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Supporting OUR Rotary Foundation: Mission, Origins & Impact

Learn about the origins of The Rotary Foundation, its mission to advance goodwill and peace, and how donations support humanitarian projects worldwide.

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Supporting OUR Rotary Foundation: Mission, Origins & Impact

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  1. Why Give to OUR Rotary Foundation?

  2. Origins of the The Rotary Foundation?? • Started in 1917 as an Endowment Fund by outgoing RI President Arch Klumph with $26.50 for “the purpose of doing good in the world.” • Renamed “The Rotary Foundation” in 1928 when total donations reached $5,000. • Five trustees then made the first Foundation Grant of $500 to the International Society for Crippled Children (Easter Seals).

  3. The Mission The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

  4. Where Do My Donations Go? Polio Plus End Polio Now Annual Fund For Humanitarian Projects Today The Endowment Fund Support Rotary’s Future

  5. TRF’s Six Areas of Focus

  6. Peace and Conflict Resolution Six Areas of Focus:

  7. Six Areas of Focus: Disease Prevention

  8. Six Areas of Focus: Water and Sanitation

  9. Six Areas of Focus: Maternal and Child Health

  10. Six Areas of Focus: Basic Education and Literacy

  11. Six Areas of Focus: Economic Development

  12. The Annual Fund: Humanitarian Projects That Deserve Your Support • Virtually every great humanitarian program you read about in Rotarian Magazine is funded by global or district grants from TRF Annual Fund. • Rotary clubs in our district (your neighbors) have great ideas for serving their communities in Maryland and the District and around the world.

  13. Annual Fund SHARE Program Expresses your confidence in Rotarians in our District and around the world to do good in the world. 75 cents of every dollar comes back to our district in the form of district grants, global grants, and World Fund matching contributions.

  14. Polio Plus: The Most Amazing Public Health Program in History • Rotarians have given over 2 billion polio vaccines to children worldwide at a cost of only about 60 cents per vaccine. • Partnered with World Health Organization, UNICEF, and Centers for Disease Control. • Co-sponsored by more than $500 million in Matching Grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

  15. Charity Navigator’s 2018 List of the 10 Best Accounts for financial performance, transparency and accountability. 92% of Foundation Fun are spent directly on programs. 11 straight years of four star ratings (highest) from Charity Navigator. .

  16. Club Levels of Support and Recognition • Every Rotarian Every Year Club: • The club average giving is $100 per person with each member giving a minimum of $25 per year. • Sustaining Member: • Every member gives at least $100 per year to the Foundation and/or PolioPlus.

  17. Individual Levels of Support and Recognition • Paul Harris Fellow • Paul Harris Society Member • Major Donor • Arch Klumph Society • Foundation Benefactor • Bequest Society

  18. It’s Easy to Give Go online to Rotary.org and SIGN IN. You can contribute by credit card or sweep your checking account. It’s fast and easy to do! You can give to the Annual Fund, Polio Fund, or the Endowment. Make recurring donations. Choose the amount you are comfortable with.

  19. Thank You For Supporting OUR Rotary Foundation Any Questions?

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