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Message from the Cross. How can we be certain about these events?. Could Christ have simply arranged HIS life to match all the previous Bible prophecies, including all the miracles, the earthquakes? He would have to have all HIS enemies (the Roman Army, Chief
How can we be certain about these events? Could Christ have simply arranged HIS life to match all the previous Bible prophecies, including all the miracles, the earthquakes? • He would have to have all HIS enemies (the Roman Army, Chief priest, Pharisees and the whole Jewish nation play to HIS script!) • HE would also have to ‘manufacture’ every supernatural event in the Bible (virgin birth, healings, walking on water etc) • Prophesied over 400 times in the Bible: • Sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zech 11v 12 -13), JESUS’ word on the cross (Ps 22 v1-7, v16-17), JESUS’ sufferings (Isa 53 v1-12) • It was recorded by many 1st Century non-Christian historians such as Josephus What of the transforming power that we see today?
Why the cross? • Sin is costly! Man’s relationship with GOD has broken • We were all on death row • Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Heb 9 v22, Lev 17 v11) • Sacrifice of bulls and goats could not take away sins –it simply covers sin but the power of sin is not broken (Heb 10 v 1-7) • Blood of JESUS cleanses us and provides eternal redemption (Heb 9 v11-14)
The Cost of Salvation Matthew 27 v 1-66, Matthew 28 v1-10, v18-20
The Cross: Message from the FATHER GOD so loved the world (John 3 v16) • GOD made man in HIS own image …there is always that attachment to HIS creation • Gave up his son (story of the woman who lost her son) • Restoration of HIS loving relationship with man • Demonstration of HIS love for mankind
The Cross: Message from JESUS Demonstration of humility (Phil 2v 5-8) • Demonstration of total submission to the will of GOD v us humans (Isa 53, Heb 2v 9 -10 – Captain of our Salvation) • Demonstration of ultimate sacrifice • Make no mistake, JESUS’ suffering was brutal (King of the Jews!) • JESUS agonised over what HE was about to face • Could there be any other way (JESUS enquired of the FATHER). Do not be deceived – there is NO other was except through JESUS
The Cross: Message from JESUS • Showing forgiveness & self control (even when nailed to the cross), Christ restrained himself for you! • Demonstrating HIS power over death and Hell and the devil – I am the resurrection and the Life(JESUS told Martha) - Dead saints rose (Math 27 v 52-53) • Opening the way for us to have direct access to the FATHER (Math 27 v 51) • Securing our hope to eternal life • Bought us by HIS blood - HE now stands as the GREAT HIGH PRIEST(Heb 2 v14 -18)
The Cross: Message from Mary • Surprise (visit by an angel) • Accepting GOD’s direction for her life • Amazement (Simeon’s prophecy about JESUS Luke 2 v 25 -35) and JESUS confounding great teachers in the temple • Perplexed (His death and the anguish) • Submission of her life to GOD’s will
The Cross: Message from the disciples • Initial Excitement (being chosen) Luke 5 v 5-10 • Amazed at the miracles • Uncertain at times (The kingdom they want vs JESUS’ Kingdom) • Total fear and confusion after JESUS arrest and death -Peter’s denial of JESUS From victims to victors (Act 2v14-18, v38-47)
The Cross: Message from the thief Luke 23 v 42 – 43 • Be careful with words • Forget what the crowd is saying – never run with the crowd! • It is never too late to find JESUS • No one is ever rejected from coming to JESUS • Acknowledge/confess your faults • Acknowledgement of JESUS, HIS power and HIS Kingdom
The Cross: Message from the mockers Self righteous (like the Pharisees, Chief priests), confident in themselves, their religion and their positions in the society • JESUS was a threat to their (worldly) system and they wanted to keep the in statu quo • The wanted to shame JESUS (another King): JESUS’ charge was that of being the King of the Jews hence they chose the most painful way of dying • The Roman army collaborated with the ‘religious’ people • They saw the power of GOD but they loved their lives (Pilate’s wife, Soldiers at the foot of the Cross) They were wise in themselves but they all missed it!
VICTORY THROUGH THE CROSS For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10:4) JESUS triumphed over the devil and all principalities and powers (Col 2 v15, Eph 1 v21) • JESUS wiped away the death penalty (Col 2 v 13-14) • JESUS restored our relationship with the FATHER (Eph 2 v14 -18) • For by one offering HE has perfected forever those who are being sanctified(Heb 10:14).
VICTORY THROUGH THE CROSS - contd • Because CHRIST himself suffered HE is able to sympathise with them that suffers (Heb 2v18) • I am going to my FATHER and your father (John 20 v17) • JESUS still stand today as our GREAT HIGH PRIEST