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Nottyboy Climax Delay sprays are intended to reduce sensitivity in the most sensitive areas of the penis in order to postpone ejaculation.<br><br>Apply two to three sprays to the underside of the shaft and below the head of the penis. Rub it in until no wetness is felt. Allow ten minutes for the product to be absorbed by the skin.<br>https://www.nottyboy.in/product/nottyboy-delay-spray-for-men/
ClimaxDelay Spray Nottyboy
AboutOurBrand Thefirstthingcomestoourmindwhenweheartheword sex. We always think that I don't want to suffer from any diseases,ThisisourmainprioritytosaveyoufromSTD's. NottyBoy is a manufacturer of condoms and selling at a wholesaleprice.Weofferallofyourfavouritecondoms, includingclimaxdelayspraycontrol,dottedcondoms, ribbedcondoms,lubricatedcondoms,superthincondoms, andall-flavoredcondoms.
VisionandMission Vision Nottyboy produces and sells best-quality condoms and related products. We manufactureawidevarietyofproductsto meet the needs of customers all over the world. Mission Weaspiretobetheworld'sleadingmanufacturer and distributor of premium condoms and lubricants. Customer needs and expectations are met through continuous improvement of manufacturing processes and services, as well as investmentsintechnologyandinnovation.
WhatisClimax DelaySpray? Climaxdelaysprayisaspecially formulatedspraythatdelaysapenis's ejaculatory action during sexual intercourse. Climax delay spray stimulates the penis and keeps it erect for long periodsoftimeduringsexualactivity.Many men experience premature ejaculation and are unable to satisfy their partners. Climax delay spray is designed to aid in the maintenance of an erection by delaying the sensation of ejaculation and increasing stimulation.
KeyBenefits Climax delay spray can help you keep yourpeniserectiongoingforalongtime. Climax delay spray assists many men in regaining their confidence in bed and overcomingillnesses such aspremature ejaculation and, in some cases, erectile dysfunction. Climax delay spray increases penis sensitivity,makingsexualencounters morepleasurable. Using Climax delay spray allows both partnerstoexperiencethesamelevelof sexualpleasure,increasingintimacy.
HowtoUse BeforeusingClimaxdelayspray,shakethebottle thoroughly. Thebottleshouldbekeptabout5cmawayfromthe penis'sglans. Spraythe glans inshortbursts. Applyoneortwosprays. Thespraytakes30secondstowork.
SafetyInformation Climaxdelaysprayshouldnotbeusedbypeoplewhoare allergictolidocaine. Contactwiththeeyesormouthshouldbeavoidedatany costs. Thosewithkidneyorliverproblemsshouldavoidusing thespray. Beforeusing,readtheinstructionscarefully. Thesprayshouldnotbeappliedtoskinrashesorcuts. Malepartnersmayonlyusethesprayexternally.
PhoneNumber ContactUs Forquestionsorconcerns +91777-788-1188 EmailAddress info@nottyboy.in Website www.nottyboy.in
ThankYou Sexisemotion inmotion. Nottyboy