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District Test Coordinators Training

District Test Coordinators Training. Policy Contacts. Policy Contacts, continued. DTC Training. Regional Support Structure. ODE will provide information through DTC listserv and Regional ESD helpdesks Regional ESDs are available for assessment support

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District Test Coordinators Training

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  1. District Test Coordinators Training

  2. Policy Contacts

  3. Policy Contacts, continued . . .

  4. DTC Training Regional Support Structure • ODE will provide information through DTC listserv and Regional ESD helpdesks • Regional ESDs are available for assessment support • For questions and training, the state has been divided into three regions: Willamette ESD, Douglas ESD, and InterMountain ESD • Regional ESD contact information online at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/wma/teachlearn/testing/oaks/esdpartners1112.pdf

  5. DTC Training Training Format • Organized into short modules • Clear objectives and questions for discussion • Designed to be delivered to district and school staff • Do’s, Don’ts, and Promising Practices • Acorns for storage

  6. DTC Training Training Overview • As time allows, we will cover the following modules • Module 1: DTC Training • Module 2: School Test Coordinator Training • Module 3: Test Administration • Module 4: Accommodations • Module 5: Test Security • Module 6: OAKS Online • Module 7: TIDE • Module 8: Performance Reports • Module 9: ELPA • Module 10: Writing • Module 11: Essential Skills • Module 12: NAEP/PSAT • Module 13: AYP and Report Card • Module 14: Growth • Module 15: Cohort Graduation Rate

  7. DTC Training Training Objectives • Understand the unique role and responsibilities of the district test coordinator • Effectively train school test coordinators and test administrators • Learn about additional resources and tools • Understand how OAKS can be used as one tool to support students’ learning

  8. DTC Training Big Picture Objectives • Create an accurate snapshot of the achievement of Oregon’s students • Close Oregon’s achievement gap • Connect the achievement of Oregon’s students to the learning that is occurring across the nation and world • Understand state and federal policies so that you can help build effective district and school procedures

  9. DTC Training Your Role • Test administration and security training • Coordinate access to OAKS System and testing data • Coordinate student testing options • Coordinate testing logistics • Investigate and report any test improprieties to ODE

  10. DTC Training Roles and Responsibilities Training and Enforcing Test Administration Policies • Receive annual training from ODE and sign assurance of test security form • Read and understand the Test Administration Manual • Distribute the Test Administration Manual to district staff involved in state testing

  11. DTC Training Roles and Responsibilities (cont’d) Training and Enforcing Test Administration Policies (cont) • Ensure that ALL school test coordinators and test administrators receive annual training in test administration and security and sign an assurance of test security form • Disseminate ODE-issued testing updates and alerts to district staff involved in state testing

  12. DTC Training Roles and Responsibilities (cont’d) Plan test administration with school test coordinators • Ensure schools have procedures in place to appropriately test each student • Collect and supervise any school-imposed test windows • Respond to questions from the schools using Regional Assessment support partners when necessary

  13. DTC Training Roles and Responsibilities (cont’d) • Authorize restricted resources for individual students • DSAs or DTSAs must authorize in TIDE prior to testing • New for 2011-12: Must be done for individual students only • For students on IEPs or 504 Plans, the student’s plan must indicate the student needs the restricted resource • For students not on an IEP or 504 Plan, the decision must be based on individual student need and documented by the district • Investigate and report all test improprieties to ODE

  14. DTC Training Dos and Don’ts Dos • DTCs must ensure that all school test coordinators and test administrators receive training. • DTCs may determine the method of training school test coordinators and test administrators at the local level. • DTCs may use the modules included in today’s training to conduct local training. • DTCs may use Promising Testing Practices found online as an additional training resource. http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444

  15. DTC Training *Dos and Don’ts (cont.) Don’ts • DTCs must not forget test administrators who are substitute teachers or who are employed in private and public programs* that are serving students from their district.*Districts may arrange with another district or ESD to delegate test administration responsibility for students attending a specific school or program (see p. 4 of the Test Administration Manual) • DTCs must not forget to report test improprieties within 1 business day of becoming aware of any.

  16. DTC Training Promising Practices • Training for school test coordinators and test administrators should consist of more than handing out the Test Administration Manual. • DTC leads a training session that includes a discussion of policies found in the Test Administration Manual and allows participants to ask questions. • DTCs track which staff have received training and signed an Assurance Form (including substitutes) and only give access to the OAKS System for those staff

  17. DTC Training Promising Practices (cont’d) • DTC develops a plan to provide “make-up” training to new hires or substitutes who will be involved in test administration. • DTC coordinates with STCs to provide mini refresher trainings before the start of each testing window.

  18. DTC Training Key Reporting Policy Reminders • A valid grade level assessment will always be treated as a higher score than an extended assessment. • Students cannot take an Online and Paper-based test in the same content area. • The “district special education” flag should be used only for students who are not served by a school.

  19. DTC Training In a Nutshell • DTC duties cover both training and logistical aspects of testing • DTCs are the gate keepers: • Track which teachers get training • Don’t forget substitutes and new hires! • Track which test formats students access • Training resources are available: • Training modules • Promising Practices • Best Practices Guide • Regional ESDs

  20. DTC Training Acorns for Storage • What resources are available to help administer OAKS correctly? • Why is test security so important? • How can we learn more promising practices?

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