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Antiproton Physics at GSI. The GSI Future project The antiproton facility The physics program Charmonium spectroscopy Charmed hybrids and glueballs Interaction of charm particles with nuclei Strange baryons in nuclear fields Further options Detector concept
Antiproton Physics at GSI • The GSI Future project • The antiproton facility • The physics program • Charmonium spectroscopy • Charmed hybrids and glueballs • Interaction of charm particles with nuclei • Strange baryons in nuclear fields • Further options • Detector concept • Selected simulation results • Conclusions
GSI Future Project: The Physics Case • Research with Rare Isotope Beams • Nuclei Far From Stability • Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions • Compressed Baryonic Matter • Ion and Laser Induced PlasmasHigh Energy Density in Matter • From Fundamentals to Applications • QED, Strong Fields, Ion-Matter Interactions • Research with Antiprotons • Hadron Spectroscopy and Hadronic Matter Conceptual Design Report: http://www.gsi.de/GSI-Future/cdr/
What does 18.3 Tm mean? Motion of particle in B-field: P = 0.3 B r Z (units=T,m,GeV/c)
The GSI p Facility • p production similar to CERN, • HESR = High Energy Storage Ring • Production rate 107/sec • Pbeam = 1.5 - 15 GeV/c • Nstored= 5x1010 p • High luminosity mode • Lumin. = 2x1032 cm-2s-1 • dp/p~10-4 (stochastic cooling) • High resolution mode • dp/p~10-5 (el. cooling < 8 GeV/c) • Lumin. = 1031 cm-2s-1
Fundamental Aspects of QCD • QCD is confirmed to high accuracy at small distances • At large distances, QCD is characterized by: • Confinement • Chiral symmetry breaking • Challenge: can we develop a quantitative understanding of the relevant degrees of freedom in strongly interacting systems? • Experimental approach:Charm physics opens a window in the transition regime since mc is between the chiral and heavy quark limits
Charmonium Spectroscopy The charmonium system is the positronium of QCD. It provides a unique window to study the interplay of perturbative and non-perturbative effects. Energy levels / widths details of QQ interaction Exclusive decays interplay of perturb. and non-pert. effects
Comparison e+e- versus pp e+e- interactions: Only 1-- states are formed Other states only by secondary decays (moderate mass resolution) pp reactions: All states directly formed (very good mass resolution) Severe limitations to existing experiments: (no B-field, beamtime, beam momentum reproducibility,…) Many open questions: h’c, states above DD threshold,…
Charmed Hybrids Predictions for charmed hybrids (ccg) Mass: lowest state 3.9-4.5 GeV/c2 Quantum numbers: many allowed values, ground state JPC = 1-+ (exotic) Width: could be narrow (~MeV) for some states since DD suppressed O+- DD,D*D*,DsDs (CP-Inv.) (QQg) (Qq)L=0+(Qq)L=0 (Dynamic Selection Rule) If DD forbidden, then the preferred decay is (ccg) (cc) + X , e.g. 1-+ J/Y+w,f,g
Search for Charmed Hybrids Mixing with QQ states: - Excluded for spin exotic hybrids - Possible for non-exotic states, but less probable than the light quark sector, since there are fewer states with smaller width. Example of state with exotic q.-n. (1-+) pd X(1-+)+p+p, X hp (CB@LEAR) Strength similar to qq states Partial Wave Analysis as important tool Expectations at HESR:104 non-exotic q.-n. & 102 exotic /day A signal in production but not in formation is interesting!
Charmed Hadrons in Nuclear Matter Investigating theproperties of hadrons in matteris a main research topic at GSI.Partial restoration of chiral symmetryshould take place in nuclear matter. Light quarks are sensitive to quark condensate Evidence for mass changes of pions and kaons has been deduced previously: - deeply bound pionic atoms - (anti)kaon yield and phase space distribution D mesons are the QCD analog of the H atom. They allow chiral symmetry to be studied on a single light quark r r p p± p
Open Charm in Nuclei The expected signal for a changing mass scenario would be a strong enhancement of the D meson cross section, and relative D+ D- yields, in the near/sub-threshold region. This probes ground state nuclear matter density and T~0(complementary to heavy ion collisions)
cc Production on Nuclei A lowering of the DD masswould allow charmonium states to decay into this channel, thus resulting in adramatic increase of width. Thus one will study relative changes to the yield and width of the charmonium states.
J/Y – Nucleon Absorbtion TheJ/Y suppressionobserved at SPS is believed to be related the generation of the QGP. Such suppression can also be generated by purely hadronic interactions, so it is very important to know the N-J/Y cross section in nuclear matter. p + A J/Y + (A-1)
Proton Form Factors at large Q2 At high values of momentum transfer |Q2| the system should be describable by perturbative QCD. Due to dimensional scaling, the FF should vary as Q4. The time like FF remains about a factor 2 above the space like. These differences should vanish in pQCD, thus the asymptotic behavior has not yet been reached at these large values of |q2|. (HESR up to s ~ 25 GeV2) q2>0 q2<0
_ X 3 GeV/c p X- Strange Baryons in Nuclear Fields Hypernuclei open a 3rd dimension (strangeness) in the nuclear chart • New Era:high resolution g-spectroscopy • Double-hypernuclei:very little data • Baryon-baryon interactions:L-N only short ranged (no 1p exchange due to isospin) L-L impossible in scattering reactions K+K Trigger secondary target • X-(dss)p(uud)L(uds)L(uds)
Experiments with Open Charm • HESR will produce about 2.5x109 DD/year (~1% reconstr.) • Leptonic decays: structure of D mesons • (G/Gtot Dmn ~ 10-4) • D0/D0 mixing: • should be small <10-8 • CP: direct is dominant • Need about 108 decays • Direct CP in hyperon decays (self analyzing decay) • Production of charmed baryons: • excitation function, differential cross sections, spin observables
Inverted DVCS „Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering“(DVCS) allows the„Skewed Parton Distributions“to be measured using the Handbag-Diagram Dynamics of quarks and gluons in hadrons Measurements of the inverted process less stringent requirements on the detector resolution. (however the connection of DVCS to the SPDs needs to be theoretically analyzed in this kinematic region)
General Purpose Detector • Detector requests: • nearly 4p solid angle • high rate capability • good PID (g,e,m,p,K,p) • efficient trigger (e,m,K,D,L) pp Y‘ pp (s=3.6 GeV)ff4K Y‘m+m- J/Ym+m-
Target • A fiber/wire target will be needed for D physics, • A pellet target is conceived: • 1016 atoms/cm2 20-40 mm • Open point: heating of the beam 1 mm
Central Tracking Detectors GEANT4 simulation for HESR: • Micro Vertex Detector: (Si) 5 layers • Straw-Tubes: 15 skewed double-layers • Mini-Drift-Chambers
PID with DIRC (DIRC@BaBar) GEANT4 simulation for HESR:
PbWO4 Calorimeter Length = 17 X0 APD readout (in field) pp J/Y h mmgg e/p-Separation
Performance of Full Spectrometer Probability to measure the reaction: J/Y ee J/Y m(m)
Neutral Vertex Finder Reaction: p+p-2K0s |D0|>0.4 mm or |Z0|>0.5 mm for each track Kinematic refit (constraint=common vertex) 3-Momentum conservation p+ p- K0S p+p- p-
Summary • HESR will deliver cooled antiprotons up to 15 GeV/c • The physics program • Charmonium spectroscopy • Hybrids and glueballs • Interaction of charm particles with nuclei • Strange baryons in nuclear fields • Further options • Detector concept • Selected simulation results Working group: T. Barnes, D. Bettoni, R. Calabrese, M. Düren, S. Ganzhur, O. Hartmann, V. Hejny, H. Koch, U. Lynen, V. Metag, H. Orth, S. Paul, K. Peters, J. Pochodzalla, J. Ritman, L. Schmitt, C. Schwarz, K. Seth, W. Weise, U. Wiedner
Glueballs Predictions for Glueballs: Masses: 1.5-5.0 GeV/c2 Quantum numbers: several spin exotics, e.g. 2-- Widths: >100 MeV/c2 Mixing with qq and QQ: excluded for exotics mixing with QQ small Production cross section: comparable to qq systems (mb)
HESR Detector • Pellet-Target: 1016 Atoms/cm2 20-40 mm • MicroVertexDetektor: (Si) 5 layers • Straw-Tubes: 15 skewed double layers • RICH: DIRC and Aerogel (Proximityfocussing) • Straw-Tubes + Mini-Drift-Chambers • PbWO4-calorimeter 17X0 • 2T-Solenoid & 2Tm-Dipole • Muon filter • EM- & H-cal. near 0°