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NHS Scotland Data Archive Update

Update on resolving unique data issues in different NHS regions regarding holding required unique titles and making necessary data changes. Detailed process for accuracy and upcoming evaluations. Planning future actions and addressing concerns.

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NHS Scotland Data Archive Update

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  1. NHS Scotland Print Archive Update 31st October 2012

  2. Stage One – Unique dataIssues to resolve • Ayrshire and Arran – agreement on holding the unique titles required • Dumfries and Galloway – agreement on holding the unique titles required • Lothian – agreement on unique holdings held at AAH and RHSK Issue also with the holding at Health Promotion as when they moved from Deaconess and journals boxed up and held at the Atos building – in discussion with Iain Stewart at the Public Health Resource Unit at GG&C about taking some titles • Tayside - agreement on holding the unique titles required • Highland – awaiting agreement from HHS Library Argyll &Bute confirmed Library is closed and no longerhas titles • Grampian - New data received from Grampian outlining holdings. Iain to amend holdings • HPS – Large data changes required – as discarded a number of titles but did not update the SHINE Union List

  3. Note: • Once data changes are sent to Iain Stewart it is quite a complicated process. Once Iain has a list of titles to delete for a specific library these are deleted from the “all titles” worksheet.  If they were AH or UH titles they are deleted from the “stage 1 archive holdings” worksheet and the “board S1” worksheet.  After doing this Iain uses the list of titles to delete and go back to the “all titles worksheet” and work out for each title deleted what are the knock-on effects for the same titles held by other libraries – this is the time consuming part of the process and changes have to be made to all three worksheets.  Accuracy is paramount so it is important to take time and not rush it. • An updated version of “Complete holdings 17 September Stage 1” is held on Iain’s p.c. at the moment.  As more holdings are altered changes will be made to the September version and once everything is finalised Iain will circulate the finished Stage 1 spreadsheet to the group. • The aim is to get an accurate set of unique holdings by the 1st November 2012. • Following this the team will evaluate Questionable holdings • Gill will email a catch-up on the 1st November 2012

  4. Further Actions • Funding request documentation to complete for Ann Wales and SGEstimating a cost for removal of stock is proving very difficult as at this stage we do not know what needs moving and where toMeeting held with Eagle Courier and they are struggling – but will provide a cost based on the work they did for GG&C and the movement of 214 metres of stock from GRO – RAH As a “guestimate” I could look at 5% of the data and base on this cost, however they will only provide the costs next weekConcerns for the PAG Project team are regarding the issue of using a non-specialist removal firmEagle Couriers and DHL on the national contract - so would not need a tender process for the job • Review Questionable holdings • Draw up procedures for how we work with the multiple copies data – distribute for comment • Contact Ann Wales/Michelle Kirkwood to take forward getting NHS Board sign-up from the KIA Executive Leads to the project • Board representatives for Orkney and Shetland Health Boards

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