more info on CSU Transfer agreements www.adegreewithaguarantee.com Sierra College hosts Parent Information Nights. For reservations, email: outreach@sierracollege.edu. *Students may be exempt from taking the placement exams with qualifying scores on the ACT, SAT or EAP.
November 7 November 28 December 12 6:00-7:00pm Location: Learning Resource Center – Room 212 Sierra College 5000 Rocklin Road Rocklin, CA 95677 Space is limited, so sign up today for one of the seminars! Email: outreach@sierracollege.edu Quality education at an affordable price Over 125 degrees and certificate programs Complete the first 2 years of a bachelor degree Transfer Admission Guarantee Program (TAG) (TAG’s) – Sierra College is the #1 feeder school to CSU’s in Northern California TAG agreements with seven UC’s Nearly 30% of all UC graduates & over 50% of all CSU graduates start at a local community college. Extensive student support services Nationally ranked athletics program Tuition fees $46 per unit Smaller class sizes On-campus housing Financial aid SIERRA COLLEGEPARENT INFORMATION NIGHTS
WUE(WESTERN UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE) • WUE is a reduced out of state tuition program • Reduced tuition is not automatically awarded • Check website (http://wiche.edu/wue) • Some participating schools have specific major, GPA, or other requirements • Sample participants: • Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington • Arizona State University, Portland State, Colorado State
FINANCIAL AID All students should complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) www.fafsa.gov Application window: January 1 – March 2 The FAFSA is the determining factor for all federal, state and institutional based Aid. Including non-need based scholarships and grants. SO FILL IT OUT REGARDLESS !!! Tips: Attend the GBHS Financial Aid Night (January 16, 2013 – 6:30pm) at Oakmont High School Cafeteria (more information to come)! See Mrs. Underwood in the College & Career Center (ext. 5109)to verify that GBHS has your SSN.Required to submit the g.p.a. verification for Cal Grant!
HELPFUL WEBSITES APPLICATION WEBSITES: University of California – www.universityofcalifornia.edu Tips on Writing the UC Personal Statement - http://www.californiacolleges.edu/admissions/university-of-california-uc/personal-statement.asp California State University – www.csumentor.edu Common Application – www.commonapp.org FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIP WEBSITES: FAFSA – http://www.fastweb.com Cal Grant – http://www.csac.ca.gov Naviance – http://connection.naviance.com/gbhs Financial Aid Information – http://www.finaid.org; www.Studentaid.gov FastWEB Scholarship Search – http://www.fastweb.com ATHLETIC WEBSITES: NCAA – www.eligibilitycenter.org (Division I and II) NAIA – www.playnaia.org
Now, It’s Your Turn! QUESTIONS & ANSWERS