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UKCKA offers various academic programmes such as diploma, higher diploma, and postgraduate diploma, as well as English language and MBA programs with Kharkiv University in the UK. Accredited non-governmental organisation ensuring professionalism and quality standards. Collaborated with UK-CCL for consistent learning quality. Visit www.ukcka.institute for more information.

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  1. UK CERTIFIED KNOWLEDGE ASSOCIATION • UKCKA was previously known ``Corporation of Executives and Administrators Limited (The) (CEA)`` which was established in 1981. • Accreditation, certification or qualification body. • It is a private, but non-profit organisation.

  2. UKCKA offers a huge choice of academic programmes with something to suit everyone in their chosen career paths. • UKCKA has been providing UK Learning Qualifications and Learning Membership in recognition of an individual’s achievement in his/her area of profession. • UKCKA offers the following programs Diploma Programmes Higher Diploma Programmes Executive Diploma Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes English as a Fundamental Language MBA Program with Kharkiv University

  3. UKCKA is an accredited non-governmental organisation, whose aims are to ensure that the Discipline of Professionalism and Bench Marks are implemented to all members who are in practise, that they meet the needs of the markets and the communities that they serve. • To this effect, they have collaborated with UK-Commission for Consistent Learning (UK-CCL), who are function to the quality standards of ISO 9001:2008, as a Examiners, Assessors and Verifiers for Professional Qualifications since 1996 onwards. • UK-CCL implementers of their own Professional Quality Management Standards under the quality mark of PQMS 2005:5001.


  5. Thanks! www.ukcka.institute ozgur@ukcka.institute

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