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A Novel, Highly SEU Tolerant Digital Circuit Design Approach

This novel presents a digital circuit design approach focusing on radiation tolerance, minimizing single event upsets for reliable VLSI systems. Detailed on radiation particle strikes, modeling, motivation, and our innovative gate and block-level hardening strategies.

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A Novel, Highly SEU Tolerant Digital Circuit Design Approach

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  1. A Novel, Highly SEU Tolerant Digital Circuit Design Approach By: Rajesh Garg Sunil P. Khatri Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

  2. Outline • Background and Motivation • Previous Work • Our Approach • Experimental Results • Conclusions

  3. Charge Deposition by a Radiation Particle • Radiation particles - protons, neutrons, alpha particles and heavy ions • Reverse biased p-n junctions are most sensitive to particle strikes • Charge is collected at the drain nodethrough drift and diffusion • Results in a voltage glitch at the drain node • System state may change if this voltage glitch is captured by at least one memory element • This is called SEU • May cause system failure Radiation Particle VDD G S D _ + n+ n+ Depletion Region + _ + _ E _ + _ E + VDD - Vjn _ + _ + _ + p-substrate B

  4. Modeling a Radiation Particle Strike • Charge deposited (Q) at a node is given by where: Lis the Linear Energy Transfer (MeV-cm2/mg) t is the depth of the collection volume (mm) • A radiation particle strike is modeled by a current pulse as where: tais the collection time constant tb is the ion track establishment constant • The radiation induced current always flows from n-diffusion to p-diffusion

  5. Motivation • Modern VLSI Designs • Vulnerable to noise effects- crosstalk, SEU, etc • Single Event Upsets (SEUs) or Soft Errors • Troublesome for both memories and combinational logic • Becoming increasingly problematic even for terrestrial designs • Applications demand reliable systems • Need to efficiently design radiation tolerant circuits • This is the focus of this talk

  6. Previous Approaches for Radiation Hardening • Gate sizing is done to improve the radiation tolerance of a design (Zhou et al.) • Higher drive capability and higher node capacitance increase immunity to SEU • Selectively harden gates in a circuit to reduce SER by 10X • SEU events are detected using built in current sensors (BICS) (Gill et al.) • Error correction codes (Gambles et al.) • Triple modulo redundancy based approaches (Neumann et. al) • SOI devices are inherently less susceptible to radiation strikes • Still needs other hardening techniques to achieve SEU tolerance • Several other approaches exist to reduce the severity of radiation particle strikes (Heijmen et al., Mohanram et al. )

  7. Our Approach • Phase 1 • Gate level hardening • Phase 2 • Block level hardening • Selectively harden critical gates in a circuit • To keep area and delay overheads low • Reduce SER by 10X

  8. in Gate Level Hardening Approach • A radiation particle strike at a reverse biased p-n junction results in a current flow from n-type diffusion to p-type diffusion • A gate constructed using only PMOS (NMOS) transistors cannot experience 1 to 0 (0 to 1) upset Radiation Particle inp out1p inp & inn VDD - VTN out2 out2 out1 out1n out1p |VTP| INV1 INV2 out1n Radiation Particle inn out2 INV2 INV1 Static Leakage Paths

  9. inp & inn VDD - VTN out1n out1p |VTP| out2 Our Gate Level Hardening Approach Low VT transistors inp inp out1p out1p X out2 out2 out1n X inn out1n Leakage currents are lower by ~100X inn Radiation Tolerant Inverter Modified Inverter

  10. Radiation Tolerant Inverter Radiation Particle Strike inp X Radiation Particle Strike M8 M2 X out1p inp & inn X M4 X M6 out1n out2 out1p X M5 out2 M3 out1n The voltage at out2 is unaffected X M7 M1 A radiation particle strike at any node of the first inverter (radiation tolerant inverter) does not affect the voltage at out2 inn

  11. Radiation Tolerant Inverter • Radiation particle strike at the outputs of INV1 • Implemented using 65nm PTM with VDD=1V • Radiation strike: Q=150fC, ta=150ps & tb=38ps inp out1p out2 out1n inn INV1

  12. Block Level Radiation Hardening • 100% SEU tolerance can be achieved by hardening all gates in a circuit but this will be very costly • Protect only sensitive gates in a circuit to achieve good SEU tolerance or coverage • We obtain these sensitive gates using Logical Masking • PLM (G) is the probability that the voltage glitch due to a radiation particle strike gets logically masked • PSen(G) = 1 – PLM(G) • If we want to protect only 2 gates then we should to protect Gates 1 and 3 to maximize SEU tolerance • Gate 3 is the most sensitive P1 = 0.25 P0 = 0.75 0 0 For all inputs P1 = 0.5 P0 = 0.5 1 1 1 3 2 1 → 1 0 P1 = 0.5 P0 = 0.5 Radiation Particle

  13. Block Level Radiation Hardening • Obtained PSen for all gates in a circuit using a fault simulator • Sort these gates in decreasing order of their PSen • Harden gates until the required coverage is achieved • Coverage is a good estimate for SER reduction (Zhou et al.) • Gates at the primary output of a circuit need to be hardened since PSen = 1 for these gates • The dual outputs of the hardened gates at the primary outputs drive the dual inputs of an SEU tolerant flip-flip (such as the flip-flop proposed by Liu et al.)

  14. Critical Charge (Qcri) • Minimum amount of charge which can result in an SEU event • Our hardened gates can tolerate a large amount of charge dumped by a radiation particle • Operating frequency of circuit determines Qcri • Qcriis the amount of charge which results in a voltage glitch of pulse width T CLK in out1n out1p out2 t1 T + t1 2T + t1

  15. Experimental Results • We implemented a standard cell library L using a 65nm PTM model card with VDD = 1.0V • Implemented both regular and hardened versions of all cell types • Applied our approach to several ISCAS and MCNC benchmark circuits • We implemented • A tool in SIS to find the sensitive gates in a circuit • An STA tool to evaluate the delay of a hardened circuit obtained using our approach • Layouts were created for all gates in our library for both regular and hardened versions

  16. Experimental Results • Average results over several benchmark circuits mapped for area and delay optimality • Our SEU immune gates can tolerate high energy radiation particle strikes • Critical charge is extremely high (>520fC) for all benchmark circuits • Suitable for space and military application because of the presence of large number of high energy radiation particles

  17. Comparison Our Hardening Approach • Our approach is suitable for radiation environments with high energy particles

  18. Conclusions • SEUs are troublesome for both memories and combinational logic • Becoming increasingly problematic even for terrestrial designs • Applications demand reliable systems • Need to efficiently design radiation tolerant circuits • We developed a circuit hardening approach • Area overhead is ~60% • Delay overhead is ~28% • Our approach is suitable for high energy radiation particle environments • Critical charge is >520fC

  19. Thank You

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