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12 th Mo.Co. meeting Istanbul, November 6-8, 2008. Integration of MPC in the European Research Area. Marilena Rossano CNR – Mediterranean and Middle East Naples - Italy. HISTORY OF ERA: MAIN STEPS.
12thMo.Co. meeting Istanbul, November 6-8, 2008 Integration of MPC in the European Research Area Marilena Rossano CNR – Mediterranean and Middle East Naples - Italy
HISTORY OF ERA: MAIN STEPS • The creation of European Research Area (ERA) was proposed in “Towards a European Research Area” (COM 2000) which remains the main reference on the subject and was endorsed at Lisbon European Council in March 2000 • The European Research Area: New perspectives – Green Paper 04.04.2007 • Commission Staff Working Document – Results of the Public Consultation on the Green paper “The ERA: New perspectives” (2.4.2008)
PROGRESS MADE …. • The 7FP is explicitly designed to support the creation of ERA • Initiatives have been launched to improve the coordination of research activities and programmes (ERA Net, InCo-Net, ETP) • More policy coordination /National R&D targets • Adoption of a strategy to favour R&D (tax incentives, patent strategy, and other initiatives/debates undergoing)
….AND STILL TO MAKE • Remove barriers to the mobility of researchers (to move across the institutions, sectors, countries) • Overcome difficulties to research/industry collaboration • Coordinate national and regional funding • Give a transnational perspective to S&T national reforms
THE ERA: NEW PERSPECTIVES(Green Paper) • Realising a single labour mkt for researchers • Developing world-class research infrastructure • Strengthening research institutions • Sharing knowledge • Optimising research programmes and priorities • International cooperation in S&T : opening to the world
THE ERA: NEW PERSPECTIVESTheexpectedlevelofactionforeachof the sixareas Source: EC- SEC (2008)430 – Brussels 2.4.2008 “Results of the Public Consultation on Green Paper: The ERA: New perspectives”
THE ERA: NEW PERSPECTIVES vi) internationalcooperation in S&T: Opening to the world COM (2008) 588 final A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation Brussels, 24.09.2008 EU policies /Programmes National Initiatives Regionalinitiatives
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” PrincipleSunderlying the europeanframeworkforinternational S/T Cooperation and new information society partnerships • Widen the ERA and makingit more open to the world • Ensuringcoherenceofpolicies and complementarityofprogrammes • FosteringstrategicS&TcooperationwiththirdCountries • DevelopingattractivenessofEuropeas a research partner • Launchingresults-orientedpartnerships on information society regulation The EC and MemberStatesworkingtogether
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” ORIENTATION FOR ACTIONS 1.Strengthening the internationaldimensionof ERA • IntegratingEurope’s neighboursinto the ERA • Foster Associationto FP7 • Spread information and opportunitiesof FP7 • Creatingnetworkingof NCP and ICCP-IP • EnhanceCapacity Building • Favourdialogueplatforms • UseINCO-Netprojectstofostercoordinatedactions Actionsrecommended: Enhanceregionaldialogue on Information Society; Bettersynergies. - EC: fosterdialogueforassociationto 7FP – Gradually opening ICT Policy Supportprogramme - CIP
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” ORIENTATION FOR ACTIONS 1.Strengthening the internationaldimensionof ERA b) Fosteringstrategiccooperationwith key thirdcountriesthroughgeographic and thematictargeting ACTIONS RECOMMENDED: Bi-regional approach (INCo-Net)
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” ORIENTATION FOR ACTIONS 2. Improving the framework conditions of international S&T cooperation • Tackling scientific challenges through global research infrastructures Actions recommended to EC and Member States: • Promote cooperation in large scale research infrastructures • Explore new ways to reduce the digital divide in Developing Countries • Foster debate and intensify cooperation in ICT • Include security and trust issues as priority in Information Society dialogue with third countries A more structured approach to jointly developing global research infrastructures
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” ORIENTATION FOR ACTIONS 2. Improving the frameworkconditionsofinternationalS&Tcooperation • Mobilityofresearchers and global networks ACTIONS RECOMMENDED :
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” ORIENTATION FOR ACTIONS 2. Improving the frameworkconditionsofinternationalS&Tcooperation / c) More open researchprogrammes ACTIONS RECOMMENDED : Reciprocal access to research programmes, verify the possibility to allow funding for R&D work done abroad; cooperation in specific areas
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” 2. Improving the framework conditions of international S&T cooperation d) Intellectual Property Issues e) Pre-standardization Actionsrecommended
COM (2008) 588 final - “A strategicEuropeanFrameworkfor International Science and TechnologyCooperation” IMPLEMENTING A SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIP • EU-MS, Council and Commissioncommitthemeselvesto the proposedstrategyof COM (2008) 588 final • The Councilidentifieseffectiveimplementationof the proposedstrategy and monitors the progress of opening ERA to the world • The EuropeanparliamentsupportcoherentframeworkforinternationalS&Tcooepration
TheERA: New perspectivesResults of the public consultation on the Green Paperi) REALISING A SINGLE LABOUR MARKET FOR RESEARCHERS Attracting and making the best ofresearchers Oneof the initiativetoattracttalents and cooperate to the EU policies / programmes: ITALY: CNR ‘Task force’ forfavouring the ERC - StartingIndependentResearchGrants
The ERA: New perspectives i) Realising a single labour market forresearchers Givevisibilityofprogrammes (bil/national/int.) tofavourmobility and coordinatingprogrammes Some examples ITALY-ALGERIA (2006-09) ITALY-EGYPT (2008-2010) ITALY-MOROCCO (2004-06) ITALY -TUNISIA (2005-07) ITALY-TURKEY (2006-09) CNR-ASRT (Egypt) CNR-MOST (Israel) CNR-CNRST (Morocco) CNR-TUBITAK (Turkey) Universityagreements
HES: HighEducation institutions (including Universities) REC: Research institutions GOV: Governmental institutions Total number of MPCs entities: 93
HES: HighEducation institutions (including Universities) REC: Research institutions Total number of Italian entities: 93
Co-financed in 2008 with funds from Italian Ministry of Reseach Algeria: 7 Tunisia: 1 Turkey: 4 12 projects for a total budget of 529.489 € Total number of projects: 34
THE ERA: NEW PERSPECTIVES Givevisibilityofprogrammes (bil/national/int.) tofavourmobility: Useofinternationalframeworks/ programmesto share knowledge on cooperationopportunities (MIRA)* GATEWAY TO COOPERATION http://www.miraproject.eu * Oneof the INITIATIVES co-financedby EU supportingS&TCooperationbutalsoMoCoactions
SOME ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTING ‘CAIRO DECLARATION’ / FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING The “Scientific and TechnologicalResults Exchange Network” (6FP) tofosterS&Tcooperationbetween EC and Tunisia Web site platform • 3STI thematic workshop (Agro-food, Energy/Environm.; Cultural heritage) • International best practices in STI initiatives • 3 seminars on STI management subjects and EU FP as well as mutual knowledge of ERA System • Networking of experts • Publication of the “Best Practices Survey on EU-Tunisian STI Cooperation“ MAIN ACTIVITIES
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Evaluation of actual Contact Point’s structure of MPCs (September 2008)
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Some notes on CPsthat participated in the survey ALGERIA The CP operates within a Research Center, where a team of few persons working on a part-time basis is set up. The CP operates as a single point (for the time being there is no network at national level). It is active in the typical expected activities (Info days, training, dissemination, etc.) and participates in EU and national projects. The CP has developed an on-line registration capability. Among the goals of the CP: the creation of Thematic contact points (Health, Energy, etc.) is reported.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Some notes on CPsthat participated in the survey EGYPT The CP is hosted by the Ministry responsible for Research. It has the characteristics of an administrative structure. However, the existence of networks of thematic contact points and of Institutional contact points are reported. The CP participates in many EU projects but it seems under-staffed and reports weaknesses in its equipment. The CP makes reference to a EU Programme dedicated to Research, Development and Innovation in Egypt, which can support ‘multipliers’ for FP7. This is very positive for the country itself and could also serve as good practice for other MPCs.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Some notes on CPsthat participated in the survey JORDAN The CP is hosted by a Governmental Organization (Agency). It was set up as a small central unit and is currently coordinating a network of 32 persons in various Institutions of the country. The CP receives support from a National Programme and participates also in several EU projects related to CP activities. It CP is proactive and elaborate statistics. The mobilization of the researchers is reported as a problem. (many reasons may exist: complicated structure and procedures of the FP, false expectations, etc). Among the promising initiatives of the CP: its effort to join the network of EU NCPs.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Some notes on CPsthat participated in the survey LEBANON The CP operates within a University/Research Center, where a small team of few persons is set up. The CP is active in the typical expected activities (Info days, training, dissemination, etc.) and provides some statistics. It developed an on-line registration capability. PALESTINE The CP is hosted by the Ministry for Research, where a small team of few persons has been set up. There is no network. Among some initiatives: awareness raising activities.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Some notes on CPsthat participated in the survey • MOROCCO The CP is hosted by the Ministry, with a small unit involving several staff. It has a considerable networking with Institutions. The CP is very active, reporting a considerable number of activities and a strong participation in FP projects. Despite of that, the CP is reporting financial problems. Among the good practices: participation in policy fora as the MoCo and the Maroc–EU Committee in S&T It plans to organize national thematic networks.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Some notes on CPsthat participated in the survey SYRIA The CP operated in the University with a small team (on a limited part time basis). It operates as a single point. Info Days and participation in some EU projects is reported. It has developed an on-line registration capability. The need of an interlocutor for S&T within the EU delegation in the country is reported as important. TUNISIA The CP is hosted by the Ministry responsible for Research. It reports the participation in several EU projects but nevertheless is relatively under-staffed with limited equipment and communication facilities.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING CP Difficulties(with answers) • Understanding of FP7 • Understanding of EC administrative and financial rules (AL/EG/ MO/ PA/TU) • CP internal organisation (MO/TU) • Contact with researchers (EG) • Mobilize research community in FP events (AL/EG/JO/PA/SY/TU) • Human potential (MO/PA/SY/TU) • Financial means (MO) • Administrative and financial mgmt of FP projects (MO) • Others (JO: need for strengthening contacts with EU NCP / SY: Complexity in taking part as coordinator in FP7)
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING Improve cooperation between CP and Commission services (with answers) Some suggestions from MPC-CP -Nominate contact persons for CP in EC for all thematic and horizontal priorities of FP7 -Provide timely information on work-programs, roadmaps and so on -Support, where appropriate, additional costs related to special measures,activities and events of transnational dimension.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING CP’s perspectives: Algeria: Create Thematic Contact Points (health, energy….) as other countries. Morocco/Tunisia: To continue working on MIRA and other projects favouring IP and capacity building To Implement the thematic CP and ensure the sustainability of the institutional contact point To Improve the national contact point management
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING MoCo : Past and future Framework Programme Meda/ENP National / Bilateral initiatives Priority setting, spurring participation to projects and synergies among programs/projects, implementing visibility and cooperation attractiveness, enhancing human resources.
FAVOURING INTEGRATION OF MPC IN ERA / CAPACITY BUILDING MoCo Higher Education expert group More effort towards Programmes such as TEMPUS ERASMUS MUNDUS VOCATIONAL TRAINING Foster increasing of funds for MPC, spur mobility and participation, implement visibility and programme attractiveness.
Spur at home policies for integration of MPC Agree actions for implementing Cairo Declaration Establishing institutional contacts with HE experts group Create an observatory on complementary multilateral and bilateral projects (technology transfer, vocational training, etc.)
THANKS!!! marilena.rossano@cnr.it