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Smart Growth Workshop. Houses Per Square Mile. Development Pressure and Sprawl. What do we want?. Map A. Tab 3. NRMA. Tab 4. Tab 4. Tab 5. Tab 5. Comprehensive Plan
Houses Per Square Mile Development Pressure and Sprawl
Map A Tab 3
NRMA Tab 4
Comprehensive Plan Goal: To ensure that Volusia County retains an interconnected core network of environmentally important lands to help preserve the County's ecosystems into the future.* *2005 Smart Growth Implementation Committee Final Report Tab 6
Incorporate “Map A”/ECO into the Volusia County Comprehensive Plan. • Ensure “Map A”/ECO lands remain density neutral. • Provide incentives for innovative land planning • and/or preservation. Tab 6
Enable the use of Conservation Development in Map A. • Allow flexible application of theLDC and ZC on a case-by-case basiswhere willing developers are committed to innovative smart growth principles such as conservation and green building design. Tab 6
Incorporate language into the Comp Plan to create a framework for a “Transfer of Development Rights” program. Tab 6
Develop Heightened Environmental Standards for environmentally sensitive areas. (VC Charter, Sec. 202.4) • Review and develop heightened standards for Map A? • Review and develop heightened standards for NRMA? • Explore short term ways to close loopholes using heightened environmental standards. • Explore options for water quality and quantity improvements. Tab 7
Subdivision of Land (changes to the Land Development and Zoning Codes) Tab 8
Ensure that every lot has a buildable area and access. Tab 8
Find ways to reduce impervious parking areas associated with new development.
Long term options for the County • and local government partners: • Create a common methodology • for projecting growth trends • (population projections)? • Utilize an assessment of risk when • reviewing growth issues • (i.e. growth in storm-prone areas)?
Comp Plan Decision Points: • Endorse the re-naming of “Map A” as the Environmental Core Overlay (ECO) ? • Incorporate “Map A”/ECO into the Volusia County Comprehensive Plan? • Ensure “Map A”/ECO lands (as a whole) remain density neutral with regard to zoning? • Provide incentives for innovative land planning and/or preservation?
Comp Plan Decision Points: • Enable the use of “Conservation Development” in “Map A”/ECO ? • Allow flexible application of the LDC and ZC on a case-by-case basiswhere willing developers are committed to innovative smart growth principles such as conservation and green building design? • Create a framework for TDRs?
Heightened Environmental StandardsDecision Points: • Review and developheightened standards for Map A/ECO? • Review and developheightened standards for NRMA?
Heightened Environmental StandardsDecision Points: • Explore short term ways to close loopholes using heightened environmental standards? • Explore options for water quality and quantity improvements?
Code of Ordinances Decision Points: • Ensure that every lot has a buildable area and access? • Find ways to reduce impervious parking areas associated with new development?
Long Term Options for the County and Local Government Partners: • Create a common methodology for projecting growth trends? • Utilize an assessment of risk when reviewing growth issues?
Where do we go next? Where do we go next?