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The Gospel of Matthew. Matthew records kingly facts of the life and ministry of Jesus in order to demonstrate that He is the Christ . I. Person of the King: Introduction of the King, chapters 1-4:11. A. Presentation by Ancestry (1:1-17) B. Presentation by Advent (1:18-2:23)
The Gospel of Matthew Matthew records kingly facts of the life and ministry of Jesus in order to demonstrate that He is the Christ.
I. Person of the King: Introduction of the King, chapters 1-4:11 • A. Presentation by Ancestry (1:1-17) • B. Presentation by Advent (1:18-2:23) • C. Presentation by an Ambassador (3:1-12) • D. Presentation through Divine Approval (3:13-4-11)
II. Platform of the King:Chapters 4:12-7:29 • A. Beginning Proclamations (4:12-25) “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” (4:17) • B. Continuing Pronouncements: Sermon on the Mount (5-7):
II. Platform of the King… • 1. Beatitudes (5:1-12) • 2. Be Salt & Light (5:13-16) • 3. Christ Fulfills the Law (5:17-20) • 4. Murder begins in the heart (5:21-26) • 5. Adultery in the heart (5:27-30) • 6. Marriage is Sacred and Binding (5:31-32) • 7. Jesus forbids Oaths (5:33-37) • 8. Go the Second Mile (5:38-42) • 9. Love Your Enemies (5:43-48)
II. Platform of the King… • 10. Do Good to Please God (6:1-4) • 11. The Lord’s Prayer as Model (6:5-14) • 12. Fasting to Be Seen only by God (6:16-18) • 13. Lay Up Treasures in Heaven (6:19-21) • 14. Lamp of the Body (6:22-23) • 15. You Cannot Serve God & riches (6:22-23) • 16. Do Not Worry (6:25-34) • 17. Do not Judge (7:1-6)
II. Platform of the King… • 18. Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking (7:7-12) • 19. The Narrow Way (7:13-14) • 20. You will Know Them By Their Fruit (7:15-20) • 21. I Never Knew You (7:21-23) • 22. Build on the Rock (7:24-29)
III. Power of the KingChapters 8-11:1 • A. His power over disease (8:1-15) • B. His power over demonic forces (8;16-17, 28-34) • C. His power over people (8:18-22; 9:9) • D. His power over nature (8:23-27) • E. His power to forgive (9:1-8) • F. His power over traditions (9:10-17) • G. His power over death (9:1-26) • H. His power over darkness (9:27-31) • I. His power over darkness (9:32-34) • J. His power to delegate authority (9:35-11:1)
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 • A. Challenges to the King’s Authority (11:2-16:12): • 1. Seen in the rejection of John the Baptist (11:2-19) • 2. Seen in the condemnation of the cities (11:20-30) • 3. Seen the controversies over His authority (ch. 12) • 4. Seen in the change in the kingdom program (13:1-52) • B. Cultivation of the King’s disciples (16:13-20:34): • 1. The revelation in view of rejection (16:13-17:13) • 2. The instruction in view of rejection (17:20-34)
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 • A. The Official Presentation of the King (21:1-22): • 1. Triumphal Entry (21:1-11) • 2. Jesus Cleanses the Temple (21:12-17) • a. The Fig Tree Withered (vv. 18-19) • b. The Lesson of the Withered Fig Tree (vv. 20-22)
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 B. The Religious Confrontation with the King (21:23-22:46): • 1. Jesus authority is questioned by Jewish Leaders (21:23-22:46): a. Unified Antagonism of Sanhedrin (vv.23-27). b. Jesus’ response: 1. Parable of Two Sons (vv. 28-32) 2. Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers (vv. 33-46) 3. Parable of the Wedding Feast (22:1-14)
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 • …cont. religious confrontation of the King by Jewish Leaders (21:23-22:46): • 2. Jesus authority is questioned by Pharisees: Is it Lawful to Pay Taxes to Caesar (22:15-22)? • 3. Jesus authority is questioned by Sadducees: What about the Resurrection (22:23-33)? • 4. Jesus authority is questioned by Scribes: Which is the First Commandment of All (22:34-40)?
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 • …cont. religious confrontation of the King by Jewish Leaders (21:23-22:46): • 5. Jesus’ confronts Jewish leaders: How can David Call His Descendant Lord (22:41-46)? a. Question has two parts: 1. Identity of Messiah 2. Interpretation of Psalm 110.
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 • The National Rejection of the King (chapter 23): 1. His Warning to the Multitudes (vv. 1-12) 2. 6 Woe Warnings to the Jewish leaders (vv. 13-36) a. 1st Woe-for preventing others from entering the kingdom (vv.13-14). b. 2nd Woe-for by their actions (external restrictions) they were condemning many individuals to eternal damnation (vs. 15). Notice: 1st two woes are regarding the Jewish leaders’ effects on others!
c. 3rd Woe-for semantic word games when making oaths (crafty or tricky) (vv.16-22). d. 4th Woe- for the pharisaic practice of meticulously tithing all possessions while failing to manifest justice, mercy, & faithfulness demanded by the Law (vv.23- 24). e. 5th Woe-hypocritical nature of the Pharisees (externally clean but internally sinful) (vv. 25-26). f. 6th Woe-for hypocritical nature of their religiosity (vv. 27-28) g. 7th-woe-for hypocritical nature of their religiosity (vv. 29- 32)…they inherited all the guilt of their forefathers. Notice: 3-7th woes address the leaders’ own characters & actions.
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 • Cont…the national rejection of the King (chapter 23): 3. His condemnation of Jewish Religious Leaders (vv.33- 36). 4. His Lament over Jerusalem (vv. 37-39). 5. Jesus predicts Destruction of the Temple (ch.24) 6. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (vv
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: Chapters 11:2-25 D. The Prophetic Anticipation of the King (chaps. 24-25): 1. Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple (24:1-2) 2. Coming Time of Trouble (vv.3-26) 3. Coming of the Son of Man (vv. 27-31) 4. Confirmation by Parables (vv. 32-51) 5. Coming Judgment on Israel (25:1-30) 6. Coming Judgment on Gentiles (25:31-46)
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: alternative…Chapters 26-27 E. The National Rejection of the King (chaps. 26-27): 1. Preliminary Events: a. Plot to Kill Jesus (26:1-5) b. Anointing by Perfume at Bethany (vv.6-13) c. Jesus Celebrates Passover with Disciples (vv.17-25) d. Jesus Institutes the Lord’s Supper (vv.26-30) e. Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial (vv. 31-35) f. The Prayer in the Garden (vv. 36-46)
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: alternative…Chapters 26-27 • Cont…The National Rejection of the King (chaps. 26-27): 2. The Betrayal & Arrest in the Garden (vv. 47-56): 3. The Trial before the Jewish Authorities (vv. 57-68) 4. Peter Denies Jesus and Weeps Bitterly (vv. 69-75)
IV. Progressive Rejection of the King: alternative…Chapters 26-27 5. Jesus is Given Over to Roman Authorities (27:1-26): a. Jesus is handed to Pontius Pilate (27:1-2) b. Judas Hangs Himself (vv. 3-10) c. Jesus Faces Pilate (vv. 11-14) d. Jesus takes the place of Barabbas (vv. 15-26) e. Soldiers Mock Jesus (vv. 27-31) f. Jesus is labeled King of the Jews (vv.32-44) g. Jesus Dies on the Cross (vv. 45-56) h. Jesus Buried in Joseph’s Tomb (vv. 57-61) I. Pilate Sets a Guard (vv. 62-66)
V. Passion of the King: Chapters 26-28 • Preliminary Events (26:1-46) • Arrest in the Garden (26:47-56) • Trials of the King (26:57-27:26) • The Crucifixion of the King (27:27-56) E. The Burial of the King (27:57-66) F. The Empty Tomb (28:1-8) G. The Personal Appearance (28:9-10) H. The “Official” Explanation (28:11-15) I. The Great Commission (28:16-20)