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I Overview. AIMS7 Program of Plurilingual / Pluricultural Coexistence.
IOverview AIMS7 Program of Plurilingual/ Pluricultural Coexistence ◆Specialized Courses(18- 24 credits in total ) Sociolinguistics, Language Policy, Geopolitics, International Relations, History,Security Theory, Anthropology, Folklore, Civilization, Urban Studies, Cultural Studies, Comparative Religions, Environment Studies, International Business, Economics ◆Language Courses (6 - 12 credits in total) Japanese, Filipino, Indonesian, Malaysia, Thai ◆Joint Seminars(2 credits) *only 1 semester Team-Taught Seminars on Plurilingualism, Pluriculturalism, International Business, and Economics ◆Extracurricular Program Tandem Program(students from partner universities and Waseda working together )of Fieldwork, Internship, Volunteer Activities ◆AIMS7 Student Conference Students present the results of their study in discussions and poster sessions. SKILLS MIND-SET Plurilingualism & Communicative Ability Valuing Differences & Bridging Cultures Nurturing Cosmopolitanism “Cosmopolitanism” based on the multi-disciplinary curriculum of Liberal Arts Asian Campus (LAAC) . Waseda’s definition of “Global Human Resources” People with a global perspective who can solve problems on the Global・Regional・National・Local levels.
II Structure Spring Semester Autumn Semester Spring Semester SummerBreak Autumn Semester Mastery of languages and communication skills, and development of a mind that can respect differences and mediate between different cultures, ethnicities, and fields Cosmopolitanism Waseda Univ. AIMS Partner Univ. Waseda Univ. AIMS 7Uni. Study of the Destination Country’s Language (3 or more semesters) JAPAN Pre-departure Preparation AIMS7Specialized Courses AIMS7 Specialized Courses Fieldwork, Volunteer Activities, Internships Joint Seminar AIMS7 Specialized Courses Program Certificate For completing 32 credits (60 UCTS) at two universities Specialized Courses Language Courses AMIS Joint Seminar Extracurricular Program AIMS7 Student Conference AIMS7 Student Conference Tandem Study(2 semesters) Tandem Study Students from both universities work together in class, language practice, fieldwork and volunteer activities. AIMS Partner Univ. Joint Seminar ASEAN AIMS7 Specialized Courses AIMS7 Specialized Courses AIMS7 Specialized Courses Fieldwork, Volunteer Activities, Internships Pre-departure Preparation (Japan Study) Japanese Language Study(3 or more semesters) 30 UCTS≒16 credits + 16 credits≒30 UCTS Student Portfolio※The student’s own collection of work and accomplishments during the course of the program Credit Units at Waseda and the Partner University to be converted by means of UCTS
III Goals Fieldwork, Internships, and Volunteer Activities Study of English and Local Languages Tandem Extracurricular Program Joint Seminars & Courses on Pluriligualism and Pluriculturalism Acquisition of Language Skills (Plurilingualism) Acquisition of Communicative Skills for Plurilingual・Pluricultural Environments Knowledge & Understandings of Plurilingual& Pluricultural Environment SKILLS MIND-SET Output: Cohorts of cosmopolitan people active on the world stage and successful at both the global and the local level Outcome:①Plurilingualism: Practical ability in the mother tongue, English, and local languages ②Ability to communicate with people of different cultures, ethnic groups, cultures, and fields ③ Respect for different values and ability to mediate between different cultures, ethnic groups, and fields Multinational Corporations Inter-Cultural Ambassadors International Organizations NPOs/NGOs Educational Institutions