Ⅳ. The cubital fossa It is a triangular depression at the bend of the elbow. The doundaries----laterally--- the brachioradialis; Medially---the pronator teres; Speriorly--- the base An imaginary line between the two humeral epicondyles. The contents---- from the lateral to medial sidesradial n. , lateral antebrachial cutaneous n. , tendon of biceps brachii, terminal part of brachial a. and vein, median n. few deep cubital lymph nodes which lie at the bifurcation of the artery.
Ⅴ.The carpal canal It is formed by the flexor retinaculum and the groove of the carpal bones; It transmits the tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis, the flexor digitorum profundus, the flexor pollicis longus and the median nerve. The carpal canal syndrome---sensory loss over the lateral 2/3 of the palm and lateral 32 fingers, atrophy of the thenar m. and lateral two lumbrical m.The characteristic deformity is referred to as “ape hand”.
the long thoracic n. serratus anterior the musculocutaneous nerve anterior group of the arm lateral pectoral nerv the pectoralis major medial pectoral nerv pectoralis minor the median nerve the most of anterior group of the forearm and part muscles of hand the ulnar nerve the part of anterior group of the forearm and part muscles of hand the radial nerve posterior group of arm and posterior group of the forearm the axillary nerve deltoid the thoracodorsal nerve latissimus dorsi
1). The musculocutaneous n. --arises from lateral cord. --becomes the lateral antebrachial cutaneous n.. --muscular branches innervate the coraco- brachialis, biceps branchii and brachialis m. --cutaneous branches is distributed to the skin of the lateral side of the forearm. 2). The median n. --arises by two roots, one from the lateral and one from the medial cord. --motor fibers innervate the muscles in front of the forearm, except the brachioradialis, the flexor carpi ulnaris and the medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus. --sensory fibers is distributed to the skin of the lateral 2/3 palmar and fingers. --“ape-like” hand
3). The ulnar n. --arises from medial cord. --muscular branches innervate the flexor carpi ulnaris and the medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus. --sensory fibers is distributed to the skin of the medial 1/3 palmar and fingers, as well as the ulnar half of the dorsum of the hand. 4). The radial n. --arises from posterior cord. --muscular branches innervate the muscles of the posterior groups of the upper limb, as well as the brachioradialis. --sensory fibers is distributed to the skin on the dorsum of both the arm and forearm, skin on the radial side of the dorsum of the hand. --“wrist drop”
lateral group(thenar):abductor pollicis brevis、flexor hallucis brevis、musculus opponens pollicis、adductor pollicis。intermedial:fidicinales、musculi interossei palmares、dorsal interossei——medial (antithenar):abductor digiti minimi、flexor brevis minimi digiti、musculus opponens digiti minim