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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: . Vortex Physics. Laws in physics have to be accepted. 19 th NPA Conference, Albuquerque Friday July 27, 2012, 2:15 PM, 1h. Vortex Physics and its consequences like: * basic forces, * derivation of the gravitational force, * extended field theory,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Vortex Physics Laws in physics have to be accepted 19th NPA Conference, Albuquerque Friday July 27, 2012, 2:15 PM, 1h Vortex Physics and its consequences like: * basic forces, * derivation of the gravitational force, * extended field theory, * big bang nonsense, * calculation of all particles and atomic cores
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: about vortex physics Spherical Symmetry The law of “inverse square“ of distance field source(E or H): projection screen = x L² L = distance to the source
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: about vortex physics Spherical Symmetry The law of “inverse square“ of distance field source(E or H): projection screen = x L² surface of a sphere = 4r² L = distance to the source r = radius of the sphere E 1/r² H 1/r²
conclusion: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory about the speed of light from E, H 1/r2 and r c follows: • the field determines the length measures (what is 1 m) • the field determines the velocities v (in m/s) • the field determines the speed of light c [m/s] • Measurement of the speed of light is made with itself • measured is a constant of measurement c = 300.000 km/s the speed of light c is not a constant of nature!
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics about the Big Bang Theory problem solving • the Doppler-effect is based on the addition theorem of velocities v c- v: c c + v
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics Big Bang contradicting laws of physics problem solving • fixed stars are without any blue shift? • because the galaxies are contracting slowly • other galaxies outside our galaxy have to show a red shift? • even if they don’t move • the red shift increases with an accelerated contraction (Nobelprize 2012 Perlmutter, Schmidt und Riess)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics About the light carrying aether What determines the speed of light? If electro-magnetic waves would be bonded to a stationary aether, we should measure the proper motion of earth and sun as a wind of the aether wind of the aether earth sun
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Wirbelphysik Michelson Interferometer Potsdam 1881
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics field-dependent length contraction statement of the law in physics field source scale of length L E 1/L² H 1/L²
Observation of an action of force Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory one body is in the field of another from follows: E, H 1/L2 the distance is getting smaller the bodies are attracting each other
curvature of space Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory the earth in the gravitational field of the sun E, H 1/r2 Orbital curvature depending on the field R.J. Boscovich:the earth is respiring unobservable!De spatio et tempore, ut a nobis cognoscuntur, 1755.
Ruder Boscovich 1755 E, H 1/r2 R.J. Boscovich:the earth is respiring unobservable.De spatio et tempore, ut a nobis cognoscuntur.
interactions, forces Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory Auxiliary terms = formalization of our imagination Examples for auxiliary terms: (Mass or charge) • ·Gravitational law (central force + centrifugal force) • F = G· ——— ~ —— • (gravitational mass or inertial mass) • ·Coulomb‘s law (force in the electric field) • F = ——— · ——— ~ —— m1 m2 1 r² r² 1 Q1 Q2 1 4or r² r²
Speed reduction in a field Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory field dependent speed of light experimental examples about: E, H 1/c2 observer gravitational field star x • ·field-or gravitational lenses • ·Deflection of light (Einstein, at the eclipse 1919)
curvature of space Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory in the gravitational field of a heavenly body An experimental example: L[m] 1/E,H withc [m/s]
Length contraction in a field Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory cause: only electric or magnetic field More experimental examples: E, H 1/L2 Question: is it always the electromagnetic field? • ·field- or gravitational lenses • ·deflection of light • ·Space curvature • ·electrostriction (piezo speaker) • ·magnetostriction
electromagnetic interaction Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory caused by open field lines E, H 1/L2 Example charged mass points (e¯, e+, Ions,...): • As a consequence of open field lines: strong attraction or repulsion
Derivation of Gravitation Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory caused by closed loop field lines E, H 1/L2 Example: uncharged Mass points (n°, atoms,...) • As a consequence of closed loop field lines: weak attraction, no repulsion
From Subjectivity to Objectivity Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory physical standpoints SubjectivityRelativity Objectivity observal labo-mediator rolenot observal. ratory physicstransformation NewtonPoincaré BoscovichMaxwellEinsteinMeyl Galilei-transf.Lorentz-transf.new transf.for c c constantc variable the following physical standpoints can be distinguished: exemplary theories and their representatives: with the associated transformation:
Derivation of the standpoints Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory two approaches are possible: approach: r c t (determine distance by signal prop. time) change: dr cdt + tdc (total differential) dr cdt dr tdc r ct r tc r t r c example: a signal in a distance (r) from the source case 1: c = constant case 2: t = constant theory of relativity theory of objectivity
Relativity versus Objectivity Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory a comparison of the physical standpoints r ct r tc r t r c from: length contraction variable speed of light follows: time dilatation dependence of meter measure with absolute speed of light with absolute time many paradoxons without paradoxon case 1: c constant case 2: t constant theory of relativity theory of objectivity Observation domain model domain (measurable) (can only be calculated) x(r) M{ x (r)}
Relativity - Objectivity Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: unified theory model transformation Observation domain model domain (measurable) (only calculable) x(r) M{ x (r)} I. approach II. transform III. calculate VI. compare IV. transform back V. result
New Transformation I Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: the unified field theory transformation of the length dependency SRT (observation) c = co = constantoo = 1/co² o = constant o = constant H 1/r² E 1/r² B 1/r² D 1/r² AOT (model domain) c r 1/r 1/r H 1/r E 1/r B 1/r² D 1/r² dependency: S.of L. c [m/s] = 1/c²: [Vs/Am] [As/Vm] H [A/m]E [V/m] B=H [Vs/m²]D=E [As/m²]
New Transformation II Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: the unified field theory transformation examples SRT (observation) C [As/V] = 4rQ [As] = CUW [VAs] = Q²/C 1 [s] = / [A/Vm] AOT (model domain) C = constant Q = constantW = constant 1 = constant 1/r capacity: charge: energy: relaxation time:sp. conductivity derivation of the law of energy conservation: W = const. elementary vortices are indestructible: 1/r
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: physical particles derivations with the theory of objectivity particle mass related to the electron mass Compari-son of the measured with the calculated particle mass. measured calculated Elementary particle: –0– K0K¯0– n00+¯00¯ ¯– F+
Principle of causality Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics Vortex as a primary form of causality cause effect Quantum Physical Approach: quanta fields Field theoretical Approach: fields quanta cause Principle of causality requires a vortex physics effect The vortex term in the science of Demokrit (460-370 BC) was identical with “natural law“ - the first attempt to formulate a unified physics.
Vortex in Nature Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics Ein physikalisches Grundprinzip • Innen: expandierender Wirbel • Außen: kontrahierender Wirbel • Bedingung für Wirbelablösung: gleich mächtige Wirbel • Kriterium: Viskosität • Folge: röhrenförmige Struktur • Beispiele in d. Strömungslehre: Tornado, Windhose, Wasser-, Abflusswirbel • Beispiel E-Technik: Blitz
another Vortex in Nature Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics Ein physikalisches Grundprinzip • Innen: expandierender Wirbel • Außen: kontrahierender Wirbel • Bedingung für Wirbelablösung: gleich mächtige Wirbel • Kriterium: Viskosität • Folge: röhrenförmige Struktur • Beispiele in d. Strömungslehre: Tornado, Windhose, Wasser-, Abflusswirbel • Beispiel E-Technik: Blitz
vortex and anti-vortex Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics a physical basic principle • Inside: expanding vortex • Outside: contracting anti-vortex • Condition for coming off: equally powerful vortices • Criterion: viscosity • Result: tubular structure • Examples in hydrodynamics: tornado, waterspout, whirlwind, drain vortex • Example in electrical engineering: lightning
Failure of the Maxwell theory Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Maxwell approximation problem of continuity in the case of the coming off of vortices In conductive materials vortex fields occur, in the insulator however the fields are irrotational. That is not possible, since at the transition from the conductor to the insulator the laws of refraction are valid and these require continuity! Hence a failure of the Maxwell theory will occur in the dielectric! i.e.high-tension cable
Vortices in Microcosm and Macrocosm Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: vortex physics spherical structures as a result of contracting potential vortices • examples: expanding vortex contracting vortex • quantum collision processes Gluons physics(several quarks) (postulate!) • nuclear repulsion of like strong interaction physics charged particles (postulate!) • atomic centrifugal force of the electrical attraction physics enveloping electrons Schrödinger-equation • Newton‘s centrifugal force gravitation physics (inertia) (can not be derived?!) • astro phys. centrifugal f.(galaxy) dark matter, strings, ...
Vortex physics seminar Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl Albuquerque 2012 Thank you for your attention! • Books available including the presentation: • K. Meyl: Scalar Waves (all we know about) • K. Meyl: Self consistent Electrodynamics • (in the shop of www.meyl.eu ) Prof. Dr. Konstantin MEYL, www.meyl.eu Furtwangen University, Germany and 1st Transfer Centre of Scalar wave technology: www.etzs.de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Discovery theextended 3rd Maxwell-equation self-consistentelectrodynamics solution 2 (field vortices are forming a scalar wave):- prooved by experiments, -reproducible -international accepted With the consequences: 1) div B╪ 0 (offence against the 3rd Maxwell-eq.) 2) Maxwell-equations are only describing a special case (loosing universality). 3) The existence of magnetic monopoles calls for field vortices and scalar waves 4) Vector potential A is obsolete (→ 1) 5) The new vector of potential density b replaces the vector potential A
electric monopoles (charge carriers) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Discovery consitentwiththe Maxwell-theory curlH = j + D/t) (Ampère‘slaw) div curlH = 0 (acc. totherulesofvectoranalysis) and: 0 = div j + /t (div D) (eq. ofcontinuity) div D = el(electricchargedensity, resp. electricmonopoles) • relation: j = – vel = D/1with1time constantofeddycurrents (relaxation time)
magnetic monopoles ? Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: discovery extensionofthe Maxwell-theory – curlE = b + B/t)(lawofinduction) extendedbythe potential densityb[V/m²], Meyl 1990) –div curlE = 0and: 0 = div b + /t (div B) (eq. ofcontinuity) div B = magn(magneticmonopoles?!conflictingthe 3rd Maxwell-eq.) • relation: b = – vmagn = B/2with2 time constantofthenewdevelopedpotential vortex
self-consistent calculation Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: discovery extended Poynting vektorS – div S = – div (E x H) = E·rot H – H·rot E – div S = E·( j + D/t ) + H·( b + B/t ) – div S = ½·/t E·D + ½·/t H·B + E·j + H·b –—divSdV = —(—·C·U²+—·L·I²) + I²·R1 + — input = stored power + ohmic + dielectric power (electric + magnetic) losseslosses d d 1 1U²dt dt 2 2 R2 Self-consistentelectrodynamics, ifbreplacesA: New!
Summer Semester 2010 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Supervisor at the University of Konstanz Experimental proof of calculated losses (qualitative comparison) with a MKT capacitor (Siemens-Matsushita)
vortex structure in HV-capacitor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: potential vortex visible proof for the existence of potential vortives Measurement set up (a) and photo of vortex structure in a metallized poly-propylen layer capacitor (at 450 V/ 60 Hz/ 100OC), A. Yializis, S. W. Cichanowski, D. G. Shaw: Electrode Corrosion in Metallized Polypropylene Capacitors, Proceedings of IEEE, International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Bosten, Mass., June 1980;
Vortex and anti-vortex Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Meyl: potential vortex Energyoflosses The power density shown against fre-quency for noise (a) according to Küpfmüller, as well as for dielectric losses of a capacitor (also a) and for eddy current losses (b) according to Meyl (b in visible duality to a)