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Eco Fund in Slovenia: Financial Incentives for Environmental Investments

Learn about how Eco Fund provides loans and grants for environmental projects, supported by a sustainable financing model.

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Eco Fund in Slovenia: Financial Incentives for Environmental Investments

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  1. Katarina Kafadar, MBA Eco Fund Councilor Podgorica, 6th June 2019

  2. WHAT IS ECO FUND? Eco Fund is a public fund (100 % state owned) and the biggest specialized institution providing financial incentives for environmental investments in Slovenia Established in 1993 by Environmental Protection Law, following the example of EU member states leading in sustainable development and green technologies, as one of public mechanisms for environmental policy enforcement and implementation

  3. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Currently employing 50 people (public employees)

  4. Which objectives does it pursue? Specific objectives: Slovenia’s obligation of energy savings under EED Article 7 is shared among: • energy suppliers (1/2 of energy savings): from their own funds, EE measures mostly in industry. • Eco Fund, Slovenian Environmental Public Fund (1/2 of energy savings - 262 GWh/year),

  5. What types of financing does eco fund provide? Citizens Publicentities NGO‘s Localcommunities Privatesector Localsocieties Reducingenergypoverty program ZERO Privatesector Energyadvisorynetwork ENSVET Citizens Publications Publicentities Publicrelations, awarenessraising Localcommunities

  6. SOURCES OF FUNDING • for Eco Fund‘s loans: • Eco Fund’s own funds (provided by the State at the time of establishment – 8.5 % from privatization process) and later some state funds for recapitalization • loans from domestic and international financial institutions (foreign: IBRD, EIB, domestic: SID Banka) • some grants from international institutions (EU – PHARE) • for Eco Fund‘s grants: • from energy efficiency contributions (fee) paid by end users of energy as part of billsforelectricity, gas, petrol and other bills for solid, liquid and gaseous fuels • budgetary sources from the Climate Change Fund administered by Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (funds from emission coupons) • Earmarked assets fund: 113million € • Reserve fund: 11.5million € • Total Balance Sheet Assets on December 31, 2018: 338million €

  7. investments financed by eco fund in 2019 The majority of investments eligible for Eco Fund’s subsidies are currently in the fields of: • the building sector, which has the biggest potential for delivering significant and cost-effective emissions reductions (proven policies, technologies and knowledge already exist on the market); • sustainable mobility (traffic sector) Funds for 2019 (est.): • loans: 50 million € • grants: 83 million € Grants can be combined with loans

  8. How do we select projects for funding that will be in the public calls? Eligibility criteria is determined in cooperation with the Ministry of environmentandspatialplanning and the Ministry of infrastructure. Each investment has a methodology behind it (reduced energy use, reduced CO2 emissions etc.). The amount of Eco Fund‘s financial incentives available on the public call each year should stimulate enough investments to reach the desired environmental effects for that year. The effects are reported to the European Commission by the Ministries.

  9. hOWto GET ECO FUND’S GRANT AND/OR SOFT LOAN? (THE PROCEDURE) Soft loans and grants are allocated on the basis of public calls for allocation of funds (the procedure of the public call is similar but not the same as for public tenders). Each year, Eco Fund publishes different public calls for different eligible investments and eligible persons with certain amount of grants and soft loans. To get the incentive, the eligible persons (investors) have to respond to the public call in time of its duration by sending applications with documents proving an adequate investment and other eligibility criteria described by the public call. Until the public call is closed, all the applications proving eligibility are entitled to Eco Fund‘s incentive. We aim to keep the public calls open the entire year because this is the least disturbing for the market.

  10. investments financed by eco fund in 2019

  11. Monitoring of investments Following the examples of other countries (Austria, …), everything is checked „on paper“ (eligible persons have to send invoices, proofs of payment, photos etc. to receive the payment of the grant). A certain percentage (0.2 % of investments within every public call, random sample) checked on field as well (with the help of Eco Fund‘s 56 independent energy advisors qualified for the job). Eco Fund reports the results of the public calls to the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of infrastructure.

  12. ENERGY ADVICES FOR HOUSEHOLDS – NETWORK ENSVET • Free commercially independent advices for households for RES and RUE investments • Professional articles and media (TV, fb internet radio) on EE etc. • Lectures for private investors and multi-residential building managers (fairs, meetings, festivals etc.) • project ZERO • Monitoring of investments financed trough Eco Fund • Workshops in schools and kindergartens • 57 offices around the country • 56 energy consultants www.ensvet.si ensvet@ekosklad.si

  13. ZERO – LOWERING ENERGY POVERTY IN HOUSEHOLDS • Households apply through „form“ at Social Work Center • With letter they get information on who will visit them, afterwards energy adviser calls them and set the date • On visit: electricity, heating and water invoices are reviewed, electricity, heating and water consumption analyzed, review the status of windows and radiators • Afterwards data are filled in form and equipment, according to the need, is installed or given instructions for installation • Leaflets on soft measures are given to the households

  14. After reconstruction: low energy house Babsek; Qh(PHPP): 20 kWh/m2a; wooden windows; mineral thermal insulation materials; condensing gas boiler; heat recovery ventilation

  15. House of a world champion: one of the most famous houses in Slovenia: „energy-plus“ house Petkovsek; Qh(PHPP)=10 kWh/m2a; prefabricated wooden construction by Lumar; natural insulation materials; solar power plant


  17. Kindergarten Vrhnika(before and during full reconstruction)

  18. After reconstruction: low-energy kindergarten at Vrhnika; wooden windows; mineral and synthetic thermal insulation materials (insulated from within); heat pump air to water

  19. Passive kindergarten Moravce: prefabricated wooden construction; natural thermal insulation materials; wooden windows; wood biomass district heating plant providing heat for the kindergarten, other public buildings and households in the neighborhood

  20. Passive kindergarten Markovci, prefabricated wooden construction by Jelovica; natural thermal insulation materials; wooden windows

  21. Passive production facility Zimic (production of cellulose insulation Zimicell)

  22. Nearly zero energy building paraplegic rehabilitation Centre Pacug

  23. Electric cars and biogas buses for public transport

  24. Thank you! Katarina Kafadar katarinak@ekosklad.si Eco Fund Bleiweisova cesta 30 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia www.ekosklad.si, www.ensvet.si

  25. APPLICATIONPROCEDURE GRANT/LOAN PRIVATE INVESTORS LEGAL ENTITIES/MUNICIPALITIES • Financial evaluationforloans includes creditabilityof the investor and the evaluation of the investment project as well as collateral • Technical evaluation includes technology and its influence on environment taking into consideration the location of the investment project (protected, sensitive and less sensitive areas) • Loan participation is limited from 75 % to 90 % of eligible investment costs, depending on investment purpose • For the investments, which do not achieve the highest possible number of points, the loan portion is proportionally reduced, by 20 % at the maximum • Application (possible amendment) • Completed applications are evaluated according to the criteria • Decision and contract are issued by Eco Fund • When Eco Fund receives signed contract and proof of investment conclusion, the grant is paid to the eligible person’s bank account • Loan is transferred to contractor

  26. LOANSPRIVATE INVESTORS AND BANKS With public tender we select the bank for 4 years. HOUSEHOLDS LEGAL ENTITIES/MUNICIPALITIES Eco Fund: • Approves investors measure and proposed contractor/supplier in Decision Act Bank: • Checks client‘s credit abilitiy • Arranges insurances • Approves loan • Signs loan agrement • Transferres loan assets to contractor/supplier approved in Eco Fund‘s Decision after proof of investment conclusion • Manages loan till the last payment Eco Fund/legal entities/municipalities: • Approves investors measure and proposed contractor/supplier in Decision Act • Checks client‘s credit abilitiy • Arranges and approves credit insurances/colaterall • Approves loan • Signs loan agrement Bank: • After Eco Fund‘s order transferres loan assets to contractor/supplier approved in Decision • Manages loan till the last payment

  27. SOFT LOANS - CURRENT PUBLIC CALLS SOFT LOANS for various environmental investments: • air pollution reduction • efficient use of energy • use of renewable energy sources • waste management • waste water treatment • water supply • JP 59OB17soft loans to households (3m euribor + 1.3 %, up to 80,000 EUR), total: 15 million EUR • JP 56PO16 soft loans to the corporate sector (3m euribor + 1.3 %, up to 2,000,000 EUR) total: 5 million EUR • JP 60LS17soft loans to municipalities (all other env. investments) (3m euribor + 1.0 %, up to 2,000,000 EUR), total: 5 million EUR • JP 61ONS17soft loans to municipalities (nZEBs) (3m euribor + 0 %, up to 3,000,000 EUR), total: 10 million EUR

  28. CURRENT PUBLIC CALLS • JP 67SUB-OBPO19 to households and legal entities for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in multi-residential buildings (up to 40 % of eligible costs), total: 6,3 million EUR • JP 75SUB-EPPO19 to SMEs for Energy audit, total: 0.5 million EUR • JP 48SUB-SKOB17 to households for replacement of old combustion (heating) plants in multi-residential buildings (up to 25 % of eligible costs), total: 3 million EUR • JP 71SUB-SOOB19 to households for home solar power plants (180 EUR per 1 kVA); total: 3 million EUR • JP 70SUB-PP19 to municipalities for energy-friendly public transport, (up to 80 % of eligible costs; max. 0.5 million EUR), total: 10 million EUR • JP 51FS-PO18 energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in private sector: total 5 million EUR • JP 52SUB-JS17 to public sector for EE measures in old municipal and state owned buildings (up to 25 %), total: 4 million EUR • JP 53SUB-EVPOL17 to municipalities for filling stations for electric cars (100 % of eligible costs or 3,000 EUR/5,000 EUR), total: 0.4 million EUR • JP 74SUB-OB19 energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in residential buildings (up to 20 % of the eligible costs; more grant depends on specific measure and the number of measures implemented) , total: 16.5 million EUR • JP 61 SUB-LSKI19 to municipalities for bicycle infrastructure • JP 73SUB-sNESOB19 to citizens for nZEBs, total: 2 million EUR • JP 66SUB-EVPO19 to legal entities for electric cars (up to 7,500 EUR), total: 1.8 million EUR • JP 72SUB-LSRS19 to public sector for nZEBs, total: 17 million EUR • JP 64SUB-EVOB19 to households for electric cars (up to 7,500 EUR), total: 1,8 million EUR • JP 58SUB-MORS17 to Ministry of defense for energy efficiency in buildings, total: 1 million EUR • JP 69SUB-SOCOB19 to socially deprived households for new biomass boilers for central heating of residential buildings (up to 100 % of eligible costs), total: 1 million EUR • JP 68SUB-KV19 to municipalities for environment-friendly municipal vehicles (up to 80 % of eligible costs; max. 0.3 million EUR), total: 0,9 million EUR

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